Posts Tagged ‘Antiquities’

JERUSALEM, Israeli archaeological Agency Wednesday (10/2/2010) to find a street in the Old city street Davidof Jerusalem, which became the central veins of the economy and trade about 1,500 years ago. The old road was discovered when workers from the city infrastructure to conduct excavations on the side of the Jaffa Gate, west of town. Here was found a large rock, whose position was under way currently known by the street name of David, reports the Israel Antiquities Authority Board (Israel Antiquities Authority / IAA). “Today we have released a number of archaeological artifacts at a depth of 4.5 meters below the surface of the road. Many of our findings. We found a large floor slabs, which kemukinan a road in the past,” said Ofer Sion, Director of the Israel Antiquities Authority Excavations . According to the IAA, a number of ancient artifacts were also found at the dig site.

street David“The possibility of a road from a busy period. The main artery road, when Jerusalem became a Christian city. It is widely used, it turns out the way David held so many stories, so many human lives the journey interesting, always passing through the road which was built about 1,500 years before this, “says Zion. This ancient artifacts unearthed ancient mosaic map match, which was found in a church Jordan, which is currently known as the Madaba map, which describes the holy land in the Byzantine period. According to the IAA, in the old map is described, “To enter into the holy city of Jerusalem from the West side has to go through a very large door, which leads to a downtown street that is very busy.” Among the ancient artifacts found in excavations are coins, pottery vessels and five small bronze square, weights are likely used by traders to consider the ancient noble metals.