Facebook to overtake Google as the best technology company to work

Posted: August 5, 2010 in breaking news
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Facebook to overtake Google as the best technology company to work. Company social networking site of origin of Palo Alto, Calif. The award from the Business Insider is researching employee opinion IT companies. Facebook employees reported, the company did not provide luxuries like other Silicon Valley companies such as savory dishes or the office is equipped with various entertainment facilities. But Facebook is interesting because of freedom given by the company to employees.
No office politics, a bit obnoxious, middle-class managers, and opportunities to work in different divisions into a plus for employees. The company is also known to have a ‘boot camp’ to speed up new employees in adapting to the company. “Employees here are very smart but humble, making a very supportive work environment to develop new things,” said an employee survey, as quoted from AllFacebook, August 5, 2010.
“Process management is also very good, not much interference. Many of the freedom granted to employees to work on things that interest them and make important decisions. Management also provides a lot of trust and responsibility, “said another employee. In a survey conducted the previous year, Facebook only gets the title ‘Honorable Mention’ for not having enough respondents who reported about how the attitudes of companies and executives.
Google this year ranked second was to enjoy a luxurious office. However, employees reported that they were frustrated with the middle management at the company. Nevertheless, for the survey to comment on the level of employee satisfaction to the top, Google is still better than Facebook. As many as 97 percent of employees are satisfied with the performance of Google’s Eric Schmidt, Chief Executive Officer of Google, while only 92 percent of employees who claimed Mark Zuckerberg worked fine.

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