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LONDON, The number of young people infected with HIV in Africa is falling in 16 of the 25 countries hardest hit by the virus, according to a new report by a U.N. agency.The number of young people infected with HIV dropped by at least 25 percent in a dozen countries, the U.N. AIDS report said. In Kenya, the infection rate among people aged 15 to 24 fell from about 14 percent in 2000 to 5.4 percent in urban areas.The drop in HIV rates coincided with a change in sexual behavior, like having fewer sexual partners or increased condom used, UNAIDS said. But the agency could not say the drop was because of recent U.N. policies, which have mainly focused on buying AIDS drugs rather than preventing infections.Some experts said new focus on prevention was too little, too late.

“Thanks to the U.N.’s strategic blunder, many more people are now infected than would have otherwise been the case had they focused on prevention much earlier,” said Philip Stevens, a health policy expert at International Policy Network.The UNAIDS data were based on population surveys and mathematical modeling, and come with a significant margin of error.

“Young people have shown that they can be change agents in the (AIDS) prevention revolution,” UNAIDS wrote in its report.The research provides further evidence the AIDS outbreak peaked more than a decade ago and that the disease is on the decline. In a report last year, the agency said the number of people infected with HIV had remained unchanged – at about 33 million – for the last two years.

UNAIDS also called for more money to combat the epidemic. In 2008, the world spent more than $15 billion on AIDS, with about half of that coming from the United States. In its report, UNAIDS said that “what’s been good for the AIDS response has been good for global health in general.”But a study published last month found there was little correlation between U.S. money spent on AIDS and improvements in other health areas across Africa.UNAIDS called for countries to invest more in their own HIV programs. It noted South Africa and Nigeria, two of Africa’s wealthiest countries, receive the most money from international donors.

Stevens said that while some recent AIDS investments – like putting more people on drugs – have clearly saved lives, it has also distorted health spending. Despite only causing 4 percent of deaths, AIDS gets about 20 cents of every public health dollar.”The same amount of money that we spend on AIDS could save many, many more lives more cheaply by vaccinating children or distributing cheap treatments for diarrhea,” he said.”Aid agencies have a responsibility to ensure they save the most lives possible with the amount of money they have available,” he said. “Spending the lion’s share on HIV clearly does not do that.”(AP)

A new White House strategy for fighting AIDS domestically will focus on preventing the spread of the virus, perhaps with the broader use of drugs and testing but also with a campaign to reduce stigma.Obama administration officials will release the strategy on Tuesday and said it would focus on prevention, care and reducing disparities.”The plan will serve as a roadmap for policymakers, partners in prevention, and the public on steps the United States must take to lower HIV incidence, get people living with HIV into care, and reduce HIV-related health disparities,” the White House said in a statement on Monday.AIDS advocates predicted the program would not have funding to buy drugs or tests. Obama’s initiative to fight childhood obesity, released in May, included 70 recommendations but no funding.More than 1.1 million people in the United States are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus that causes AIDS, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with 56,000 new infections over the past decade.

While only about 5 percent of patients infect someone else, this is enough to keep levels of the virus stable in the United States, the CDC says. The fatal and incurable virus is spread during sex, in blood and breast milk and by contaminated needles.The U.S. government has a program to fight AIDS globally — PEPFAR or President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief — but there has not been a similar coherent domestic strategy.

While the administration of former president George W. Bush was praised for coming up with PEPFAR, it was widely criticized for promoting abstinence-only education in place of more comprehensive programs stressing condom use. AIDS groups said they hoped the Obama plan would do more to promote such education.

“The National HIV/AIDS Strategy is a comprehensive plan focused on: 1) reducing the number of people who become infected with HIV, 2) increasing access to care and optimizing health outcomes for people living with HIV, and 3) reducing HIV-related health disparities,” the White House said.Experts have disagreed on how best to do this but recent studies have supported theories that treating HIV patients with drugs can not only keep them healthier, but help reduce the likelihood that they will infect someone else.

Some AIDS activist groups began criticizing the policy even before it was released, saying it did not come close to doing what they had hoped.”This strategy is a day late and a dollar short: 15 months in the making and the White House learned what people in the field have known for years,” said Michael Weinstein, president of AIDS Healthcare Foundation. “There is no funding, no ‘how to,’ no real leadership.”

The CDC estimates that 79 percent of Americans with HIV know it and experts say people who know they are infected can take steps to avoid infecting others. The CDC recommends testing everyone for HIV, with an option to refuse the test, instead of forcing people to ask to be tested.The new U.S. strategy likely will include recommendations to broaden testing.

The AIDS virus infects 33 million people globally and has killed 25 million since the pandemic began in the 1980s.In Africa, most new AIDS patients are women infected by men during sex. In the United States HIV disproportionately affects men who have sex with men, blacks and Hispanics. (Reuters)

Chicago  In a study that supports the widely used drugs to help control the AIDS pandemic, researchers said on Wednesday that HIV patients who take the drug combination has a much smaller chance to infect their partners. Using a combination of drugs to reduce the possibility of transmission of 92 percent, the researchers report in the journal Lancet. They said the findings meant a combination of drugs known as highly active antiretroviral therapy, or HAART, may be useful as a means of prevention and treatment. “These results … until now strong evidence that HAART can reduce HIV transmission risk,” said Dr. Connie Celum, a professor of medicine and global health University of Washington, who worked on this study.

The team analyzed 3400 pairs from seven African countries. In each pair, one positive among immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, which causes AIDS. The team tested the couple because they are easier to trace. All couples were given counseling about HIV prevention methods, and some were given HIV drugs.

During the study, 349 HIV-infected people began taking the drug combination. Of the 103 partners of patients taking the drug, only one was infected with the virus. “Data observation strongly supports the hypothesis that antiretroviral therapy substantially reduces the risk of HIV infection and transmission,” Dr. Deborah Donnell from the Institute of Vaccines and Infectious Diseases at the Fred Hutchinson of Cancer Research Center in Seattle.

Donnell said, the drugs cut the concentration of HIV in the blood to extremely low levels, which can make people not easy to transmit. In people who take the drug, the virus was suppressed to very low levels in almost 70 percent of cases. A randomized trial is now underway to see whether the effect

“While awaiting those results, our research indicates that antiretroviral therapy may have significant public health benefits as well as clinical benefits for individuals who were treated,” Donnell said in a statement. He said the findings offer strong arguments to begin early treatment for HIV. But although at a slower partner handled, drugs provide benefit.

AIDS virus infects 33 million people globally and has killed 25 million since the pandemic began in the 1980s. There is no cure and a vaccine but the drugs keep patients ‘healthy’. Without treatment, the viral damage to the immune system, leaving patients vulnerable to infections and cancer.

More than 20 drugs now on the market and can be combined in various ways to control the virus, although it usually mutates and ultimately the patient must switch to different ways to keep under control. Manufacturers of drugs that includes GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Gilead, Bristol-Myers and Abbott Laboratories, according to Reuters.