60 whales died on a beach in New Zealand

60 whales died on a beach in New Zealand. Whale that died after it beached.This was disclosed by Carolyn Smith of the New Zealand Ministry of Nature Protection. Carolyn announced that more than 60 whales were found dead on the Beach Kaitaia in New Zealand. Whales can not be saved because rescuers could not save enough time for the whales.

Carolyn guessed it before the fish were stranded at first. He was stranded due to make sure they can not survive. Similarly as reported from all voices, Saturday, August 21, 2010.Carolyn adds there are actually about 73 whales that were stranded but there are some among the fish who saved themselves by returning to the sea.Ministry of Nature Protection explained the type of pilot whales were stranded since Thursday night.

Some volunteers are trying hard to restore the large fish in the sea. But, not easy to do so.whale on the beach of New Zealand is not this just happened the first time only. Last December, about 100 whale also beached in the country and then they can not survive presumed dead.

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