Posts Tagged ‘Facebook’

Facebook is a fun place to be online. In this social networking we can do a lot of activity.From finding an old friend’s profile, comment on the status or photos, send messages, communicating via a chat feature, as well as play games. But there can not be done through Facebook. Ie call your friends through the Facebook network.Fortunately Vonage application developers have recently introduced a new application that will complement Facebook. With the application called Vonage Mobile for Facebook, Facebook users can call friends Facebooknya via iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, or Android phones.

San Francisco Chronicle reported yesterday, Vonage allows gadgets-gadgets that connect via Wi-Fi and cellular networks.Everything can be done for free, because the conversation using these applications will not spend a pulse, but consume the data. Condition, each phone must download the application first.Skype is also able to make free phone calls over Internet protocol (Voice over Internet Protocol) like this. However, with Vonage application allows users to connect to more coverage of the contact, because he took advantage of Facebook Contact.

Facebook to overtake Google as the best technology company to work. Company social networking site of origin of Palo Alto, Calif. The award from the Business Insider is researching employee opinion IT companies. Facebook employees reported, the company did not provide luxuries like other Silicon Valley companies such as savory dishes or the office is equipped with various entertainment facilities. But Facebook is interesting because of freedom given by the company to employees.
No office politics, a bit obnoxious, middle-class managers, and opportunities to work in different divisions into a plus for employees. The company is also known to have a ‘boot camp’ to speed up new employees in adapting to the company. “Employees here are very smart but humble, making a very supportive work environment to develop new things,” said an employee survey, as quoted from AllFacebook, August 5, 2010.
“Process management is also very good, not much interference. Many of the freedom granted to employees to work on things that interest them and make important decisions. Management also provides a lot of trust and responsibility, “said another employee. In a survey conducted the previous year, Facebook only gets the title ‘Honorable Mention’ for not having enough respondents who reported about how the attitudes of companies and executives.
Google this year ranked second was to enjoy a luxurious office. However, employees reported that they were frustrated with the middle management at the company. Nevertheless, for the survey to comment on the level of employee satisfaction to the top, Google is still better than Facebook. As many as 97 percent of employees are satisfied with the performance of Google’s Eric Schmidt, Chief Executive Officer of Google, while only 92 percent of employees who claimed Mark Zuckerberg worked fine.

Facebook may continue business as usual while it fights a New York man’s claim he has a contract with founder Mark Zuckerberg that entitles him to 84 percent ownership of the world’s leading social networking site, a U.S. court heard on Tuesday.Paul Ceglia of Wellsville, New York, sued Zuckerberg and Facebook Inc last month claiming a 2003 contract with Zuckerberg to develop and design a website now entitled him to a majority stake in the privately-held company.

A New York State judge in Allegany County put a temporary restraining order on company asset transfers, but that order was suspended on June 30 by Judge Richard Arcara of federal court in Buffalo, New York.Arcara decided at a hearing on Tuesday that his ruling should remain in place, Facebook and a lawyer for Ceglia said.

“We have reached an agreement with respect to the progress of the next stage of the litigation,” said Ceglia’s lawyer, Terrence Connors.In a statement, the Palo Alto, California-based company said: “We are pleased that the court’s decision to stay the temporary restraining order remains in place and will continue to fight this frivolous claim.”The purported contract was dated April 2003 and ended in February 2004, according to Ceglia’s complaint, which had a two-page “‘Work for Hire’ Contract” attached.”He has contract. The contract is clean and clear,” Connors said by telephone after the hearing.Connors said he argued in court that Zuckerberg had signed the contract.

“The judge asked the question of the defense and they said they were looking into it,” Connors said. “I suspect that, if their client did not sign it, they would have made that clear.”In court documents, lawyers for Zuckerberg and Facebook wrote that Ceglia “sat on his allowed rights for over six years” and should not be permitted “to say that now, all of a sudden, he requires immediate relief.”The company, which has nearly 500 million users and 1,000 employees, argued the “purported contract itself is wrought with irregularities, inconsistencies and undefined terms.”Zuckerberg was a freshman at Harvard University in Massachusetts at the time of the purported contract.

