Posts Tagged ‘David Letterman’

ShakiraOpposition to Arizona’s new “show us your papers” law, which would require legal U.S. immigrants to carry documentation with them at all times or be arrested, isn’t limited to the political field. First, late night host David Letterman lampooned the with, suggesting that it could be summed with with the phrase “You don’t look like you’re from around here.” And now Shakira has entered the fray, albeit in a much more serious manner. The Columbian singer  out that she herself could be “could be detained and arrested and taken away” while walking the streets of Arizona, and has met with local leaders who share her concern as well as local families who say they’ll be afraid to avail themselves of law enforcement, even in times of emergencies, for fear of being arrested themselves despite legal status. The Arizona law has led to national outrage and widespread protests among those who oppose the law and equate it to legalized racism.pointeIn other Shakira news, the singer recently performed her new single “Gypsy” on American Idol, with country trio Rascal Flatts as her backing band.