Posts Tagged ‘iPhone’

You including teenagers who like to play music out loud using iPods or other MP3 player?If so, you should immediately stop the habit because a study in the United States (U.S.), which is published by the Journal Of The American Medical Association reveals that the number of teenagers who have a hearing loss has increased by almost a third in the last 15 years.

The report quoted Reuters Life! It departed from a study comparing national surveys since the early 1990s until the mid-2000s and involved several thousand teenagers from ages 12 to 19 year.In the first survey as many as 15 percent of teenagers known to decrease as much as some level of hearing ability by a few trained staff. But about 15 years later that number increased by almost a third, approaching the value of 20 percent or in other words afflicts one in five adolescents in the U.S..

“That equals the number of adolescents in each class will have a hearing problem,” said Dr. Josef Shargorodsky of Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, USA.”The teenagers underestimate no matter how hard the sounds they hear. Often an individual does not realize it but even the slightest hearing loss will make a difference in language development and learning process,” continued Shargorodsky.

The study found that most cases of hearing loss that afflicts one ear but the disruption it will get worse.For while the disturbance was indeed seem trivial, but one of 20 teenagers turned out to have trouble pronouncing words, increased by 50 percent since the first survey was held.

Shargorodsky admitted surprise with the discovery. According to an appropriate medical treatment for ear infections, as one of the main causes of hearing damage, theoretically should be able to reduce the number of people with it.But the researchers were not able to determine only one devices such as iPods as the cause of the problem.

They assess the reasons for the increasing number of teenagers who suffer from hearing loss is unclear, because when asked about the sources of noise, such as from a firearm, in the workplace, or place of recreation, there is no answer to indicate a significant change.But for some people Shargorodsky not necessarily assess the music they listen to the music player such as ‘MP3 player’ for example, as noise.

“We already know that it is very difficult to ask the people of that age group as they received about the noise. They despised him,” said Shargorodsky.”Some risk factors, such as loud noise received when listening to music, probably an important factor for adolescents,” the sound of one statement in the report.

Alison Grimes, who runs clinics at the Audiology Ronal Reagan-UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, USA said that while the devices were not necessarily the music cause hearing damage, but the idea to turn down the music volume and reduce the use of devices like the iPhone is very good.

Facebook is a fun place to be online. In this social networking we can do a lot of activity.From finding an old friend’s profile, comment on the status or photos, send messages, communicating via a chat feature, as well as play games. But there can not be done through Facebook. Ie call your friends through the Facebook network.Fortunately Vonage application developers have recently introduced a new application that will complement Facebook. With the application called Vonage Mobile for Facebook, Facebook users can call friends Facebooknya via iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, or Android phones.

San Francisco Chronicle reported yesterday, Vonage allows gadgets-gadgets that connect via Wi-Fi and cellular networks.Everything can be done for free, because the conversation using these applications will not spend a pulse, but consume the data. Condition, each phone must download the application first.Skype is also able to make free phone calls over Internet protocol (Voice over Internet Protocol) like this. However, with Vonage application allows users to connect to more coverage of the contact, because he took advantage of Facebook Contact.

Disease patients nearsightedness and farsightedness, soon not need glasses because mutually minus or plus a change of their injuries.Recently an American company, PixelOptics, managed to create an electronic glasses, with power-adjustable lens which is set according to user needs.Unlike traditional glasses that can only be fitted with a particular lens which is suitable for a myopic patient, the focus of these glasses can be altered at any time so they can see objects at various distances range, both near and far.

PixelOptics“We’ve developed these glasses over the last 10 years, said Peter Zieman, Director of European Sales, PixelOptics, as quoted from the Telegraph site.

According to him, glasses do not undergo many changes since first discovered by Benjamin Franklin, about 1780s. However, this finding could be a great solution for users spectacles.Then, how do these glasses work? Apparently these two lenses consist of a layer of liquid crystal capable of changing the refractive properties, based on the input electric current applied to the lens.

To adjust the focus of these glasses, these glasses provide three modes of operation: atomatis adjustment, manual on, or off manually.For manual mode, users stay pressing a button in the right frame glasses to find the right focus.However, the focal length lens can also be changed automatically, because a motion sensor that owned these glasses can detect eye movements of users. For example, when users are suddenly reading a book.

“Some kind of motion sensor that is used on the iPhone also allows these glasses detect when someone memabaca book or newspaper, and immediately changed the focus of the lens automatically,” said Zieman.In addition, the electronic spectacles is claimed to provide a wider viewing area than a regular progressive lenses. Not only that, PixelOptics also claimed to have fewer distortions of the progressive lens.According to the Telegraph, glasses that use hidden batteries, will go on sale later this year in the United States.

