Posts Tagged ‘minister’

Brasilia  In Brazil, more women than men holds a doctorate in 2008 according to a study issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Wednesday.Women constitute the majority of those who complete the thesis, namely as much as 51.5 percent in 2008, according to the study, as cited by Xinhua, Oana.

“This is a big improvement, considering that in Japan the percentage of disabled women doctorates only 25 percent and 33 percent in Belgium,” said Minister of Science and Technology, Sergio Rezende, in conveying the results of these studies.The study, titled “Doctors in 2010: Demographic Studies of the Brazilian Technical Scientific Base” indicates the number of people with doctorates in Brazil increased from 2830 in 2006 to 10 705 in 2008, an increase of 278 percent over 12 years. Since 2004, women have become the majority of residents who holds a doctorate.

Based on the research, most citizens of Brazil who holds a doctorate work in the field of education (76.77 percent), followed in the public sector (11.06 percent), professional activities related to science and technology (3.78 percent) and health sector (3 percent).”Most of the doctor who graduated in the last fifteen years working in universities, but an increase in labor (with a doctorate) in the manufacturing industry,” said Rezende.(AFP)

JOHANNESBURG Zimbabwe auctioned 900,000 carats of rough gems Wednesday from a diamond field where human rights groups say soldiers killed 200 people, raped women and enslaved children.It was the first public sale of diamonds from the notorious Marange field in eastern Zimbabwe since international regulators imposed a ban in November under rules designed to screen out conflict gems.The sale happened to coincide with the “blood diamonds” phase of the war crimes trial of Charles Taylor, the former Liberian president. Taylor’s case and the Zimbabwe sale are unrelated, but both point to the successes and difficulties facing the campaign to regulate the trade in diamonds that has helped finance wars in Liberia, Sierra Leone, Angola, Congo and now Ivory Coast.

The auction in Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, went ahead after the gems were certified as conflict-free by Abbey Chikane, a monitor for the Kimberley Process that oversees trade in the diamonds. Chikane had established that soldiers were gone from two fenced-off commercial mines producing the diamonds, and that the mines were operating according to “minimum international standards.”

In the rest of the field, where Zimbabwe’s military still holds sway and abuses reportedly continue, a ban on diamonds remains in place. But there is no guarantee its product won’t infiltrate into the legitimately mined stones.The arrangement so angered American gem trader Martin Rapaport that in February he quit as president of the World Diamond Council. “The tragedy of Zimbabwe is that the Kimberley Process has started legitimizing, legalizing, kosherizing blood diamonds,” he said in a telephone interview from Israel as the auction got under way.

He said it made Kimberley participants “liars who are telling the world that these diamonds are legitimate.”The Kimberley Process was set up in 2002. Its members are 75 diamond-producing and diamond-trading countries, along with industry agencies and civic and human rights bodies such as London-based Global Witness.

Stephane Chardon, chairman of the Kimberley monitoring group, said it deserved credit for the original ban on Marange diamonds and for ensuring that the two fenced-off mines were being properly run.He noted that the Kimberley rules apply only to blood diamonds mined and sold by rebel movements or their allies to finance armed conflicts aimed at toppling legitimate governments. It has no provision for punishing governments.Chardon said the system has helped. “In quite a few countries it has contributed to changing conflict diamonds into development diamonds, in the sense that the revenues are going to the government and are used for development purposes and not for conflict.”

The Marange field was discovered in 2006 and is believed to be the biggest found in the world since the 19th century. It triggered a chaotic diamond rush until police and then the army moved in.Human Rights Watch says the Zimbabwe government still has not kept its word to withdraw soldiers completely from the Marange fields, and that it found conditions there “quite appalling” as recently as May.

“We found that people were still being forced to mine, to dig for diamonds at gunpoint by the army, by soldiers,” said senior researcher Tiseke Kasambala of the area outside the two fenced off mines. “We found children as young as 11 still working in these mines.”Buyers from Belgium, Russia, India, Israel, Lebanon and the United Arab Emirates flew into Harare on private aircraft to inspect the stones and present bids in sealed envelopes. They refused to speak to reporters.

“Buyers were extremely interested and the pricing was satisfactory,” said David Castle, director of Mbada Diamonds and chairman of the South African New Reclamation Group that offered the diamonds for sale.Global Witness campaigner Elly Harrowell said that instead of expelling Zimbabwe from the Kimberley process as recommended last year by Kimberley Process investigators who were sent to Marange, “What we have instead is a weak compromise.”

