Posts Tagged ‘Google’

Facebook to overtake Google as the best technology company to work. Company social networking site of origin of Palo Alto, Calif. The award from the Business Insider is researching employee opinion IT companies. Facebook employees reported, the company did not provide luxuries like other Silicon Valley companies such as savory dishes or the office is equipped with various entertainment facilities. But Facebook is interesting because of freedom given by the company to employees.
No office politics, a bit obnoxious, middle-class managers, and opportunities to work in different divisions into a plus for employees. The company is also known to have a ‘boot camp’ to speed up new employees in adapting to the company. “Employees here are very smart but humble, making a very supportive work environment to develop new things,” said an employee survey, as quoted from AllFacebook, August 5, 2010.
“Process management is also very good, not much interference. Many of the freedom granted to employees to work on things that interest them and make important decisions. Management also provides a lot of trust and responsibility, “said another employee. In a survey conducted the previous year, Facebook only gets the title ‘Honorable Mention’ for not having enough respondents who reported about how the attitudes of companies and executives.
Google this year ranked second was to enjoy a luxurious office. However, employees reported that they were frustrated with the middle management at the company. Nevertheless, for the survey to comment on the level of employee satisfaction to the top, Google is still better than Facebook. As many as 97 percent of employees are satisfied with the performance of Google’s Eric Schmidt, Chief Executive Officer of Google, while only 92 percent of employees who claimed Mark Zuckerberg worked fine.

Google Maps version 4.0 to BlackBerryCALIFORNIA Google officially released a Google Maps version 4.0 to BlackBerry users. Obviously, there are some features added to improve the performance of digital mobile version of this map.One of them is the ability to search using voice. This application will allow users to search for the target area with just one call only. Similarly, quoted by GSM Arena, Monday (12/4/2010).Voice dialing application can only be enabled on RIM’s handsets, in contrast to the Android platform is already integrated. In addition, the features of Google Maps version 4.0 is supported by two languages ie English and Mandarin China.

Not only that, the map that can be enabled as the GPS, Google is adding social networking applications, Google’s Buzz. Through this feature, users can view the postings on the Geo-tagged Buzz and of course the user’s own postings.Who pulled again, Google Maps 4.0 also features Web History pinned synchronization. So that when the user wants, for example, says Punch Pizza, then simply by saying or typing in “Punch”. This feature was also sync with Google account user.Latest Features Google is pinned by the scale bar and the Terrain layer for travel enthusiasts, where they can locate a business address, maps reporting errors and errors in business list.

BEIJING China-based hackers stole Indian national security information, 1,500 e-mails from the Dalai Lama’s office and other sensitive documents, a new report said Tuesday.Researchers at the University of Toronto said they were able to observe the hacking and trace it to core servers located in China and to people based in the southwestern city of Chengdu. The researchers said they monitored the hacking for the past eight months.

The report said it has no evidence of involvement by the Chinese government, but it again put Beijing on the defensive. Separate reports earlier this year said security investigators had traced attacks on Google and other companies to China-based computers.”We have from time to time heard this kind of news. I don’t know the purpose of stirring up these issues,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu told a regular press conference in response to questions about the report.

“We are firmly opposed to various kinds of hacking activities through the Internet,” Jiang said. She said China will fight cybercrime according to law.She added the researchers have not formally contacted China.The report describes a hacking operation called the “Shadow network” that researchers were able to observe as it broke into computers and took information, including computers at Indian diplomatic offices in Kabul, Moscow and elsewhere.

The report said the researchers were able to recover Indian national security documents marked “secret” and “confidential,” including ones referring to security in India’s far northeast, which borders China. Others related to India’s relationships in the Middle East, Africa and Russia.

Researchers also recovered 1,500 e-mails sent from the Dalai Lama’s office between January and November 2009, the report said.A map in the report showed computers were compromised on every continent except Australia and Antarctica. One was a United Nations computer, at the U.N.’s Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific.”In addition we found personal banking information, scans of identification documents, job (and other) applications, legal documents and information about ongoing court cases,” the report said.

The identity and motivation of the hackers remain unknown, the report said.”We have no evidence in this report of the involvement of the People’s Republic of China,” it added. “But an important question to be entertained is whether the PRC will take action to shut the Shadow network down.”