Nokia sold less than 100,000 top-of-the-range N900 smartphones in its first five months on the market, researcher Gartner said, indicating it has yet to mount a serious challenge to the iPhone and Blackberry.The chunky computer-like handset  with slide-out keyboard and a touch screen   has found support among hard-core technology specialists but failed to attract a wider audience.

A spokesman for Nokia, the world’s top cellphone maker, declined to comment on the sales number, saying the company was pleased with sales, but an executive was more bullish.”Sales have substantially exceeded expectations,” Alberto Torres, head of Nokia’s solutions business, told the Open Mobile Summit trade conference in London this week.

Nokia N900Nokia has been unable to mount a serious challenge to Apple three years after the iPhone’s launch. Its last hit smartphone model, the N95, was unveiled in 2006.The sales of less than 100,000 N900s compares with sales of 8.75 million iPhones in January-March alone.

The N900, which went on sale last November, is Nokia’s first phone running the Linux Maemo operating system, which analysts see as a key for Nokia to regain ground in the coming years.

In February this year Nokia unveiled a plan to merge Maemo with Intel’s Moblin operating system.Nokia sold 50,000 N900s in the last quarter of 2009, and quarterly sales fell in January-March, Gartner statistics showed. Gartner does not track phone sales per model, but as the N900 is the only phone using Maemo, the statistics for operating systems show sales for the model.(Reuters)

Apple iPhone 4GApple iPhone was found on the floor of a San Jose bar, and that this could possibly be Apple’s iPhone 4G phone. This report was revealed by tech site Engadget, and it has many pictures of the alleged Apple iPhone 4G phone, which was found inside of an iPhone 3G case. This mystery device has black and chrome trims with the signature Apple lettering on the back.

This device has some of the familiar iPhone features, like a home button, a small rectangular ear piece, and it looks a little taller and thicker. The reports states that it has a forward facing camera, 80GB of storage, and was had a very different version of the iPhone OS.

Apple iPadApple is expected to add features iPad camera for the next edition. They have announced that they are looking for a camera technician to work with a team of developers iPad.”We are looking for technicians with the ability to test the capture image, video, and audio, and playback, for its iPhone, iPod, and the iPad,” writes Apple in their official page Daily Telegraph quoted pages.

This vacancy further fueling speculation that the iPad next generation will have a camera. Technology observers have also found a slot in order to load the right iPad iSight camera.In addition, the developers found the code in the iPad software that allows users to save the image, select images, or take a new picture.

The absence of this camera is one weak point iPad which went on sale in the United States (U.S.) in early April. This tablet computer enthusiasts in Europe, Japan, and Australia must wait until the end of May to get the iPad.Apple iPad sales internationally postpone for a month because of high demand in the U.S.. Although it has been distributed more than 500 thousand units during the first week sales iPad, Apple claims could not satisfy all consumer demand in the U.S..

Kin phonesMicrosoft Corp launched a line of phones aimed at young people on Monday, marking a fresh assault on the low end of the growing smartphone market, where it has been losing out to BlackBerry maker Research in Motion, Apple Inc and Google Inc.

The software company’s first foray into designing its own phones comes six months before it rolls out its new Windows software for phones made by handset makers HTC, Samsung and others, which should be a more direct challenge to Apple’s iPhone and Google’s Android phones.

The new phones launched on Monday, called Kin One and Kin Two, are made by Japan’s Sharp Corp and will be sold by Verizon Wireless, a joint venture between Verizon Communications and Vodafone Group.(Reuters)

iPod and iPhone, iPad predictable emergence would greatly affect the history of the world’s electronic devices. According to Henrik Brogaard, Head of Network Systems Sales, Nokia Siemens Networks Indonesia, the iPad would shift the role of portable computers to replace its role in the next few years. “I think, because of the emergence iPad, the existence of the netbook will be missing two or three years,” said Henrik Thursday, April 1, 2010.

According to him, ipad own more than a handheld mobile computing devices. “For me, iPad is a large cell phone,” said Henrik. Smartphones are also experiencing a significant increase in growth, so that growth will also cause the surging consumption data. around the world. In 2009 and 2010, Internet traffic originating from mobile handhelds is still around zero coma at a percentage of the total data traffic across the world.

But later in 2015, data traffic from the mobile handset has managed to take the portion up to nearly 50 percent of the total mobile traffic and laptops, which amount approximately 23 exabita. “Although mobile laptops are still continuing to grow, but growth will be greater over the phone,” explains Henrik. According to him, smart phones has changed the habits of people in connecting to the internet.

Once a very rare person who will be accessing the internet via mobile phone. But now many Indonesian people who update Facebook via mobile. In Indonesia, the smartphone also grew rapidly. According to Hastings Singh, Regional Director Distribution, RIM Asia-Pacific, the growth of smartphones in Indonesia last year reached 9 percent increase from the previous year which is only 4 percent.

