Posts Tagged ‘Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories’

AUSTIN, Texas, April 28 Texas could follow Arizona’s trailblazing immigration law if two lawmakers can get enough support to pass bills they say they intend to introduce next year.Texas state Rep. Leo Berman says he is planning a package of bills next January that include one measure that would make it a crime to be an undocumented worker and another allowing law enforcement officials to ask people they believe may be in the country illegally about their status, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported Wednesday.

“I think almost every state in the union will follow suit,” Berman said.Rep. Debbie Riddle, R-Tomball, has said she also plans to introduce a similar bill.”The first priority for any elected official is to make sure that the safety and security of Texans is well-established,” Riddle told Hearst Newspapers. “If our federal government did their job, then Arizona wouldn’t have to take this action, and neither would Texas.”

Tyler’s KLTV-TV reported Berman also wants to require U.S. presidential and vice presidential candidates to prove their citizenship to the Texas secretary of state before their names can be put on the ballot, a nod to the so-called birther movement.The station said opponents of the proposed legislation say it will get a different reception in Texas than in Arizona.(UPI)

Barack Obama

Barack Obama

WASHINGTON A Republican senator who has opposed President Barack Obama’s health overhaul effort said Tuesday that the deals Democratic leaders have cut to round up the votes they need to push the measure through the Senate have been “sleazy.“Speaking Tuesday on NBC’s “Today” show, GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina cited concessions won by Nebraska Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson, whose support gave Democrats the 60th and final vote they need. Among other things, Nelson won an agreement that the federal government will pay to expand Medicaid services in Nebraska.

Said Graham: “That’s not change you can believe in. That’s sleazy.”Democratic Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa defended the concessions, saying: “The one that’s being talked about for Nebraska, it also benefits other states. It’s not just Nebraska.”

He also said he would vote for the package even if it didn’t contain concessions for Iowa. “The principle of this bill overrides everything,” Harkin told CBS’ “Early Show.”

Graham rejected criticism leveled by some Democrats that GOP opposition to Obama’s health care effort is being driven by extremists.”I’m not a member of a militia, I’m not a birther,” he said, referring to those who have questioned, inaccurately, whether Obama is an American citizen. “I’m a senator who wants to reform health care, but I’m not going to allow my country to become a socialized nation when it comes to health care.”

Harkin described the debate as “a demarcation line.He explained: “On one side is health care as a privilege. On the other side is health care as a right. With these votes, with the vote that we’ll take before Christmas, we will cross that line finally and say that health care is a right of all Americans.”The Senate had procedural votes Tuesday morning on the overhaul bill and Democrats are pushing for final passage before Christmas.