Archive for the ‘daily reflection’ Category

power of word!

Posted: February 6, 2011 in daily reflection

don’t know why , i think i need to share this , its not a good story not a good moment but its the reality , i will use another name on this days story that happen , yesterdays my friends lost his dads at 6pm after the days before its both of them have heavy debate about rule / discipline, he want to go out at midnight time as a young man , want to do all stuff like other people do its, but with the rule from his father its make him feeling like in the jails . i think some of us have pass that moment , you know that a point make me sad and i can’t over-thinking , why must after  Jimmy told that he hate his dads , and he don’t want to have the father like what he own , and god answering his prayer . this is my 1st moment facing problem like this never i meet so anything that difficult moment like this ever .


i know someone may not agree with me , someone may saying i’m wrong, but think again before your speaking , sure when i’m was 11st years old .  i do tell its , i hate you , i don’t wanna you , and bla bla bla. i still have the lucky one, just imagine when you speaking about its , do you sure want them go forever ? we know , we can controlling our self when the moment of angry is on fire , even a son of god can be kinds of evils , but after all out , that just make we feeling happy right ? don’t you think about the other person ? i means when you saying something that make you feel better , please mirror its to you , so you know , how and what that feel by that means,  and remember a word its maybe a command or with kind of word with its maybe good or bad its can change the moment of the time by the mood,  yesterdays is really a life class for me that i never learn and imagine. i hope if you read this , please take the time , to call your family of your friends , everyone that you hate , say something before its late to say its.  you know we can make money by the time buy we can make time by money , life goes on , todays life and death ,  new baby come in this days and someone also in other part is go away .


to those people that really hate your dads, Jimmy almost doing something that useless . he try to harakiri /Seppuku/ trying to kill himself, lucky there is someone remind him about his sister(10th y’o) and brothers( 5th y’ o) . man this life really hard to understand don’t waste your time follow the rule and against the thing that make you become an evils, beware you got a lion on your mouth that may hurt yourself , jimmy is not a real name, he still can’t handle what have become reality from the outspoken words ,


last note , as bad a lion they not eat they own sons , our parents own the rule of us that they want us walk on the right way and not let us falling on the same ways that they have past its, remember fighting with your parents is not the answer of your problem by what you like of its, but make your parents see that you have another improvement that they can put the trust on you , and if you got the trust , use is as the best , cause when you lost its , hard to get its back on the 2nd time, be a light for your family,

God bless all of us .

“It is not so among you. Whoever wants to become great among you, let him be your servant, and whoever wants to be prominent among you, let him be your slave, just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give life Him as a ransom for many. ”
Matthew 20:26-28

Do you have secret aspirations in life? Some people are aiming for their ideals, but it seems they are not an expert marksman. Take the disciples of Jesus as an example. Mother of two disciples who have high ideals. He wants to have their children get the highest position among the followers of Jesus. Jesus warned that in order to get it is not a walk on the beach. To get it, may require the sacrifice of lives. Then Jesus tells them the real secret to success, in a “Christian company”. Aim lower.

Modern corporate executives will probably reject the way of the Lord Jesus to reach his career high. But a Christian is in the business of serving others. Jesus was able to start from the lowest level and stay there: he is the perfect servant, obedient to God and serving others. Jesus is the only one who can reach a level low enough to save us, and his work successfully fulfilled when He was resurrected. Now, as a good leader, he inspired us to do the same.

Along with the business and our growth in a “Christian company”, we try to do your best to emulate those who had founded the “company” is. Messengers is not just a collection of executives who make decisions to live another. They also fell into the fields and cultivate those new Christians. They sometimes come home with dirty hands and bloody body. Even some “key executives” were killed in their work.

Thousands of Christians have been “retired”, and now we have to replace them. Services what can we do? Does it deliver Mr. Thomas went to church every week? Is that reading stories about the children of Joseph Indria in Sunday School – for a to-743 times? Does it clean the church hall? Does that face insults and ridicule when we try to repay evil with goodness? One thing is for sure, to achieve a “career ladder” highest, you have to struggle to reach the bottom.

Easter is the day Christians celebrate the salvation of the world through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a day of great celebration. On that Sunday, it is traditional for pastors and priests to greet the congregation by proclaiming “Christ is risen!” To which the congregation responds, “He is risen indeed!” Some years ago, someone told me the following story. I do not know if it is true. I hope it is.

