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Reporting from Sacramento Reaching out to a key voting bloc, Republican Senate nominee Carly Fiorina held a Latino-themed town hall Saturday afternoon in Sacramento, heaping praise on California’s Latino community for representing “the best of who this nation is.””Bienvenidos,” Fiorina beamed to the crowd of less than 20, who were nearly matched in size by her staff in a downtown Mexican eatery.

Carly FiorinaThe event, paired with Fiorina’s launch of a new Spanish-language website, Amigos de Carly, is part of an ethnic outreach tour for the former Hewlett-Packard chief executive in her bid to unseat incumbent Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer. Last weekend, Fiorina took a spin through a predominantly African American Juneteenth festival in South Los Angeles. The moves represent a sharp shift in rhetorical emphasis, though not policy positions, after a GOP primary in which Fiorina hewed to the political right.

On Saturday, she laced her stump speech with anecdotes that recount her ascent from secretary to chief executive – “the American dream,” as she put it — with new references. “The Latino community is a foundation for the American dream going forward,” she said.

Fiorina’s direct appeal to Latinos follows in the footsteps of her GOP counterpart in the governor’s race, former EBay chief Meg Whitman, who began advertising on Spanish-language TV stations during the World Cup. Most political analysts believe that any statewide Republican must garner a substantial chunk, perhaps one-third, of the Latino vote to win in November.”The Latino community is big, and therefore it’s important,” Fiorina said.But Fiorina faces one barrier Whitman does not: her support for the new anti-illegal immigrant law in Arizona. She made no mention of it during the town hall, but told reporters afterward, “I do support the law, and I think it was a tragedy the law was necessary.”

Riverside County Dist. Atty. Rod Pacheco, the chairman of Fiorina’s Latino-outreach efforts who attended the town hall, seemed to acknowledge that the Arizona law could be an albatross. But, he said, “it’s better to be firm on your position, know where you stand than be wishy-washy.”Boxer called the law “divisive” in Los Angeles on Friday. “In the Latino community there is tremendous opposition to it,” she said.

State Sen. Gil Cedillo (D-Los Angeles), a leading Latino legislator, said the GOP overtures to Latino voters demonstrated their power. “What a dramatic change from the time period of Proposition 187, when you could simply openly attack the Latino community and there wouldn’t be a political consequence to that,” he said, referring to the 1994 initiative that sought to cut public services to illegal immigrants.

Cedillo, a liberal, said Latinos tend to be socially conservative and distrustful of government and, therefore, are “poised to be Republicans.” But with Republicans’ anti-immigrant rhetoric in the recent primary, he said, they “may have dug themselves in a hole that’s too difficult to dig out of.”One issue Fiorina is seeking to exploit among Latinos is the fallout from environmental restrictions. Water deliveries have been severely cut to Central Valley farmlands by the federal Endangered Species Act, which protects the Delta smelt, a small fish. Fiorina wants to carve out an exemption to the landmark environmental law to increase the water flow; Boxer does not.

“Tens of thousands of Latinos lost their jobs,” Fiorina said of the effect of the water cutbacks, one of several times she mentioned the issue. “Fish are not more important than families.”She pledged that working to overturn the limits would be the “first thing I will do,” if elected.The Fiorina event ended much the same way it began: in Spanish.”Muchas gracias,” she concluded, to applause.

why is the founder and CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg was so happy to wear hoodie (hooded jacket-ed)? Last week, when interviewed by Kara Swisher and Walt Mossberg of All Things Digital, at D8 conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif., Zuckerberg reveals ‘secret’ jacket. When bombarded with questions about privacy, Zuckerberg sweat profusely, so he took off his jacket’s hood.

It turns out that jacket Kara Swisher’s attention, because in the jacket are pictorial symbols and their circle of arrows leading to the six corners of the eyes of the wind direction. At the center of the six arrows, the Star of David emblem was formed. “What is this, if you follow a kind of devil worship,” says Kara Swisher looking at a jacket owned by Zuckerberg, quoted from SFWeekly site.

Logo on the jacket, Mark ZuckerbergSwisher also added that the picture on the jacket to remind him of illuminati symbol. While adding that the symbol was also presented on the face of the demon Beelzebub Jewish mythology. Zuckerberg himself have been known as a child of the family descended from Jewish-American couple, Edward and Karen Zuckerberg. Currently studying at the Harvard, the man who is now aged 26 years, also joined the Alpha Epsilon Pi, a Jewish fraternal organization.

However, according to the source of the SF Weekly, there has been no evidence strong enough that there is a kind of secret rituals conducted by a group of illuminati, in Facebook.Logo only be described as the unofficial mission statement of Facebook, because the writing on the picture to match what which is always emphasized by Zuckerberg. “Facebook, Making The World Open and Connected.” However, the jacket trigger horrendous. According to reports from TechCrunch, one of which also have the exact same jacket, via eBay auction.

