Posts Tagged ‘Erin Andrews’

Erin Andrews Videos that show presenter ESPN’s Erin Andrews sexy naked in his hotel, save a great danger. Video was there that contain viruses that can infect your computer. But once the Internet users do not care and remain diligent search for this video.According to Google Trends data search with the keyword “Erin Andrews video” position 10 of the most searched items on Google.Erin Andrews is the second high-level profile in the last weeks that are used to spread malware. Previously dangerous programs profiteer Michael Jackson’s death on July 7 by offering teaser Jacko secret song.

In addition to containing the virus fake video, nude video was reported there. Andrews and ESPN’s lawyers have protested to several sites including YouTube and NSFW POA that Erin was naked video was pulled.Although already removed, people are still busy mengobok-obok Internet to find a video of five minutes duration was reported Andrews was standing in front of the hotel’s glass.

Lawyer Andrews, Marshall B Grossman said he would sue the person who took the video, because it violates privacy and publishing indecent material. Andrews has become a sensation on the Internet, even before the video was circulated.He has been called the Erin Pageviews because of traffic caused by the video clips and photos. Playboy magazine is also referred to him as the presenter of the sexiest sport in 2008 and 2009.

LOS ANGELES An Illinois insurance executive who secretly shot nude videos of ESPN reporter Erin Andrews was sentenced Monday to 2 1/2 years in prison after giving a tearful apology that was harshly rebuked by his victim.Michael David Barrett pleaded guilty in December to interstate stalking after prosecutors accused him of following the repoErin Andrewsrter to at least three cities and shooting the videos through hotel peepholes.

Barrett, 48, of suburban Chicago, agreed to a 27-month prison sentence after pleading guilty but it was up to the judge to decide how long he would actually serve.Andrews urged the judge at the hearing for a harsher sentence and said she fears for her life every time she enters a hotel.”You violated me and you violated all women,” Andrews told Barrett. “You are a sexual predator, a sexual deviant and they should lock you up.”After the sentencing, she said, “Thirty months isn’t enough.”Barrett admitted renting hotel rooms next to Andrews three times and shooting two videos of her while she was naked. He was accused of posting the videos online and trying to sell them to Los Angeles-based celebrity gossip site TMZ last year.U.S. District Judge Manuel Real said he gave Barrett the maximum sentence under the law.

“The victim, Andrews, will be suffering with this problem for the rest of her life,” Real said. “There is no life sentence that can be imposed upon him, except his own guilt.”Barrett cried as he addressed Andrews in court, saying he would spend the rest of his life regaining the respect of his friends and family and atoning for his mistakes.”There are no words to tell Ms. Andrews how sorry I am for what I’ve done to her,” he said. “I hope someday she can forgive me.”Andrews, visibly nervous as she spoke, said she had no sympathy for Barrett’s claim he was publicly humiliated.”It’s my body on the Internet,” she said. “I’m being traumatized every single day for what he did. … This will never be over for me.”Barrett, who has until May 3 to surrender, was ordered to have supervised probation for three years after his release, during which he will be prohibited from contacting Andrews, her family or friends.

He will not be allowed to stay in a hotel without approval of a probation officer and if he accepts employment somewhere, Andrews will be notified. Barrett was also ordered to pay $5,000 in fines and $7,366 in restitution, but the judge said further restitution may be imposed to compensate ESPN.Barrett’s lawyer, David Willingham, said his client is undergoing psychological treatment and “has sought the path of redemption.””Mr. Barrett has lost everything he built throughout his life,” Willingham said. “He’s lost his career, his fiancee and his life savings. He knows that he brought this on himself.”Federal prosecutors in Los Angeles have agreed not to pursue further charges against Barrett. However, he could face criminal action in other states stemming from other videos he allegedly shot of unsuspecting nude women through peepholes.

Andrews’ attorney, Marshall Grossman, has said there could be as many as a dozen other women that Barrett taped.A sentencing memo filed last month in federal court says Barrett uploaded videos of 16 other women to an online account.Barrett also allegedly conducted 30 Internet background checks that can produce birthdays and home addresses, the document said. The filing did not name the other alleged victims or say what information he obtained or how he may have used it.Prosecutors claim that 32 videos provided by show Barrett “victimized approximately 16 other women in almost precisely the same way that he victimized” Andrews. They did not identify the women.

Andrews testified in December that Barrett’s actions had a devastating impact on her and her family because she is constantly reminded that his videos appeared online and is subjected to taunts from sports fans when she works as a sideline reporter.Andrews has agreed to appear on the new season of ABC-TV’s “Dancing with the Stars” – an offer she said ABC made before the stalking allegations. She said she doesn’t want to seclude herself from the public eye because other victims would get the wrong message.”I did nothing wrong. Just trying to live my life,” she said.”I had to deal with a lot of people who said I deserved it, that I had played to a certain audience.”Her attorney said she will not file a lawsuit against Barrett.(AP)



Play to your Team’s Strengths with Eight Authentic Motion Offenses and Experience Best-in-Class Presentation with CBS Sports and ESPN Broadcast Integration.EA announced today that NCAA® Basketball 10, developed under the EA SPORTS brand, is now available in stores for the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment and Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft. NCAA Basketball 10

unearths the core of college basketball with an all-new strategic motion offensive system, innovative broadcast presentation, and the excitement, emotion, and pageantry that makes the college game unique.NCAA Basketball 10 introduces full integration of CBS Sports and ESPN broadcast elements, allowing gamers to choose their broadcast presentation for every game. Users can mimic real-life broadcasts of NCAA basketball by choosing ESPN presentation for regular season games, and CBS Sports presentation for its exclusive broadcast of ‘March Madness’. Everything that fans see and hear on TV when watching college basketball will be mirrored in NCAA Basketball 10, including graphic packages, highlight reels, and authentic college basketball announcers. Gus Johnson and Bill Raftery, two CBS Sports announcers that are synonymous with college basketball, have joined ESPN’s Dick Vitale, Brad Nessler, and Erin Andrews on the EA SPORTS team of broadcasters, bringing an added element of excitement to the game.

NCAA Basketball 10, licensed by The Collegiate Licensing Company, increases the strategy behind team styles of play by introducing eight authentic motion offenses. The addition of a new offensive system allows users to play true to the college game by maximizing ball movement, utilizing every player on the court, and executing team-specific plays, designed to exploit an opponent’s weaknesses. With the touch of a button users will be able to run plays fluidly and successfully.