Back during the dark days of the Soviet Union, a small rural village far from Moscow committed a cardinal sin, at least a cardinal sin the eyes of the Communist state. They refused to give up their Russian Orthodox faith. They refused to stop attending worship on Sunday. Their “crime” called for re-education in order to wean the village off the “opiate of the people.” Therefore, the whole village — every man, woman and child — was ordered by the authorities to the village’s central square. In a chilling cold, they were forced to stand for hours and listen to speaker after speaker, denounce religion, Russian Orthodoxy, their priests and their faith. Finally, in order to be “fair,” the re-educators asked the village priest to come to the podium. He was very old and nearly bent double with age. He did not appear to be any threat to the people’s re-education.

The KGB agent in charge said to him, “You have exactly 10 minutes to challenge our arguments.”The old priest looked up and said, “I will not need that much time.”He moved slowly, almost painfully, to the microphone and then something remarkable, miraculous, occurred. He stood up straight. The years of age melted away; his eyes became clear and bright. He looked out over the crowd and in a strong, loud voice proclaimed the traditional Easter greeting: “Christ is risen!”

And the crowd roared back, “He is risen indeed!”

Then the crowd went nuts, cheering, hugging and crying, as the old priest, smiled kindly at the KGB agent, slowly bent back to nearly double, and shuffled off the podium.

There can be little doubt that over the centuries the arguments between different “brands” of Christianity have made a real mess of things: Catholic versus Protestant, conservative Christian versus liberal Christian, evangelicals versus mainline denominations. Tragically, people, such as during the Reformation or more recently in Northern Ireland, have even died over these arguments and disagreements. (Add to this, the wars that have raged over conflicts between religions and one has to wonder how anyone in their right mind can keep faith!) Nevertheless, despite all of these tragic disagreements, Christians all over the world for centuries have joined together on Easter Sunday, just as they will tomorrow, to confess in unity and unison, “Christ is risen!” This confession is the glue that holds Christian people together!

I cannot help but ask, in the light of the rancorous and sometimes violent debates that have raged recently in our nation’s Capitol: “What is the glue that holds us, the American people, together?” Have we become so fragmented, angry, arrogant or disillusioned that we can no longer debate the great issues of our time with civility? Have we lost the understanding that not only are we all unique creations of God, but also that our “uniqueness” means we may not always see the world in the same way; that what seems obvious to one is obscure to another, that what seems right to one is not so right to another? Like the “brands” of Christianity, can we not find a confession around which we can unify; a song we can sing in unison? I hope and pray we can. For without a glue to hold us together, we will become tattered and frayed. Our life as a nation will slowly, but surely, ebb away.

Easter, for those of us who are Christian, is not only a celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, but an acknowledgement that there is always the possibility of new life. No matter how dark and dreary the days may be, spring is always just around the corner. It is in this hope, an Easter hope, that perhaps all of us, regardless of our creed or religion, can agree to put aside our rancor and anger, strive for civility, and work and pray together for new life for our nation and our world. Perhaps we might join hands and sing together in hope and unison the prayer written by Irving Berlin in the dark days prior to World War II:

God Bless America,
Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America, my home sweet home.

Easter is the day Christians celebrate the salvation of the world through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is a day of great celebration. On that Sunday, it is traditional for pastors and priests to greet the congregation by proclaiming “Christ is risen!” To which the congregation responds, “He is risen indeed!” Some years ago, someone told me the following story. I do not know if it is true. I hope it is.

Back during the dark days of the Soviet Union, a small rural village far from Moscow committed a cardinal sin, at least a cardinal sin the eyes of the Communist state. They refused to give up their Russian Orthodox faith. They refused to stop attending worship on Sunday. Their “crime” called for re-education in order to wean the village off the “opiate of the people.” Therefore, the whole village — every man, woman and child — was ordered by the authorities to the village’s central square. In a chilling cold, they were forced to stand for hours and listen to speaker after speaker, denounce religion, Russian Orthodoxy, their priests and their faith. Finally, in order to be “fair,” the re-educators asked the village priest to come to the podium. He was very old and nearly bent double with age. He did not appear to be any threat to the people’s re-education.

The KGB agent in charge said to him, “You have exactly 10 minutes to challenge our arguments.”The old priest looked up and said, “I will not need that much time.”He moved slowly, almost painfully, to the microphone and then something remarkable, miraculous, occurred. He stood up straight. The years of age melted away; his eyes became clear and bright. He looked out over the crowd and in a strong, loud voice proclaimed the traditional Easter greeting: “Christ is risen!”

