Posts Tagged ‘Malware’

China apparently is a ‘paradise’ for hackers. The reason is that the state has many virtual stores open marketplace or a particular traded aka malicious software malware (malicious software).As quoted from PCWorld site, according to one security expert who spoke at the Black Hat hacker conference Defcon in Texas U.S., the required tools to do the hack with a cheap price and can be customized, can be obtained easily in China.
“The hackers  in China to develop malware is almost like a commercial software product,” said Val Smith, founder of computer security firm Attack Research, quoted from PCWorld.Like commercial software, malware products they offer are equipped with serial numbers, product ads, the license agreement, up to 24-hour support service. According to Smith, the hacker community is very big in the marketplace, and a lot of malware that is also already very sophisticated.
Unlike in the U.S. where hackers traded hacking tools tacitly, in China most of the malware can be obtained easily in an open, even through a search engine, Consumers can have this tools at a price less than U.S. $ 20 or subscribe to become members to get updates and the supply of new tools on a regular basis. They also can choose the tools hackers what they want, ranging from data theft tool, screen capture, keystroke loggers, or other type of hacking.
The buyers can also be tested malware programs before buying. Even this malware programs can also be equipped with statistical tools capable of detecting the extent of the spread of infection caused by the program.China apparently is a ‘paradise’ for hackers. The reason is that the state has many virtual stores open marketplace or a particular traded aka malicious software malware (malicious software).

As quoted from PCWorld site, according to one security expert who spoke at the Black Hat hacker conference Defcon in Texas U.S., the required tools to do the hack with a cheap price and can be customized, can be obtained easily in China. “The hackers  in China to develop malware is almost like a commercial software product,” said Val Smith, founder of computer security firm Attack Research, quoted from PCWorld.

Like commercial software, malware products they offer are equipped with serial numbers, product ads, the license agreement, up to 24-hour support service. According to Smith, the hacker community is very big in the marketplace, and a lot of malware that is also already very sophisticated.

Unlike in the U.S. where hackers traded hacking tools tacitly, in China most of the malware can be obtained easily in an open, even through a search engine Consumers can have this tools at a price less than U.S. $ 20 or subscribe to become members to get updates and the supply of new tools on a regular basis. They also can choose the tools hackers what they want, ranging from data theft tool, screen capture, keystroke loggers, or other type of hacking. The buyers can also be tested malware programs before buying. Even this malware programs can also be equipped with statistical tools capable of detecting the extent of the spread of infection caused by the program.

Twitter tweet managed to reduce the amount of spam that milling on the Micro-blogging network.Twitter claims to have succeeded in reducing the number of tweet (post status) contain ‘junk messages’ to only 1 percent of the total volume of circulating tweet every day.In fact, the volume of spam on Twitter about six months ago, had reached 11 percent of the total daily Tweet on Twitter.”Thanks to the hard work of our research staff, we have successfully reduced the percentage of spam circulating on the Twitter network,” said Abdur Chowdury, Chief Scientist Twitter, via the official Twitter blog.

twitter spam reduction

According to Abdur, along with the increasing popularity of Twitter, the activities makers spam (spammers) have also increased.They always try to post malicious links contains malware or phishing, duplicate and do the posting tweet is insistent, or aggressive or unfollow to follow other users.

“We will continue to fight against spam to enhance the user Twitter, and we’re glad it’s already started work,” Furthermore, Abdur requested that Twitter users to report when the user profile encounter suspected spammers.Ie by going to the ‘report for spam’, so Twitter will block the account. Other efforts, Twitter users can send a tweet to @ spam.

Erin Andrews Videos that show presenter ESPN’s Erin Andrews sexy naked in his hotel, save a great danger. Video was there that contain viruses that can infect your computer. But once the Internet users do not care and remain diligent search for this video.According to Google Trends data search with the keyword “Erin Andrews video” position 10 of the most searched items on Google.Erin Andrews is the second high-level profile in the last weeks that are used to spread malware. Previously dangerous programs profiteer Michael Jackson’s death on July 7 by offering teaser Jacko secret song.

In addition to containing the virus fake video, nude video was reported there. Andrews and ESPN’s lawyers have protested to several sites including YouTube and NSFW POA that Erin was naked video was pulled.Although already removed, people are still busy mengobok-obok Internet to find a video of five minutes duration was reported Andrews was standing in front of the hotel’s glass.

Lawyer Andrews, Marshall B Grossman said he would sue the person who took the video, because it violates privacy and publishing indecent material. Andrews has become a sensation on the Internet, even before the video was circulated.He has been called the Erin Pageviews because of traffic caused by the video clips and photos. Playboy magazine is also referred to him as the presenter of the sexiest sport in 2008 and 2009.