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Pakistani Christian children

Pakistani Christian children

GOJRA, Pakistan  No Christmas decorations brighten the tent camp sheltering Christians left homeless by the worst violence against minorities in Pakistan this year. Instead, there is a pervasive sense of fear.The Christians have received cell phone text messages warning them to expect a “special Christmas present,” they say, and are terrified of their tents being torched or their church services being bombed.”Last year I celebrated Christmas full of joy,” said Irfan Masih, cradling his young son among the canvas shelters and open ditches of the camp. But now “the fear that we may again be attacked is in our hearts.”They are threatening us, (saying) ‘We will again attack you and will not let you out of homes, we will burn you inside this time,'” he said.

It was the fires that most traumatized Gojra’s Christian Colony, a neighborhood in the heart of this Punjabi city about 220 miles (354 kilometers) southwest of Islamabad. In early August, hundreds of Muslims rampaged through the dirt streets, looting and torching homes as panicked residents tried to flee and thick black smoke rose into the air.Eight Christians died – seven of them from one family trapped in a burning home.”We are going to celebrate Christmas in sorrow because the whole family is hurt by this,” said Almas Hameed, whose father was shot dead during the riots. His wife, two of his children and members of his brother’s family all burned to death.

The attack, which officials said was incited by a banned radical Islamist group Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan, followed rumors that Christians had torn pages of a Quran, an act considered sacrilegious by Muslims. The ensuing carnage drew condemnation from the Pope and Pakistan’s prime minister, and highlighted how religious extremism has left the country’s minority groups increasingly vulnerable.Christians – Protestants and Catholics among them – make up less than 5 percent of Muslim-majority Pakistan’s 175 million people.Christians say more than 100 homes were burned and looted in Gojra and the nearby village of Korian. While many homes have been rebuilt using state money, dozens of families are still living in tents, waiting for construction on their houses to finish.

Both those who have moved back into their homes and the ones still in the camp say they are still regularly threatened – phone calls telling them to stop pressing for those responsible to be convicted, or else; armed men turning up at their homes; text messages on their cell phones promising a “special Christmas present;” rocks thrown at the tents in the night.”When we sleep at night the fear never leaves our heart,” said Safia Riaz, a 30-year-old whose father died of a heart attack during the riots. The violence “has stuck in our minds. Tension remains – God forbid that it will happen again.”

Strict security was being put into place during Christmas, said police officer Mohammed Tahir of the Faisalabad regional police headquarters, who rejected claims that authorities were unable to protect the minority.Security has been ramped up across the country anyway, as this year Christmas falls during the Islamic month of Muharram, which is often marred by bombings and fighting between Pakistan’s Sunni Muslims and its Shiite minority.

But Gojra’s Christians have little faith in the police, who were accused of standing by during the worst of August’s violence.
“The police already didn’t save us before,” said Ashar Faras, a 33-year-old who works as a chef in an Islamabad guesthouse.Pastor Safraz Sagar, a local clergyman who also lost his home in the riots, believes there is little authorities can do. “They are trying to protect us, but I think that when the terrorists want to harm us, they will.”

Many complain they see no justice, noting that there have been no convictions of anyone involved in the rioting. They say those who led the mob are well-known in the town, but are left untouched.

Extremists have increasingly targeted minority religious groups in Pakistan. Minority Rights Group International, a watchdog organization, lists Pakistan as seventh on the list of 10 most dangerous countries for minorities, after Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Myanmar and Congo.The government stresses it is committed to minority rights.”Today, more than ever, we need to rediscover the path of peaceful coexistence,” Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani said in a Christmas message, adding that the government is “committed to working for the progress and prosperity of the minorities.”

But in Gojra, few feel festive.Bishop John Samuel, the region’s senior clergyman, said Christmas services would still be held.However, “people are afraid because of this incident also because of this tussle, this tension,” he said.
“And also people are afraid from terrorism.”

One in six young people eats a salt-laden ready-meal or takeaway every day, a survey shows.Many have three or more a week, but an astonishing 16 per cent indulge daily.Only half of teenagers realise the high-salt content of such foods, researchers found.Across all ages, nine out of ten people knew that too much salt was bad for their health, but 40 per cent did not know that adults should eat no more than 6g – or a teaspoonful – a day.The survey of 3,000 people was released by Siemens and The Stroke Association to raise awareness of the hazards of ‘ hidden’ salt in processed foods.Eating high levels of salt and taking too little exercise can lead to high blood pressure, which is a major cause of stroke.However, 64 per cent of people told researchers they were unconcerned about their salt intake, while 57 per cent said they had no idea how much they were eating.
Under-18s were the most likely to check the salt content of food (21 per cent read product labels, compared to a national average of 10 per cent).