Posts Tagged ‘attempted airline attack’

Gordon Brown

Gordon Brown

Full body scanners will be introduced at Britain’s airports, Prime Minister Gordon Brown has said.He said the government would do all it could to tighten security and prevent a repeat of the attempted airline attack over Detroit on Christmas Day. Experts have questioned the machines’ effectiveness at detecting the type of bomb allegedly used in the US attack. But Mr Brown said it was essential to “go further” than the current technology allowed. On Friday, Gordon Brown announced he had ordered a review of existing security measures, and advisers are expected to report within days. Full body scanners, which produce “naked” images of passengers, remove the need for “pat down” searches. However they have raised concerns about privacy, with campaigners saying they are tantamount to a “strip search”. The machines are currently being trialled at Manchester airport following tests at Heathrow airport from 2004 to 2008. They are also being rolled out across the US, with 40 machines used at 19 airports.