She said that unless Zimbabwe kept its promise to withdraw all troops and fulfill other promised improvements, the Kimberley Process should “act very, very quickly” to prevent Marange gems from being exported.The compromise was reached after a Zimbabwe court released human rights activist Farai Maguwu, who was jailed for more than a month after publicizing abuses at the diamond fields.

Human rights groups say the deal also helped avert a crisis in the international diamond market, since President Robert Mugabe was threatening to sell stones without certification.Zimbabwe’s mines minister, Obert Mpofu, said Wednesday the country has 4.5 million Marange diamonds in stock, valued at up to $1.9 billion – one third of the national debt of a country whose economy has been ruined by corruption, mismanagement and Mugabe’s campaign against the country’s white-minority farmers.(AP)

Oil Storage CenterSabriya,Kuwait on Thursday opened a new reception center at Sabriya oil fields as part of efforts to encourage the Gulf states to increase oil production to four million barrels per day in 2020. Oil Minister Sheikh Ahmad Abdullah al-Sabah inaugurated the center’s third largest oil fields near Kuwait’s northern border with Iraq. The facility was built by South Korean SK Engineering and Construction Co.. at a cost of 626.7 million dollars, can handle 165 000 barrels of crude per day and 85 million cubic feet of gas.

“The center is one of the facilities that contribute to the strategic direction in 2020,” said Sami al-Rasheed, chairman of the Kuwait Oil Co.., The state-owned company responsible for production. Reception center to the physical separation of crude oil, natural gas, water and other impurities before pumping clean oil, either for export or for gas and oil refineries to power plants.

President SK Choi Kwang-Chul said the project was completed six months ahead of schedule and went online a month ago. Reception center is already scheduled to be completed in September. Original center, about 50 kilometers (30 miles) from the border with Iraq, have been damaged during the invasion of Kuwait in 1990 by Saddam Hussein’s forces. Sheikh Ahmad said the center and a number of other projects are part of a long-term strategy of OPEC member Kuwait to increase production capacity to four million barrels per day.

“Currently, we are able to produce three million barrels per day,” the minister told reporters after the opening ceremony, but declined to say whether this is sustainable for a long time. Kuwait, OPEC’s fourth largest exporter, said that occupy 10 percent of global crude reserves. It had been pumping about 2.2 million barrels per day. (AFP)

Riyadh Saudi Arabia, Saturday, Announced plans to build a nuclear center and the new alternative energy technologies to develop diversified sources of energy. Former Trade Minister Hashem bin Abdullah Yamani will lead the new institute, named “King Abdullah City for Nuclear and Renewable Energy” is.Former Trade Minister Hashem bin Abdullah Yamani will of the lead the new institute, named “King Abdullah City for Nuclear and Renewable Energy” is. News agency “SPA” says the agency will be built in the city of Riyadh.

News agency “SPA” says the agency will from be built in the city of Riyadh.nuclear centerBefore you are interested in developing nuclear energy, Saudi Arabia has also tried to develop some other alternative energy sources, including solar energy before Before you are Interested in developing nuclear energy, Saudi Arabia has tried to develop Also Some other alternative energy sources, including solar energy before The new institute will develop national policies of Saudi Arabia of nuclear energy development and to monitor all use of commercial nuclear power plants.

The new institute will of develop national policies of the Saudi Arabia of nuclear energy development and to monitor all use of commercial nuclear power plants.The agency is also responsible for handling nuclear waste, call the Government of Saudi Arabia’s official statement. Also The agency is responsible for handling nuclear waste, call the Government of Saudi Arabia’s official statement. Electricity needs are sourced from a number of power plants to oil and gas continues to rise in Saudi Arabia in particular to support projects of distillation of salt water.

Electricity needs are sourced from a number of power plants to oil and gas continues to rise in Saudi Arabia in particular to support projects of Distillation of salt water.

Sanaa  – About 350,000 people still displaced by war in northern Yemen, or 100,000 of the estimated number of United Nations before the February ceasefire between the government and the rebel Shia, a minister said Thursday. “The last thing we have is 350,000 refugees, or about 50,000 families, which is listed,” said Ahmed al-Kahlani, ministers of state who deal with the problem of refugees in the country, at a press conference in Sanaa, as quoted by AFP. United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) says some 250,000 people displaced during the six-round war between the army and Shia rebels in the north. The last round ended on February 12 after six months of fighting.

Kahlani said the end of the war had made tens of thousands of people can come and register at the ministry. He added that the UN World Food Programme (WFP) have difficulty to provide assistance to the penungsi in poor areas, and only five to 10 percent of them have returned home.

