Posts Tagged ‘Local government in the United States’

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors took a symbolic jab at Arizona today for passage of a controversial law last month that gives law enforcement authorities in the Grand Canyon State broad powers in determining a person’s immigration status.Critics fear the law will lead to racial profiling.

San Francisco supervisors, on a 10-1 vote, approved a nonbinding resolution that calls for a boycott of Arizona-based businesses. It asks for, but does not demand, that city departments refrain from entering into new contracts or extending existing ones with companies headquartered in Arizona, unless severing those ties would result in significant costs to the city or violate other laws.

”This is really about sending a very clear message that when a state passes a law that is egregious as this law is, that people of good conscience in other parts of the country have an obligation and responsibility to speak up and not remain silent,” said Supervisor David Campos, chief sponsor of the legislation.He said San Francisco is not acting alone. Oakland, Los Angeles, Chicago and El Paso also are contemplating similar statements.

San Francisco’s resolution also calls on pro and college sports leagues to not hold any championship games or tournaments in Arizona and backs the city attorney’s decision to offer legal support to challenge the law.Supervisor Sean Elsbernd cast the lone vote against Campos’ call for a boycott of Arizona businesses, but backed the remainder of the resolution.

Mayor Gavin Newsom already has condemned Arizona’s law, but he has not decided whether to sign the board’s resolution, said spokesman Tony Winnicker. However, he will not veto the legislation. He added that the mayor already has directed city employees, except for law enforcement or public health purposes, from traveling to Arizona on official business.