Posts Tagged ‘Maliki’

Baghdag Operation Iraqi joint forces and the United States managed to kill two Al-Qaeda leader who has a special network with Osama Bin Laden. Both were killed during an attack in the northern city of Baghdag.Two people mentioned as a high-ranking Al Qaeda is Abu Omar al-Baghdadi and Abu Ayub al-Masri who has a chain network with Osama bin Laden.

Abu Omar al-Baghdadi

Abu Ayyub al-Masri

“Abu Ayyub al-Masri and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, was killed by a joint team,” said Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki duringĀ  second death of al-Qaeda leaders through national television, as quoted from the AFP website, Tuesday (20/4/2010) .In broadcasting, Nouri Maliki also compared the pictures when they were alive and when both are found dead in an attack on their hideout.

“The attack was launched by ground forces who surrounded their house, and also by using the missile, about 10 kilometers southwest of Tikrit,” Maliki added.This second death of terrorist leader is a harsh blow against Al Qaeda in Iraq since the insurgency began.”Al Qaeda became weak to provide the threat of danger to the citizens of Iraq, yet we must stay alert to destroy them all,” Maliki added.