And the crowd roared back, “He is risen indeed!”

Then the crowd went nuts, cheering, hugging and crying, as the old priest, smiled kindly at the KGB agent, slowly bent back to nearly double, and shuffled off the podium.

There can be little doubt that over the centuries the arguments between different “brands” of Christianity have made a real mess of things: Catholic versus Protestant, conservative Christian versus liberal Christian, evangelicals versus mainline denominations. Tragically, people, such as during the Reformation or more recently in Northern Ireland, have even died over these arguments and disagreements. (Add to this, the wars that have raged over conflicts between religions and one has to wonder how anyone in their right mind can keep faith!) Nevertheless, despite all of these tragic disagreements, Christians all over the world for centuries have joined together on Easter Sunday, just as they will tomorrow, to confess in unity and unison, “Christ is risen!” This confession is the glue that holds Christian people together!

I cannot help but ask, in the light of the rancorous and sometimes violent debates that have raged recently in our nation’s Capitol: “What is the glue that holds us, the American people, together?” Have we become so fragmented, angry, arrogant or disillusioned that we can no longer debate the great issues of our time with civility? Have we lost the understanding that not only are we all unique creations of God, but also that our “uniqueness” means we may not always see the world in the same way; that what seems obvious to one is obscure to another, that what seems right to one is not so right to another? Like the “brands” of Christianity, can we not find a confession around which we can unify; a song we can sing in unison? I hope and pray we can. For without a glue to hold us together, we will become tattered and frayed. Our life as a nation will slowly, but surely, ebb away.

Easter, for those of us who are Christian, is not only a celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, but an acknowledgement that there is always the possibility of new life. No matter how dark and dreary the days may be, spring is always just around the corner. It is in this hope, an Easter hope, that perhaps all of us, regardless of our creed or religion, can agree to put aside our rancor and anger, strive for civility, and work and pray together for new life for our nation and our world. Perhaps we might join hands and sing together in hope and unison the prayer written by Irving Berlin in the dark days prior to World War II:

God Bless America,
Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America, my home sweet home.

JERUSALEM Two parts of an ancient biblical manuscript separated for centuries are going on display together for the first time.Friday’s showing has been made possible by an accidental discovery that may help illuminate a dark period in the history of the Hebrew Bible.

The pieces of the 1,300-year-old manuscript include the text of the Song of the Sea from the Book of Exodus. They were reunited after two scholars noticed in 2007 that the writing on one fragment known as the Ashkar manuscript matched another rare fragment known as the London manuscript.The two pieces are among a handful of surviving biblical manuscripts from the period between the early centuries A.D. and the 10th century A.D. They will be displayed at Israel’s national museum in Jerusalem. (AP)



“Speak to one another in psalms, hymns of praise and spiritual songs. Singing and making melody to the Lord with all my heart.” (Ephesians 6:48)

When visiting a grandmother, I asked him what he usually did every day. Among the activities that he mentioned was “read the biblical” and “play a musical instrument”. At the dinner table there is a wooden box with eight wooden pipe hanging in it. With shaking every pipe like a bell, a tone sounded. I’m not really interested in the tunes he played, or really listen to him, until when in the middle game of that song I realized what is actually being sung by my grandmother with the instrument.

That is the song “praying”. Then he played a few notes with the harmonica. “Jesus was crucified”, “Go to Heaven”, and several other songs. It’s all chant songs. I can guess that the only songs who chant in his head and he once played a song power of God.

Music is a form of expression in our lives, either through an iPod in our time evening walk or from the radio in our cars. What kind of music you would normally have in our heads and sing with our mouths? Where do we put the word of God in the songs that we listen to?

Music is an important part in the worship of God in the lives of many saints in the past. David is a talented musician, who often create songs for the Lord, singing and writing many songs for praise and glorify, and rejoice in the truth of God. In Psalm 119:54, David writes, “the decrees of thy psalm is a song for me at home stay as strangers.”

For those of us who only sing hymns of the time once a week go to church, involve God more in everyday life is something we need to do. We must learn to prefer the spoken word of God and reducing the lyrics are inspired by humans.

Meeting with the grandmother has revealed the value of music inspired by the word of God. Moreover, the lyrics of this song are the words that will bring us joy and peace in our day. The lyrics also is that we will sing forever in heaven.

