Posts Tagged ‘blast site’

Oil Refinery ExplosionNew Orleans, The savior of the U.S. coast to stop the search eleventh offshore refinery employees who are listed as missing, on Friday (23/04/2010)They were missing after an explosion at the refinery, offshore Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico earlier this week.Supposedly Mary Landry, commander of the rescue beaches in the district are likely eleventh victim was near the blast site.”Conditions are very fragile new oil refineries. His position has been tilted, and going to drown,” she said.

Meanwhile, local authorities currently environmental pollution caused by oil that spilled from the refinery building structure which collapsed into the sea.”For a while, not feared. There is no oil leakage and environmental disasters of this incident,” said local official.

ATHENAWithin 24 hours of Greece is hit by a bomb blast occurred in Athens. After earlier a bomb exploded at an office building, this time another bomb exploded in the Pakistani community leader’s house in Greece.Police said no casualties from this incident, but the blast caused damage to the entrance of the apartment where the Pakistan community leaders lived. In addition, this explosion also caused three cars were damaged. Similarly the BBC reported on Saturday (20/3/2010).

Police earlier had secured the area around the blast site, after a report from the TV stations and newspapers. Reports posted 15 minutes before the explosion was received from an unknown person about the bomb threat.The explosion today was Friday, March 19, occurred some time after the previous boom in the office group of right-wing anti-immigrant Greeks. There was no immediate claim responsibility for the attack, but there are allegations if the attack was carried out by left-wing anarchist group.

Left-wing anarchist groups are far indeed often bombings in Greece. Last attack of this group are often directed to the banks and government buildings.

Sometimes you really can believe your eyes. That’s what NASA’s STEREO (Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory) spacecraft are telling researchers about a controversial phenomenon on the sun known as the “solar tsunami.Years ago, when solar physicists first witnessed a towering wave of hot plasma racing along the sun’s surface, they doubted their senses. The scale of the thing was staggering. It rose up higher than Earth itself and rippled out from a central point in a circular pattern millions of kilometers in circumference. Skeptical observers suggested it might be a shadow of some kind—a trick of the eye—but surely not a real wave.

“Now we know,” says Joe Gurman of the Solar Physics Lab at the Goddard Space Flight Center. “Solar tsunamis are real.”The twin STEREO spacecraft confirmed their reality in February 2009 when sunspot 11012 unexpectedly erupted. The blast hurled a billion-ton cloud of gas (a “CME”) into space and sent a tsunami racing along the sun’s surface. STEREO recorded the wave from two positions separated by 90o, giving researchers an unprecedented view of the even

Above: A solar tsunami seen by the STEREO spacecraft from orthogonal points of view. The gray part of the animation has been contrast-enhanced by subtracting successive pairs of images,

“It was definitely a wave,” says Spiros Patsourakos of George Mason University, lead author of a paper reporting the finding in the Astrophysical Journal Letters. “Not a wave of water,” he adds, “but a giant wave of hot plasma and magnetism.”

The technical name is “fast-mode magnetohydrodynamical wave”—or “MHD wave” for short. The one STEREO saw reared up about 100,000 km high, and raced outward at 250 km/s (560,000 mph) packing as much energy as 2400 megatons of TNT (1029 ergs).

Solar tsunamis were discovered back in 1997 by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). In May of that year, a CME came blasting up from an active region on the sun’s surface, and SOHO recorded a tsunami rippling away from the blast site.

“We wondered,” recalls Gurman, “is that a wave—or just a shadow of the CME overhead?”SOHO’s single point of view was not enough to answer the question—neither for that first wave nor for many similar events recorded by SOHO in years that followed.The question remained open until after the launch of STEREO in 2006. At the time of the February 2009 eruption, STEREO-B was directly over the blast site while STEREO-A was stationed at right angles —”perfect geometry for cracking the mystery,” says co-author Angelos Vourlidas of the Naval Research Lab in Washington DC.

The physical reality of the waves has been further confirmed by movies of the waves crashing into things. “We’ve seen the waves reflected by coronal holes (magnetic holes in the sun’s atmosphere),” says Vourlidas. “And there is a wonderful movie of a solar prominence oscillating after it gets hit by a wave. We call it the ‘dancing prominence.'”

Solar tsunamis pose no direct threat to Earth. Nevertheless, they are important to study. “We can use them to diagnose conditions on the sun,” notes Gurman. “By watching how the waves propagate and bounce off things, we can gather information about the sun’s lower atmosphere available in no other way.””Tsunami waves can also improve our forecasting of space weather,” adds Vourlidas, “Like a bull-eye, they ‘mark the spot’ where an eruption takes place. Pinpointing the blast site can help us anticipate when a CME or radiation storm will reach Earth.”