Posts Tagged ‘Communication’

Facebook is a fun place to be online. In this social networking we can do a lot of activity.From finding an old friend’s profile, comment on the status or photos, send messages, communicating via a chat feature, as well as play games. But there can not be done through Facebook. Ie call your friends through the Facebook network.Fortunately Vonage application developers have recently introduced a new application that will complement Facebook. With the application called Vonage Mobile for Facebook, Facebook users can call friends Facebooknya via iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, or Android phones.

San Francisco Chronicle reported yesterday, Vonage allows gadgets-gadgets that connect via Wi-Fi and cellular networks.Everything can be done for free, because the conversation using these applications will not spend a pulse, but consume the data. Condition, each phone must download the application first.Skype is also able to make free phone calls over Internet protocol (Voice over Internet Protocol) like this. However, with Vonage application allows users to connect to more coverage of the contact, because he took advantage of Facebook Contact.

Israel on Sunday (25 / 4) finally allowing someone to bring iPad into the country, after two weeks in advance customs confiscated the tablet computer made by Apple because it fears will interfere with other wireless devices.”Having completed an intensive technical investigation, Moshe Israeli Communications Minister finally approved the import iPad Kakhlon to Israel,” communications ministry said in a statement.Communications ministry has banned the import of a touch screen device that they think they do not meet European standards – which was adopted by Israel – for the use of wireless communication frequencies.

The ministry said that their technical team has consulted with Apple Inc., an internationally recognized laboratories in Europe timpalan them in determining a suitable device operates in Israel, according to local standards.

Tests proved the device to identify Wi-Fi access points around and adjust automatically, allowing iPad to be operated without disturbing the other wireless devices, the ministry said.”Therefore, the import of one set per person will be permitted to begin Sunday, April 25th,” he said.The Ministry also ordered that the confiscated 20 iPad returned, reports Reuters.

SEOUL  The Korean government south  was initiated new legislation to reduce the rampant opium use internet, following the death of a child aged three months for negligent parents. Jae-Beom Kim and Kim Yun-jeong, they threatened to jail for being guilty of neglecting her daughter who was three months. Her son died of malnutrition. Apparently, his parents rarely fed him for being too busy dwelling on the Internet. That couples prefer to keep the child in a virtual online gaming rather than maintaining their own biological child. All this is because both have been addicted to playing online.

“This is a big enough phenomenon that occurred throughout the history of the internet in South Korea. Addictions are almost the same with drink and drugs addiction, such as a requirement that makes the person back again to the internet many times,” said Professor of Clinical Forensic Psychology at Monash University James Ogloff, was quoted by ABC Net, Monday (12/4/2010). South Korean government predicts there is approximately two million Internet users, or approximately 9 percent of the total number of South Korean Internet users, who fall into the category of addiction.

Jae-beom and Yun-jeong reportedly often visit the center online game named PC Bang in Seoul, almost similar to an internet cafe. In Seoul, the popularity of the PC Bang is pretty big. Even the South Korean government plans to introduce software that is capable of handling approximately 8.8 percent of internet users are addicted. One software includes programs to turn off the internet when consultation is not required, and another one is software that can create an online gamer to feel exhausted after a few minutes to play internet.

SHANGHAI Two prominent schools in China dispute allegations that hacking attacks on Google and other firms originated from them, a report said Saturday.The New York Times reported late Thursday that security investigators traced the hacking to computers at Shanghai Jiaotong University and Lanxiang Vocational School in China.The official Xinhua News Agency cited an unnamed university spokesperson Saturday as saying the allegation against it is baseless, and an official at the vocational school said its investigation found no evidence the attacks originated there.

Li Zixiang, a Communist party official in the Lanxiang school in the eastern Shandong province, said students there are currently on their winter break. He also disputed the Times report that some evidence linked attacks to one computer science class taught by a Ukrainian. “We have never employed any foreign staff,” Xinhua quoted Li as saying.Another official at the vocational school disputed the Times’ report that Lanxiang had close ties to the military.Zhou Hui, director of the school’s general office, told Xinhua that some students had joined the military after school, but it was natural for citizens to do so.

Google revealed Jan. 12 that digital thieves had stolen some of its computer code and tried to break into the accounts of human rights activists opposed to China’s policies. The sophisticated theft also targeted the computers of more than 30 other companies, according to security experts.The digital assault was serious enough to prompt Google to confront China’s government about censorship rules that weed out politically and culturally sensitive topics from search results in the country. Google says it’s prepared to shut down its China-based search engine and the company and the government are still discussing a possible compromise.China has denied involvement in Internet attacks and said in January its anti-hacking policy is transparent and consistent. (AP)

BARCELONA Google launches translation service menu for easy ordering foreign tourists. In everyday life, often occurs a tourist who only speak English to order the wrong food when visiting a restaurant in Germany. For example, it could have forced tourists to face the heart of a bowl of hot soup that tastes sour beef. To overcome this, Google provides the solution. In the event Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2010, Google’s new exhibit translator technology. That translates menus foreign foods instantly through an application on smart phones. Reported by the Telegraph, Friday (19/2/2010) early prototype created by Google is currently only able to translate German into English. Google plans to expand this service in order to support 52 languages. “Imagine you are a traveler who enters a restaurant, where there is only menus that do not understand. You must be confused ordering food,” said Google Product Marketing Manager, Andrew Gomez.

This translation service menu is a further development of the feature ‘Goggles’ Google. This feature allows users to search the web without having to type in the word, but only to show the phone to an object. This software uses optical character recognition technology to scan the written word and turn it into computer text which is then translated into the Google Translate service. “This service is still early stages. We want to introduce the first demo. We want to show how great your phone when connected with this technology,” said Gomez.