Take a moment to look at the songs like what you hear often. How many of it all, which centered on God?

Kim Jong Il

Kim Jong Il

SEOUL, South Korea  An American Christian missionary slipped into isolated North Korea on Christmas Day, shouting that he brought God’s love and carrying a letter urging leader Kim Jong Il to step down and free all political prisoners, an activist said.Robert Park, 28, crossed a poorly guarded stretch of the frozen Tumen River that separates North Korea from China, according to a member of the Seoul-based group Pax Koreana, which promotes human rights in the North. The group plans to release footage of the crossing Sunday, he said.”I am an American citizen. I brought God’s love. God loves you and God bless you,” Park reportedly said in fluent Korean as he crossed over Friday near the northeastern city of Hoeryong, according to the activist, citing two people who watched Park cross and filmed it. The activist spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation.No information has emerged about what happened next to Park, who is of Korean descent. The communist country’s state-run media was silent. The State Department and the U.S. Embassy in Beijing said they were aware of the incident but had no details.

“The U.S. government places the highest priority on the protection and welfare of American citizens,” said State Department spokesman Andrew Laine.The illegal entry could complicate Washington’s efforts to coax North Korea back to negotiations aimed at

its nuclear disarmament. Park’s crossing also comes just months after the country freed two U.S. journalists, who were arrested along the Tumen and sentenced to 12 years of hard labor for trespassing and “hostile acts.” They were released to former President Bill Clinton on a visit to the isolated country in August. North Korea and the United States do not have diplomatic relations.

Park, from Tucson, Ariz., carried a letter to North Korean leader Kim Jong Il calling for major changes to his totalitarian regime, according to the activist from Pax Koreana.”Please open your borders so that we may bring food, provisions, medicine, necessities, and assistance to those who are struggling to survive,” said the letter, according to a copy posted on the conservative group’s Web site. “Please close down all concentration camps and release all political prisoners today.”North Korea holds some 154,000 political prisoners in six large camps across the country, according South Korean government estimates. The North has long been regarded as having one of the world’s worst human rights records, but it denies the existence of prison camps.

The activist said Park, who he described as not belonging to Pax Koreana, also carried a separate written appeal calling for Kim to immediately step down, noting starvation, torture and deaths in North Korean political prison camps.North Korea’s criminal code punishes illegal entry with up to three years in prison. But that could be the least of the missionary’s problems in a country where defectors say dissent is swiftly wiped out and the regime sees all trespassers as potential spies.

Kim wields absolute power in the communist state of 24 million people where he and his late father – the country’s founder Kim Il Sung – are the object of an intense personality cult.Other activists said Park had become known over the last year in Seoul human rights circles. They suggested that his passion for helping North Koreans may have blinded him to the consequences of his actions.

brave and strong

brave and strong

Perhaps the church has appointed the wrong man for this job. I’m not ready to serve the Lord. After all, what can I offer to God? A valuable not like me, what can he do with me?

“Be strong and of good courage, for you who will lead this nation has a land which I have promised to swear to their fathers to give to them. (Joshua 1:6)

God called Moses to lead his people out of Egypt, across the desert and into the land of Canaan. After Moses died, God spoke to Joshua and told him to replace the task of Moses. Replace Moses may be more more difficult than what Moses had to do.

Joshua not only be responsible for holding the baton from a great religious leader, he also had to face the challenge of leading the Israelites to war and occupying the land of Canaan. Moreover, Joshua must have seen how the people of Israel disobeyed the leadership of Moses. Task of leading the rebels is not easy. If we are in the position of Joshua, we might also feel scared and hesitant to accept the task of weighing it.

But God knows the hearts of His servants, He told Joshua that He would give any ground through which they, like his promise to Moses. Often the Lord also strengthen Joshua, “Be strong and good courage”. If that was not enough, God also assured him: “as I am with Moses, so I will be with you; I’m not going to let you and will not abandon you.” The words must have been strengthening the strengthening of the leadership of Joshua.

Joshua’s attitude and actions are also very impressive. Although the task entrusted to him is very big and important, Joshua fully obey God in all his actions. Because of his obedience, God accompanied along the way and He gave Israel victory over their enemies. Joshua was a model worthy of the faith of our Model.

Normally, when we first appointed by God to do a job, we feel afraid we can not do it. But we must remember that God said to Joshua: “Be strong and of good courage,” these words are also addressed to all of us who do the work of God with all my heart.

