Posts Tagged ‘diligent search’

Erin Andrews Videos that show presenter ESPN’s Erin Andrews sexy naked in his hotel, save a great danger. Video was there that contain viruses that can infect your computer. But once the Internet users do not care and remain diligent search for this video.According to Google Trends data search with the keyword “Erin Andrews video” position 10 of the most searched items on Google.Erin Andrews is the second high-level profile in the last weeks that are used to spread malware. Previously dangerous programs profiteer Michael Jackson’s death on July 7 by offering teaser Jacko secret song.

In addition to containing the virus fake video, nude video was reported there. Andrews and ESPN’s lawyers have protested to several sites including YouTube and NSFW POA that Erin was naked video was pulled.Although already removed, people are still busy mengobok-obok Internet to find a video of five minutes duration was reported Andrews was standing in front of the hotel’s glass.

Lawyer Andrews, Marshall B Grossman said he would sue the person who took the video, because it violates privacy and publishing indecent material. Andrews has become a sensation on the Internet, even before the video was circulated.He has been called the Erin Pageviews because of traffic caused by the video clips and photos. Playboy magazine is also referred to him as the presenter of the sexiest sport in 2008 and 2009.