There was no immediate comment Tuesday from the government in India, China’s massive neighbor to the south with which it has a growing military rivalry and lingering territorial disputes.Rob Deibert, director of the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto, said the Indian government was notified in February.”Their reaction was that they were very grateful. They were going to look into it further and they asked for continued dialogue and cooperation between us,” Deibert said in a telephone interview.

“A small portion of it contained very very sensitive information, some of it market secret, some of it marked confidential, some of marked restricted,” he said. “It was a major compromise across all aspects of the Indian national security state.”Foreign Minister S.M. Krishna is visiting China this week to take part in celebrations to mark the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the countries.

The office of the Dalai Lama was aware of new hacking report.”These things are not new,” said Tenzin Takhlha, a spokesman for the office of the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader accused by China of supporting independence for Tibet. He said the office is working closely with the researchers to secure its computer systems.

A Canadian research group involved in Tuesday’s report, the Information Warfare Monitor, released a similar report a year ago that said a cyberspy network, based mainly in China, hacked into classified documents from government and private organizations in 103 countries, including the computers of the Dalai Lama and Tibetan exiles.Tibet’s government-in-exile quickly denounced that network at the time.(AP)

Google TVGoogle actually extraordinary. Engine giant searchers continues presenting innovative technology could enjoyed users worldwide.
Like santosamaru quotation from New York Times, March 31 2010, Google has took Intel and Sony to do project called Google TV. What is it?

Google TV is TV tissue walked with operating system Android and browsers Google Chrome. This TV displays ads from Google ads, and offers tens thousand applications third parties embedded on app-store supplied.

Interestingly, specially from sides users is they could perform personalization and enhance experiences watching with applications third parties, like on Smartphone. LANGUAGE simplicity, Google TV represents set TV appended with chip processor and software intelligent. More precisely, Google and partner planning to make aircraft television who use processor Atom, could connected into network, uses Android and application third party. To explores shop existing applications therein, users could wear browsers Chrome.

Due believe with open standards, Google plans opened platform their television on party developer third. They also will provide variants Android opensource who strengthen TV free. Estimated This will fishing creativity developer applications and consumers will enjoy televisi like smart phone.

As supplementary triumvirate also been assigning Logitech for make device supplementary like remote intelligent and keyboard. Seeing step taken, Google seems trying wherever possible presenting their ad in family room and sell as possible viewers on advertisers.

Bing search engineMicrosoft said on Tuesday that it will be delivering several updates to its Bing search engine in an attempt to cut into Google’s dominant position in the space.According to Microsoft, its research has shown that 42% of all Bing queries require some refinements for users to find exactly what they’re looking for. Currently, Bing offers a “Quick Tabs” pane to the left of results to help users get to content that might in some way relate to their query. And although Microsoft claims the feature has been popular, it thinks it can do better.Microsoft plans to test new Bing designs “over the next few months” that will move the Quick Tabs pane to the top of the search page. The company thinks that the modification will help users “make faster, more informed decisions.”

One of Bing’s core focuses is on real-time data. Currently, the search engine lets users see the latest tweets and Facebook status updates on a particular subject. In order to make real-time data a more present part of its search, Microsoft said that it will begin testing better availability of real-time results. Bing will also start offering real-time content, such as the “most popular shared links,” from other sites around the Web.

To improve Bing Maps, Microsoft partnered with location-based service Foursquare to create an app for its mapping tool. Bing Maps users will be able to see Foursquare data, such as mayorships, badges and check-ins, around a particular area.

As exciting as the updates might be for some Bing users, the effect they will have on search market share will probably be minimal. According to market-research firm comScore, Google enjoys more than 65% search market share, while Bing has captured just over 11% of the market. A few updates to design or functionality probably won’t be enough for the company to gain significant ground. Historically, catching up to a dominant search provider takes a long time.In other words, Microsoft is facing an uphill battle in search that probably won’t be ending anytime soon.

social networking site Facebook has become the most popular in the United States (U.S.), last week. This also marks the success of Facebook beat Google’s search engine giant for the first time.Experian network analyst firm Hitwise said that the number of visitors for Facebook much more than Google visitors until 13 March.”This shows that the content sharing service more attractive and encourage people to surf the Internet,” said Hitwise spokesman Matt Tatham was quoted as saying on CNN television stations pages.Tatham said that the primacy of Facebook also shows that more people trust the opinions of their friends than the results offered by search engines. “Ease of sharing information and content offered by Facebook is the key to their success,” said Tatham to Computerworld.