Actually doing God’s work related to spiritual warfare, and He will never leave us alone in the battle. As promised on Joshua, He also promised to us today – he will strengthen the work of our hands and He will strengthen our legs to walk in His ways. What we need to do is serve Him with a willingness and sincerity

Did you ever have an experience when you try to overcome your fears when serving God?
Are there other ways in which we can gain strength and determination are more to do God’s work?

phenomena of lifeHave you ever been in a difficult situation, and you look to God, but it became more difficult circumstances?In the three New Testament Gospels, noted a story of a father who may have lost his faith many times.First, the father brought his son who possessed the disciples, but they can not drive out demons. The father could have gone with grief and had to find another way to cure her son. But the father did not want to go, though the scribes began to question it with the disciples of Jesus because of their disability. The father persisted, and because of persistence, he met Jesus face to face.

For readers, the coming of Jesus at that moment was a turning point. But the father does not necessarily know this. When Jesus came, possessed by his son seems much worse. As soon as the devil who possessed her to see the return of Jesus, he slammed him to the ground, foaming at the mouth, teeth and berkertakan seizures. A father must have been painful to see her daughter. He had seen the devil who possessed her and threw her son injured in fire and water, is it possible to change the situation now? Nevertheless, the father still lived and asked for help to Jesus.

The events that lasted at that point would have shaken the faith of his father – and perhaps we can understand. Therefore, the father pleaded, “Therefore if you can do something, please help us and have mercy upon us” (Mark 9:22). The father was not too confident with the ability of Jesus to heal his son, because the followers of his (with embarrassment) failed. The situation was also not increased his promise. The father also might have doubted the love of Jesus. Luke records this event as follows: “Teacher, I beg You to visit my son, because he is the only son” (Luke 9:38). The father loves his son, but he did not know whether Jesus cared enough to help him. The father was hesitant, but he put it honestly. Eventually his son was saved not because the father had a perfect faith, but as a sincere call for help in dealing with doubts.

As a result, the demon shook the boy and left as if the child was dead. At the time people were whispering to say that the child was dead, Jesus did not disappoint the father of faith. When Jesus returned the child to his father, his son was not only healed, but also would never possessed again. Jesus has commanded the devil to never come back, so although it might shake the experience, the father no longer need to experience it.

We, like the father, perhaps also through moments that shake our faith in life. When we are in a difficult situation, and it was our prayers were in vain, if we still have the faith to continue to tell our troubles to Him? If the situation even more difficult, whether the pain and suffering make us leave God? Do we admit our unbelief and ask for help to God, pleading with tears as did the father? If we do this, we need to do is wait for his time comes. If things seem to arrive at the most difficult time, remember that it was not the end of the story.

scale“My lord weighed in the balance and found too light”Daniel 5:27In a scientific experiment in school, we use a scale to determine the weight of an object by comparing it with predetermined weight. The purpose of this exercise is to balance the scales with a weight equal on both sides of the scales. If not balanced, one side of the scales of weight deficiency.In its golden ages, King Belshazzar held a great feast for the lords, wives, and mistresses. Because of the arrogance that is not half the battle, he drinks wine with trophies taken from the Temple.Belshazzar did not honor God for wealth and power on earth. But God does not see wealth Belshazzar as different things. Power and influence in the world can not protect property and lives.One of God’s word to Belshazzar is “Dachshund”, which means “my lord weighed in the balance and found too light”. That same night Belshazzar lost his life. Faced with the standards of God, he found in need and do not have enough weight in the eyes of God.Although we may not enjoy the lifestyle of rich King Belshazzar, we  be wise in how we live. Whether intentionally or not, often we place our security in material wealth and ignore God. It is easy to forget what really means it is surrounded by houses, cars and our wealth.

Reflect for a moment. Have I “invest” in my eternal things, or at what’s in this world who will perish?Wealth and power in this world will pass. One day the King Belshazzar a drink with a gold cup, he died the next day.Today, let us take conscious action to achieve focus on the desired standard of God’s spiritual, rather than chasing the world standard. The more we continue to renew our focus every day, the smaller the distance between us and the will of God.Until the day comes for us to be weighed by his standards, let us continue to evaluate ourselves by asking, how much me in his scales? Am I going to find enough in the scales of God?

Do things that make a life worth in the eyes of God, so he does not find us “too soft”?
Where do you put your price and value?