Facebook’s court papers noted that last December a state prosecutor accused a wood-pellet fuel company that Ceglia owned with his wife of taking $200,000 from customers and failing to deliver products or refunds.The company is also defending a claim in federal court in Delaware that the most basic functions of its website infringe a patent held by a little-known company [ID:nN16102757].

Facebook ranks among the Web’s most popular sites, alongside Google Inc, Yahoo Inc and Microsoft Corp. Facebook is also one of the most closely watched Web companies by investors eager for a blockbuster initial public offering.The cases are Paul Ceglia v Zuckerberg & Facebook, New York State Supreme Court, Allegany County, No. 038798/2010 and Ceglia v Zuckerberg et al, U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York, No. 10-00569.(Reuters)

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia Facebook is partnering with a Malaysian company to sell credits at retail outlets across Asia for the first time, aiming to make it easier for millions of people to purchase virtual goods and play games on the social networking site while boosting revenue for developers.Electronic payments company MOL – part of the business empire of tycoon Vincent Tan – will offer the online currency from Aug. 1 at more than 500,000 outlets including 7-Eleven stores, Internet cafes and online banks in five Southeast Asian countries, India, Australia and New Zealand, company spokesman Nor Badron said Friday.
The move is targeting people who don’t have a credit card, particularly younger Facebook users, and those who don’t want to take the risk of making electronic payments online.”Asia has a huge gaming community, and it’s typically young people,” Nor said. “The penetration for credit cards is very low… so the developers are not making money and missing this opportunity.”Nor said MOL already sells prepaid credits for other online games at its established network of stores, but it will be the first time that consumers can buy credits for Facebook’s applications, including such popular games as Mob Wars and FarmVille, without credit cards.
MOL, which last year bought social networking site Friendster, announced the partnership with Facebook in a press release Thursday.”We view this agreement as a major opportunity to broaden the availability of a simple, unified currency that can be used in games and applications across Facebook,” said Vaughan Smith, director of business and corporate development at Facebook, in the press release.
“Working with MOL means we can offer the benefits of Facebook Credits to millions of people in Asia using a payment system that is already widely used and trusted,” he said.In Southeast Asia, the credits will be sold in Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines.More than 70 percent of Facebook members use applications, and payment transactions and volume have seen a double-digit increase over the last few quarters, according to MOL. (AP)

PRAGUE A group of fans plans to erect a 6-foot column with a bronze bust of the King of Pop in Letna Park, where Jackson held a concert in 1996. They want to unveil it Aug. 29 to mark Jackson’s 52nd birthday.City authorities have approved the project.

Michael Jackson statueBy Tuesday, more than 2,000 people had joined a Facebook protest claiming it makes no sense to put the statue in the park because Jackson had no connection with the Czech Republic.A Prague art gallery has proposed putting statue by a Czech contemporary artist there instead.(AP)

why is the founder and CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg was so happy to wear hoodie (hooded jacket-ed)? Last week, when interviewed by Kara Swisher and Walt Mossberg of All Things Digital, at D8 conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif., Zuckerberg reveals ‘secret’ jacket. When bombarded with questions about privacy, Zuckerberg sweat profusely, so he took off his jacket’s hood.

It turns out that jacket Kara Swisher’s attention, because in the jacket are pictorial symbols and their circle of arrows leading to the six corners of the eyes of the wind direction. At the center of the six arrows, the Star of David emblem was formed. “What is this, if you follow a kind of devil worship,” says Kara Swisher looking at a jacket owned by Zuckerberg, quoted from SFWeekly site.

Logo on the jacket, Mark ZuckerbergSwisher also added that the picture on the jacket to remind him of illuminati symbol. While adding that the symbol was also presented on the face of the demon Beelzebub Jewish mythology. Zuckerberg himself have been known as a child of the family descended from Jewish-American couple, Edward and Karen Zuckerberg. Currently studying at the Harvard, the man who is now aged 26 years, also joined the Alpha Epsilon Pi, a Jewish fraternal organization.

However, according to the source of the SF Weekly, there has been no evidence strong enough that there is a kind of secret rituals conducted by a group of illuminati, in Facebook.Logo only be described as the unofficial mission statement of Facebook, because the writing on the picture to match what which is always emphasized by Zuckerberg. “Facebook, Making The World Open and Connected.” However, the jacket trigger horrendous. According to reports from TechCrunch, one of which also have the exact same jacket, via eBay auction.

