Posts Tagged ‘East Java’

President Abdurrahman Wahid, center

President Abdurrahman Wahid, center

JAKARTA, Indonesia Thousands of mourners thronged roads Thursday in Indonesia to say farewell to late President Abdurrahman Wahid, a beloved, one-eyed cleric who reached out to religious minorities in the world’s most populous Muslim-majority nation.Wahid, who ruled for nearly two years of tumult as Indonesia embarked on a path to democracy in 1999 after three decades of dictatorship, died in a hospital Wednesday. He was 69.A memorial service was led by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono before the burial in Wahid’s East Java hometown of Jombang, where about 10,000 supporters prayed over his remains, which were wrapped in white sheets.The televised service began a week of national mourning during which flags will be flown at half-staff. Some official New Year’s Eve celebrations were canceled.There was a massive outpouring of sentiment for a man whose open style, impromptu joke telling and naps during his own speeches endeared him to the masses. Weeping admirers lit candles and incense and said prayers at vigils held at mosques, churches, temples, schools and landmarks.Wahid, known fondly by his nickname Gus Dur, was a democratic reformer and proponent of moderate Islam who ultimately was unable to implement his ambitious ideas amid the financial and political chaos that dominated the vast island state of 235 million people during his presidency.

A White House statement said Wahid was “a pivotal figure” in Indonesia’s transition to free government who “will be remembered for his commitment to democratic principles, inclusive politics, and religious tolerance.”During his short term, from October 1999 to July 2001, Wahid led a broad coalition of unity but was eventually impeached after firing Yudhoyono, then a Cabinet minister, for refusing to declare a state of emergency when the army positioned tanks facing the Presidential Palace.

Wahid had been in the intensive care unit of Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital in Jakarta for the past week.The former president died during surgery to remove a blood clot in his heart, said professor Yusuf Misbach, head of his medical team. Wahid’s condition had deteriorated because of complications with diabetes and kidney failure, he said.

Wahid had struggled with illness for years and was confined to a wheelchair. Nearly blind, he also suffered serious kidney problems and diabetes.Presidential spokesman Julian Pasha noted Wahid’s widespread popularity, saying “we lost one of our greatest figures, who was very much loved by people from all walks of life.”

Abdurrahman Wahid, a long-serving head of the Nahdlatul Ulama, Indonesia’s largest Islamic group, pushed for interfaith dialogue and accepted an invitation to visit Israel in October 1994.In 1997, he traveled to Tel Aviv where he jointly signed a peace charter promoted by the Simon Perez Institute, a courageous effort at diplomacy in a country that still has no formal diplomatic ties with the Jewish state.

“We have lost a true friend and a warrior for peace and mutual respect,” said Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. “As a devout Muslim with a following of tens of millions, Mr. Wahid was unafraid to condemn unambiguously terrorism in all its forms.””He was a very open person. … All minorities, underdogs or those suffering always felt secure with him. That was very extraordinary,” said Franz Magnis-Suseno, a Catholic priest. “He was a humanist. … For people like me, he emitted a friendly Islam that made us feel safe.”

Wahid was an opponent of Suharto in the dictator’s final years in power. Wahid attempted to establish a truth and reconciliation commission to investigate political killings, disappearances and massacres during Suharto’s 32-year rule, but political opposition was too great.Wahid was elected Indonesia’s third president on Oct. 20, 1999. While in office, he worked for peaceful solutions to secessionist movements in restive provinces such as Aceh and Papua.He visited East Timor after it became a new nation and apologized for human rights abuses committed by Indonesian forces during its brutal 24-year occupation.(AP)

Former President Abdurrahman Wahid

Former President Abdurrahman Wahid

Former President Abdurrahman Wahid alias Gus Dur assured died at 18:45 o’clock Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM). The news confirmed Wahid’s daughter, Yenny Wahid, on the phone to KompasEarlier, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) came to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) Jakarta, Wednesday (30/12/2009) evening. President Yudhoyono arrived in the yard at about 18:30 RSCM use the presidential car with the guard not too tight, where only five cars escorted by security forces President (Paspampres).President Yudhoyono, who wore a brown batik shirt was the main entrance to the room directly RSCM where KH Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) treated since a few days ago. Not looking First Lady Ani Yudhoyono, accompanied the President. Approximately 10 minutes after the President arrived, the Minister of Health Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih came with seemed a little rushed. He then quickly followed into the room where Gus Dur was treated visited the President.Former Chairman of the Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) was treated at the VVIP Room No. 116 Building A RSCM. Before being treated at the RSCM Jakarta, Wahid had medical treatment in hospital Jombang East Java, on Thursday (24/12/2009), because he was tired after a visit to a boarding school in East Java.

stop hiv/ aids

Hundreds of people from NGOs and HIV/AIDS care groups in Yogyakarta, Tuesday, demonstrated against discrimination toward HIV/AIDS positive people. They judge the society is still biased for this matter.According to the demonstrators HIV/AIDS is just like any other disease and those who suffer from it shouldn’t be isolated. This disease can infect anyone, including good house-wives and their children. Discrimination doesn’t solve the problem, instead it would oppress the HIV/AIDS positive people.

“Why is there discrimination? Because people are ingrained with a stereotype that the disease is caused by pervert behaviors done by ‘bad’ people,” said Istikomah from the Yogyakarta Institution for Female Rights, one of the NGOs involved in the act.

In Surabaya, the Deputy Governor of East Java, Saifulla Yusuf said that most people with AIDS in East Java were infected by shared needles used by drug abusers. Many of the victims are in the productive age group.During his visit to AIDS patients at the Dr. Soetomo Public Hospital in Surabaya, Saifulla Yusuf states that fighting drug abuse is the priority. “The provincial government provides Rp. 10 billion to prevent transmission by needles.”

The East Java provincial government has recorded that 42 percent of HIV/AIDS infected people are in the productive age group, which is from 20 to 29 years old. This impairs their productivity.Aside from that, some people still shun HIV/AIDS positive people. The result is that someone with AIDS is unlikely to work. “They are capable, but hindered by their stigma,” said the deputy governor.

The East Java provincial government also encourages hospitals in the city and regency to care for HIV/AIDS patients. This is to bring together the patients and medical centers. “Currently the life span of a victim can be prolonged with proper medications. AIDS isn’t the direct cause of death, instead it’s another disease that comes because the victim’s immunity has weakened.”

Open Social Access

Approximately 100 HIV/AIDS care activists in Malang, East Java, demand that HIV/AIDS positive people be redeemed of their negative stigma and be given equal social access.”Many people with HIV/AIDS have died because they didn’t have social access or were isolated and discriminated in everything. Though their physical conditions were maintained by medications, but if their mental conditions were oppressed by all the isolation and discrimination, then the medications are futile,” said the head of Malang Transvestite Association, Merlyn Shopjan, during the AIDS Day commemoration in front of the Malang City Hall.

The AIDS Day commemoration is also done in other cities such as Solo, Tegal, Banyumas, Bandung, and Jakarta.