“This is a limited edition, just owned by employees. I have given this jacket by one of the employees of Facebook, but now you can have,” said auctioneer this jacket on eBay. Until this news was revealed, these jackets are offered at U.S. $ 1.525

Facebook Inc. is expanding a service called Facebook Credits that gives it a 30 percent cut of sales from tractors, fish food and guns in online games, according to four people who have held discussions with the company.Facebook is already testing the payment option in at least 17 games, including “Happy Aquarium” and “Restaurant City.” The company will make the service available in more games ahead of its annual developers conference in April, said the people, who declined to be named because the plans aren’t public.After relying on advertising for almost all of its revenue, Facebook is moving to take a bigger piece of the market for virtual items bought in games, which may quadruple to $3.6 billion in the U.S. by 2012, according to ThinkEquity LLC. Today, almost all of those sales go to the game developers, such as Zynga Inc., creator of “FarmVille,” and Electronic Arts Inc.’s Playfish unit.

“It will likely be a significant revenue stream,” said Jeremy Liew, a managing director at Menlo Park, California-based Lightspeed Venture Partners who invests in social games. “They’ll keep working on it until it makes economic sense for developers.”Facebook, the most popular social-networking site, allows outside developers to offer games to its 400 million users. The games are free, and players can pay for items that advance their progress, such as a $3.33 tractor in “FarmVille,” a $5.95 helicopter in “Mafia Wars” or a $4.89 box of fish food for “Happy Aquarium.”
Facebook Cut
The Palo Alto, California-based company is seeking to take advantage of the popularity of online games, a market that has already blossomed in Asia. Shares of Tencent Holdings Ltd., a game company in Shenzhen, China, tripled in the past year, giving it a market value of $35 billion. Facebook is also taking a page from Apple Inc., which gets a 30 percent cut of sales from iPhone apps.Today, gamers on Facebook can either buy Facebook Credits to obtain items in games, or pay for them through third-party services. Of the $3.6 billion in U.S. virtual goods sales in 2012, about $2.2 billion will be on social networks, with 80 percent on Facebook, said Atul Bagga, a ThinkEquity analyst in San Francisco. If all payments on the site use Facebook Credits, that would mean $530 million in revenue for the company, he said.

‘Trust Factor’

“It’s the trust factor,” Bagga said. “You trust Facebook more than you would trust any other payment company.”EBay Inc.’s PayPal unit said yesterday that it will become a payment option for Facebook Credits, allowing PayPal customers to buy the site’s virtual currency. Players can also use credit cards or their mobile phone to buy credits.Payments and virtual currencies will likely be a focus of Facebook’s developers conference, which is scheduled to start April 21 in San Francisco, said three people who have had discussions with the company.

“We are continuing to look at ways to extend our virtual currency Facebook Credits  via a small alpha test with a handful of developers,” Facebook said in an e-mailed statement. “The test started in May and is exploring ways for people to use their Facebook Credits with third-party applications.”Allowing Facebook’s users to buy a single virtual currency that can be spent on all games will probably increase sales for developers, said Vish Makhijani, chief operating officer of San Francisco-based Zynga, the largest creator of games on the site.

‘Additional Liquidity’

“Facebook Credits will drive more people to become buyers,” Makhijani said. “That additional liquidity or ability to spend in more places clearly would be more attractive to a consumer than something you can only spend in one place.”

In rolling out Facebook Credits, the company may still allow players to buy goods using other payment services. Developers would prefer to have Facebook Credits as an option rather than being the exclusive payments provider  because purchases made with Facebook cost them more, said Vikas Gupta, chief executive officer of Jambool Inc., also known as Social Gold, which offers an in-game payment system.“Facebook Credits comes at a pretty high tax,” said Gupta, whose San Francisco-based company charges developers 7 percent to 10 percent per purchase. Still, he said Facebook Credits “will help grow the overall ecosystem so you’ll see more people pay for goods.”

 Citigroup Inc.

Citigroup Inc.

WASHINGTON The FBI is investigating a hacker attack on Citigroup Inc. that led to the theft of tens of millions of dollars, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.Citing anonymous government officials, the Journal reported that the hackers were connected to a Russian cyber gang. Two other computer systems, at least one of connected to a U.S. government agency, were also attacked.Citigroup denied the report. “We had no breach of the system and there were no losses, no customer losses, no bank losses,” said Joe Petro, managing director of Citigroup’s Security and Investigative services. “Any allegation that the FBI is working a case at Citigroup involving tens of millions of losses is just not true.”

The Journal reported that the attack on Citigroup’s Citibank subsidiary was detected over the summer, although it may have occurred up to one year earlier. The FBI, the National Security Agency, the Homeland Security Department and Citigroup worked together to investigate the attack.

Cyber crime is of increasing concern to businesses and the federal government, with President Barack Obama calling it one of the “most serious economic and national security challenges we face as a nation.”Obama is expected on Tuesday to announce the appointment of Howard A. Schmidt, a former eBay and Microsoft executive, as the government’s cyber security coordinator.