A total of 7.07 percent of U.S. Internet users visit Facebook last week, while Google’s 7.03 percent accessible. Then in succession Yahoo! Mail to 3.80 percent, the main site Yahoo 3.67 percent, 2.14 percent and YouTube.Although the difference in visits to Facebook and Google is very thin, but the growth of Facebook far beyond Google. Compared with the same period last year, the number of visits to Facebook increased by 185 percent while traffic to Google is only increased 9 percent.”This victory is certainly of great significance for Facebook, although the difference is very small,” said Tatham.

Erin Andrews Videos that show presenter ESPN’s Erin Andrews sexy naked in his hotel, save a great danger. Video was there that contain viruses that can infect your computer. But once the Internet users do not care and remain diligent search for this video.According to Google Trends data search with the keyword “Erin Andrews video” position 10 of the most searched items on Google.Erin Andrews is the second high-level profile in the last weeks that are used to spread malware. Previously dangerous programs profiteer Michael Jackson’s death on July 7 by offering teaser Jacko secret song.

In addition to containing the virus fake video, nude video was reported there. Andrews and ESPN’s lawyers have protested to several sites including YouTube and NSFW POA that Erin was naked video was pulled.Although already removed, people are still busy mengobok-obok Internet to find a video of five minutes duration was reported Andrews was standing in front of the hotel’s glass.

Lawyer Andrews, Marshall B Grossman said he would sue the person who took the video, because it violates privacy and publishing indecent material. Andrews has become a sensation on the Internet, even before the video was circulated.He has been called the Erin Pageviews because of traffic caused by the video clips and photos. Playboy magazine is also referred to him as the presenter of the sexiest sport in 2008 and 2009.

China warned Google, the world’s largest search engine, against flouting the country’s laws on Friday, as expectations grow for a resolution to a public battle over censorship and cyber-security.The chief executive of Google, Eric Schmidt, said this week he hoped to announce soon a result to talks with Chinese authorities on offering an uncensored search engine in China.

“Google has made its case, both publicly and privately,” China’s Minister of Industry and Information Technology, Li Yizhong, said, but did not confirm directly that his ministry was in talks with Google.Google in January threatened to pull out of China if it could not offer an unfiltered Chinese search engine, after cyber attacks originating from China on it and about 30 other firms.”If you don’t respect Chinese laws, you are unfriendly and irresponsible, and the consequences will be on you,” Li told reporters, in answer to a question on what China would do if simply stopped filtering search results.Li complimented Google on having reached about 30 percent market share in the Chinese market since it launched about three years ago, and said it was welcome to expand market share further if it abided by Chinese law.

It was up to Google whether to stay in China’s market or not, he added.Ministry officials have wavered between confirming and denying that talks are happening at all, in response to repeated media questions during China’s annual legislative session.

“This is really a hot topic, it’s easy and yet not easy to respond. A lot of these matters don’t fall under my ministry, ” Li said.The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology shares oversight of the Chinese Internet with a number of other bodies, while still more bureaucracies are involved in matters of foreign investment, complicating the Chinese government’s response to Google’s challenge.(Reuters)

Google officials, to reduce the cost of electricity that had been consuming a large cost. They also want to reduce carbon pollution. “We want to buy high-quality energy and environmentally friendly as possible, said an official Google. Google’s rumored to want to use electricity from solar energy.Since December they began to plunge into the energy business. December and then they set up subsidiaries to buy and sell electricity to large parties. This January, they have asked permission to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to enter the market.

Earlier, in the United States had come the news that Google will sell retail electricity. Moreover, previously, Google has issued a software PowerMeter. This is the Internet-based software that can measure electricity use home or business. Through this tool they can also know what equipment is wasteful electricity.

Google’s current business is not just the Internet. We have stretched from the phone business, a map, until the electricity. In the mobile phone business, for instance, they make the Android software and make phone Nexus One. They also challenge Microsoft by creating a free word processor that is used throughout to connect to the internet.