“This is a limited edition, just owned by employees. I have given this jacket by one of the employees of Facebook, but now you can have,” said auctioneer this jacket on eBay. Until this news was revealed, these jackets are offered at U.S. $ 1.525

Mark Zuckerberg acknowledged that social networking site had made a mistake in protecting the confidentiality of its users and promised to immediately deal with it. Zuckerberg claimed responsibility for that mistake, through the exchange of electronic mail with the famous technology blogger Robert Scoble, who then disseminated through the permission of Zuckerberg’s personal page.

“I want to make sure that when this issue is resolved,” the sound of a message refers to Zuckerberg. “I know we have done a number of negligence, but ultimately I hope the service becomes more perfect, and people understand that our intentions are good, and we’re responding to feedback from the people we serve.”

Zuckerberg, the 26-year-old right on May 14 and said, Facebook will directly speak to the public this week regarding the modification of user privacy regulations. “We hold all enter and try to filter it down to the important things we wanted to continue to improve,” Zuckerberg wrote.

Saturday declared last week Facebook plans to simplify the control of the confidentiality of its users to ward off criticism over the years. Facebook considers users liked the new programs created in the “hotspot” The Internet is based in California but would like to facilitate the personal information that can be shared, via third party applications or pages. Features that were introduced last month including the ability of partners in the pages of data connected with Facebook, a move which will mean more and expand the social networking presence on the Internet. Facebook has been criticized exhausted by its users in the U.S., consumer protection groups, U.S. legislators and the European Union, concerning the new features mengumbar accused of confidentiality more than 400 million users.

After experiencing pressure from various parties, eventually Facebook privacy options intended to simplify the user. In this interview with Kojo Nnamdi Show, public radio, Facebook’s chief of Public Policy, Tim Sparapani, said that his company was working on simplification of privacy options, such as what is demanded by many users so far.

“We heard from users that privacy option that we make today are too complex. I think we’ll pass them,” said Sparapani as quoted from the Wired site. “We will provide the option for users who want the privacy. I think we’ll be able to see it in the next few weeks,” said Sparapani.

Lately, Facebook was accused of restricting their users to have full control over their personal data in the most popular social networking site that. Facebook privacy statement grown increasingly complicated. In fact, now Facebook has a privacy statement that is longer than the United States Constitution. To truly be able to control the privacy of Facebook users have to perform 50 times with 170 privacy setting options offered.

To adjust the image alone, each with a photo album in Facebook should be arranged one by one whether to be published to everyone, only to friends, or to certain people only. Imagine if someone has hundreds of photos or dozens of album that should be checked one by one. Facebook’s privacy policy changes introduced since the end of December 2009 it made a lot of users do not really understand or care about their privacy.

Recent research from Consumer Reports said, 23 percent of Facebook users do not know the Facebook privacy controls offered, or claimed to not want used. but, when it also changed the Facebook privacy settings previously set by default as’ private ‘, becomes the default as’ public ‘. Therefore, a new Facebook user profile, will automatically be seen by everyone. Even with the new Open Graph API, Facebook distribute Facebook user information to third-party service sites such as Yelp, Microsoft, and Pandora.

As quoted by The New York Times, analysts suspect Facebook is looking for a gap to seek profits from the advertisers. Therefore, more information from users that are displayed on their Facebook, Facebook will be more able to avoid a first ads that are relevant to the content information.

NEW YORK Quelling rumors of a breakup, Facebook and the company behind many of the most popular games on the social network say they’ve signed a five-year partnership that will keep “Farmville,” “Mafia Wars” and “Cafe World” on the site.

Zynga’s games are popular distractions on Facebook. The games have more than 230 million active users monthly. Of these, 65 million play every day, tending to virtual farms and aquariums, playing poker or taking out rival mob bosses. Zynga makes money by selling advertising and virtual goods for the games.

Facebook’s user base, meanwhile is approaching 500 million. The companies aren’t giving details on the partnership. But its existence should put to rest recent worries that Zynga was planning to leave Facebook for greener pastures, such as its own gaming site. (AP)