That growth is also accompanied by increased consumption of customer data telecommunications operators who achieve a growth of 426 percent. At the same time, consumption dropped by voice instead of minus growth. RIM estimates, the growth of smartphones in Indonesia would continue to increase to 16 percent in 2012.

Facebook Inc. is expanding a service called Facebook Credits that gives it a 30 percent cut of sales from tractors, fish food and guns in online games, according to four people who have held discussions with the company.Facebook is already testing the payment option in at least 17 games, including “Happy Aquarium” and “Restaurant City.” The company will make the service available in more games ahead of its annual developers conference in April, said the people, who declined to be named because the plans aren’t public.After relying on advertising for almost all of its revenue, Facebook is moving to take a bigger piece of the market for virtual items bought in games, which may quadruple to $3.6 billion in the U.S. by 2012, according to ThinkEquity LLC. Today, almost all of those sales go to the game developers, such as Zynga Inc., creator of “FarmVille,” and Electronic Arts Inc.’s Playfish unit.

“It will likely be a significant revenue stream,” said Jeremy Liew, a managing director at Menlo Park, California-based Lightspeed Venture Partners who invests in social games. “They’ll keep working on it until it makes economic sense for developers.”Facebook, the most popular social-networking site, allows outside developers to offer games to its 400 million users. The games are free, and players can pay for items that advance their progress, such as a $3.33 tractor in “FarmVille,” a $5.95 helicopter in “Mafia Wars” or a $4.89 box of fish food for “Happy Aquarium.”
Facebook Cut
The Palo Alto, California-based company is seeking to take advantage of the popularity of online games, a market that has already blossomed in Asia. Shares of Tencent Holdings Ltd., a game company in Shenzhen, China, tripled in the past year, giving it a market value of $35 billion. Facebook is also taking a page from Apple Inc., which gets a 30 percent cut of sales from iPhone apps.Today, gamers on Facebook can either buy Facebook Credits to obtain items in games, or pay for them through third-party services. Of the $3.6 billion in U.S. virtual goods sales in 2012, about $2.2 billion will be on social networks, with 80 percent on Facebook, said Atul Bagga, a ThinkEquity analyst in San Francisco. If all payments on the site use Facebook Credits, that would mean $530 million in revenue for the company, he said.

‘Trust Factor’

“It’s the trust factor,” Bagga said. “You trust Facebook more than you would trust any other payment company.”EBay Inc.’s PayPal unit said yesterday that it will become a payment option for Facebook Credits, allowing PayPal customers to buy the site’s virtual currency. Players can also use credit cards or their mobile phone to buy credits.Payments and virtual currencies will likely be a focus of Facebook’s developers conference, which is scheduled to start April 21 in San Francisco, said three people who have had discussions with the company.

“We are continuing to look at ways to extend our virtual currency Facebook Credits  via a small alpha test with a handful of developers,” Facebook said in an e-mailed statement. “The test started in May and is exploring ways for people to use their Facebook Credits with third-party applications.”Allowing Facebook’s users to buy a single virtual currency that can be spent on all games will probably increase sales for developers, said Vish Makhijani, chief operating officer of San Francisco-based Zynga, the largest creator of games on the site.

‘Additional Liquidity’

“Facebook Credits will drive more people to become buyers,” Makhijani said. “That additional liquidity or ability to spend in more places clearly would be more attractive to a consumer than something you can only spend in one place.”

In rolling out Facebook Credits, the company may still allow players to buy goods using other payment services. Developers would prefer to have Facebook Credits as an option rather than being the exclusive payments provider  because purchases made with Facebook cost them more, said Vikas Gupta, chief executive officer of Jambool Inc., also known as Social Gold, which offers an in-game payment system.“Facebook Credits comes at a pretty high tax,” said Gupta, whose San Francisco-based company charges developers 7 percent to 10 percent per purchase. Still, he said Facebook Credits “will help grow the overall ecosystem so you’ll see more people pay for goods.”

Apple's iPhone.

For iPhone image sensor, the company Apple was always purchase from suppliers in Taiwan. OmniVision Technologies (OVTI), the name of this company, used to make the 3.2 megapixel sensor for mobile phone iPhone 3GS series.Last Wednesday, the newspaper reported that OmniVision Digitimes had orders to make the chip the iPhone as much as 40-45 million for the year 2010. This Order increases than 20-21 million orders in 2009.The newspaper is based in Taipei was also reported, for the next generation, the iPhone has a camera with 5 megapixel camera capability. Advanced mobile phone output is going to sell Apple Apple Stores in the second half of 2010.Indeed the last three years since Apple is always introducing new iPhone every summer. AppleInsider reports that San Francisco’s Moscone West, where you would normally be the Apple WWDC event, has been booked for 28 June to 2 July 2010. The event was an annual conference for developers at Apple.Apple to sell 16.4 million iPhones in the first three quarters during 2009. According to some reports, the figure is in line with other sales as much as 9 or 10 million more before the year ends.