Prince Charles visited Afghanistan. Charles came to the province in southern Afghanistan that the Taliban had occupied

Posted: March 26, 2010 in breaking news
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Prince CharlesPrince Charles visited Afghanistan. Charles came to the province in southern Afghanistan that the Taliban had occupied. One of these is a dangerous location where his son Prince Harry visited for 10 weeks in February 2008.

“When my youngest son to know at this location, as parents, we are constantly worried,” said Prince Charles, the British Army Base, Helmand, Afghanistan, Thursday, March 25, 2010.

When delivering the statement, Charles had just given a series of circular carnations in the largest British army headquarters that. Flower series dedicated to British soldiers who have died.Charles is wearing a uniform and looked exhausted several times expressed his worried for Harry. Especially when the existence of his son who had smelled the public.

With a backdrop that sense, Charles was also able to feel what the soldier’s family experienced in the UK. “Scary,” he said.Harry is supposed to be in Afghanistan for 4 months it smelled the press. Finally, only about 10 weeks, the heir to the throne of the British Empire was the third home.

Harry’s departure is the mission assignment in the front row of the conflict areas. Harry even go on foot patrol on the outskirts of town.

He also fired a few bullets as a warning to the people who are suspicious.

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