Posts Tagged ‘Celsius’

LONDON  very cold temperatures expected rise in blood pressure can lead to the heart and cause heart attacks.Based on a study in the Britsh Medical Journal, as quoted from the Guardian, Thursday (08/12/2010), one degree Celsius temperature drop associated with 200 more people who suffered a heart attack at 28 the next day

More people tend to have a heart attack during the winter. Extremely cold weather. People aged between 75-84 and who have congenital heart disease are people who are vulnerable and should get a warning when the temperature is decreased.Each year, approximately 141 000 people in the UK suffered a heart attack, 86 000 of whom died, which is one of the three of them died before reaching hospital.Khrishnan Bhaskaran, who led the study, if the cold temperatures in the UK that a lot of people having a heart attack.

He and his colleagues studied records of 84 010 patients with heart disease in 15 places in England and Wales during the years 2003-2006, found that the chill factor temperature is one of the causes, plus also the factor of air pollution.The British Heart Foundation said that research showed that the risk of heart attack during the winter, deserves attention.

Tokyo, A total of 1464 people in Tokyo in July was taken to hospital as a result of air temperature increased sharply, rising from 359 people last year, according to the Tokyo Fire Department reported on Sunday.”The amount is so high is probably due to the air temperature exceeds 35 degrees Celsius for several days after the end of the rainy season before the body of people can adapt to the changing weather,” said an official at the Japan Meteorological Agency.

The rainy season ends on July 17. In July the highest temperature reached 30 degrees Celsius for 22 days.As many as 745 people were reported taken to hospitals because of heat wave since July 21. Due to changes in extreme weather, the Narima Ward, a resident of Tokyo’s 91-year-old died at his home and another 127 people in critical condition.