Posts Tagged ‘Daily Telegraph’

Apple iPadApple is expected to add features iPad camera for the next edition. They have announced that they are looking for a camera technician to work with a team of developers iPad.”We are looking for technicians with the ability to test the capture image, video, and audio, and playback, for its iPhone, iPod, and the iPad,” writes Apple in their official page Daily Telegraph quoted pages.

This vacancy further fueling speculation that the iPad next generation will have a camera. Technology observers have also found a slot in order to load the right iPad iSight camera.In addition, the developers found the code in the iPad software that allows users to save the image, select images, or take a new picture.

The absence of this camera is one weak point iPad which went on sale in the United States (U.S.) in early April. This tablet computer enthusiasts in Europe, Japan, and Australia must wait until the end of May to get the iPad.Apple iPad sales internationally postpone for a month because of high demand in the U.S.. Although it has been distributed more than 500 thousand units during the first week sales iPad, Apple claims could not satisfy all consumer demand in the U.S..

katrina hodge armyKatrina Hodge (army suites)Katrina Hodge has her way, the world’s major beauty pageants may start looking a lot different.A soldier in the British army, Hodge detained and disarmed a suspected rebel fighter with her bare hands while serving in Iraq. But she doesn’t wear combat boots and Kevlar 24-7. Lance Cpl. Hodge is also a lingerie model for La Senza and was a contestant in last year’s Miss England beauty contest. But don’t assume those two very different occupations are mutually exclusive.The soldier and model (nicknamed “Combat Barbie”) recently convinced the organizers of the Miss England pageant to drop the ever-popular swimsuit portion. In England’s Daily Telegraph, the multitalented woman remarked that posing in swimsuits just isn’t fair to the contestants.”I think it’s nerve-racking enough to girls to get up on a stage and speak, let alone in a swimsuit.”No argument here. Instead of strutting their stuff in swimsuits, the contestants will participate in a sports challenge, overseen by Hodge.The show’s organizers pointed to the change as proof that their contest is always evolving. Apparently, looking good in a swimsuit is also irrelevant, as winners are rarely asked to appear in swimwear for public events.News of the changes stirred up a lot of activity in the Yahoo! Search box. Online lookups for “katrina hodge pictures” and “katrina hodge army” both soared into breakout status. Additionally, searches on “miss world” surged an impressive 371% in just one day. Perhaps that will translate to more viewers.

Or maybe not. Back in 1994, when the Miss America contest asked viewers via a phone-in poll whether or not they thought the swimsuit portion should be discontinued, 73% of callers voted to keep it. In 2000, another poll was run, and 50% of viewers said they would no longer watch if the swimsuit portion was discontinued.