Posts Tagged ‘Google Chrome’

Google TVGoogle actually extraordinary. Engine giant searchers continues presenting innovative technology could enjoyed users worldwide.
Like santosamaru quotation from New York Times, March 31 2010, Google has took Intel and Sony to do project called Google TV. What is it?

Google TV is TV tissue walked with operating system Android and browsers Google Chrome. This TV displays ads from Google ads, and offers tens thousand applications third parties embedded on app-store supplied.

Interestingly, specially from sides users is they could perform personalization and enhance experiences watching with applications third parties, like on Smartphone. LANGUAGE simplicity, Google TV represents set TV appended with chip processor and software intelligent. More precisely, Google and partner planning to make aircraft television who use processor Atom, could connected into network, uses Android and application third party. To explores shop existing applications therein, users could wear browsers Chrome.

Due believe with open standards, Google plans opened platform their television on party developer third. They also will provide variants Android opensource who strengthen TV free. Estimated This will fishing creativity developer applications and consumers will enjoy televisi like smart phone.

As supplementary triumvirate also been assigning Logitech for make device supplementary like remote intelligent and keyboard. Seeing step taken, Google seems trying wherever possible presenting their ad in family room and sell as possible viewers on advertisers.

SAN FRANCISCO  Twitter can now let the world automatically know your whereabouts as well as your thoughts and activities.A new feature unveiled Thursday gives Twitter users the option of including their location with the assorted musings posted on the Internet messaging service.

Locations won’t be included unless users turn on the tracking tool. The technology, which shadows people through Web browsers, can be turned off at any time.Twitter is responding to the growing popularity of other Internet services, such as Foursquare, Gowalla and Loopt, that broadcast people’s locations. Facebook is expected to join the trend soon, too.Many of Twitter’s 73 million worldwide users already mention their location in their messages, or tweets. But that wastes precious space because tweets are limited to 140 characters.Location sharing is becoming so prevalent that a Web site called Please Rob Me recently launched as a reminder that burglars can mine the information to help pinpoint places where nobody’s home.Twitter is advising its users to be careful about when and how they use the new location tool.

Persuading people to share their locations could help Internet services sell more advertising to companies looking to sell products and services in certain neighborhoods at a specific time.Twitter’s tracking tool is designed to work seamlessly with two Web browsers: Chrome and Firefox 3.5. The Internet Explorer browser requires downloading Google Inc.’s Gears software.(AP)