six people were killed and 25 others injured when a landslide caused a series of train passengers to the outside rail near the town of Bolzano

Posted: April 13, 2010 in breaking news
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train passengersMILAN,  At least six people were killed and 25 others injured when a landslide caused a series of train passengers to the outside rail near the town of Bolzano, northern Italy, Monday (12/4/2010).”Six or seven people were killed but the death toll could rise,” said Florian Schroffenegger fire department from the department of Bolzano, Alto Adige region.He said five of those injured were in serious condition setlah accident happened during rush hour it.

Thomas Widmann, transport adviser to the provincial government of Bolzano told the Italian television station Sky, landslides that left two train carriages out of the broken rail caused by irrigation channels.Ansa news agency reported, uprooted trees caused by soil lonsor rescue train fell into a river.”Seven bodies have been discovered from the debris of the train,” said Ansa.

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