“We can not force refugees to return home because we know their villages were destroyed, especially those in border lines with the (Arabic) Arabia where a number of villages were destroyed completely,” he said. Deputy UNHCR in Yemen, Claire Bouregois, told the same press conference, the situation in the rebel region in Saada “fragile” despite a ceasefire has been enforced.

A press conference was also attended by foreign envoys of Saudi Arabia, Zouheir Idrissi, which means the country’s promising aid to refugees in northern Yemen.

Northern rebels and the government has approved a ceasefire to end the war in the region. Several previous truce failed to be enforced.

The truce which came into force Friday (12 / 2) it is the government’s latest effort to end the rebellion in the north that has killed thousands of people and caused 250,000 people to flee.

Zaidi or Houthi rebel group, the name of their deceased leader, based in the mountains on the border of Saudi Arabia, where they engaged in battle with Yemeni and Saudi forces.

Government forces engaged in sporadic battles with Shiite groups since 2004.

Violence in southern Yemen has also increased in recent time was when separatist protesting against the administration of President Ali Abdullah Saleh who clashed with security forces killed three policemen and five protestors.

Tensions rose in southern Yemen after a protester was shot dead the police on February 13. The incident sparked riots in which the separatists set fire to shops owned by people north and attempted to blockade a main road. Authorities conduct security operations and arrested about 180 people in the southern provinces. Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh of Yemen has urged people not to listen to calls for secession, which he said the same as treason.

North Yemen and South Yemen formally united to form the Republic of Yemen in 1990 but many in the southern region, which is where most of the oil in Yemen, said that the unification of the north uses it to control the natural resources and their discriminating.

Western countries and Saudi Arabia, Yemen neighbors, worried that the country will fail and Al-Qaeda used the turmoil to strengthen their grip on the impoverished Arab country and turn it into a place to launch further attacks.

Yemen into the world spotlight when the regional wing of Al-Qaeda of masterminding a bomb attack AQAP states fail against U.S. passenger plane on Christmas Day.

AQAP declared in late December, they gave Nigerians suspect “means that technically sophisticated” and told Americans that more attacks would be carried out. Analysts fear that Yemen will collapse under Shia rebellion in the northern region, the separatist movement in the southern region and the attacks of Al-Qaeda. Poor country that borders Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil exporting country.

Sanaa said that Yemeni forces kill dozens of al-Qaeda members in two attacks in December. British Embassy in Sanaa also become targets of suicide attacks planned Al-Qaeda Yemeni security forces foiled in mid-December. An Al Qaeda cell that was destroyed in Arhab, 35 kilometers north of the Yemeni capital, “aims to infiltrate and blow up targets including the British Embassy, government buildings and foreign interests”, according to a statement posted on the site letter news of the defense ministry. Besides the rebellion, Yemen was hit by kidnappings of foreigners in recent years.(AFP)

Tata NanoNumber of producers vehicles incorporated in Combined Industry Indonesian Automotive (Gaikindo) declares middle waited policymaker environmental friendly. Businessman undecided before governments definitely publishing the rule.Currently governments midst brewing regulations Lizzie since Sri Mulyani served as Coordinating Economy. Till now rules yet exit also.

However, some time ago, Minister Industry MS Hidayat divulge policy. Among others, lizzie nationally will within the range Rp 70-80 million and will produced bulk on 2011.

“If government already issuing boundaries, lived we (industry),” said General Chairman Gaikindo Sudirman MR, in Jakarta, March 30 2010.

Sudirman confessed until today industry could only groping policy lizzie who middle developed government. Businessmen still wonders restriction-batasa environmentally friendly and keiritan fuels which certainly going affect engine technology will used.

Indeed, Sudirman confessed in early discussion, Gaikindo invited formulate it. Will but until now further discussion government-Gaikindo.

“Yang clearly, markets automotive national very tantalizing. Moreover for lizzie and biodegradable. Potency car buyer worth Rp 100 millions very high.” This potency motorization (changes motorcycles to cars) in Indonesia, “he.Therefore, after rule it exit, industries ready menggenjot produce’s bulk Lizzie. “Capacity national production 880th thousand vehicles. Currently newly worn 560 thousand,” says Sudirman.

JERUSALEM Israel expressed interest in building nuclear power plants. This step could certainly attract the suspicion of other countries over Israel’s nuclear activities are kept secret for so long. Israeli National Infrastructure Minister Uzi Landau is planning to announce this plan on the International Nuclear Energy Conference in Paris, France today. “Building a nuclear reactor to produce electricity allows Israel to produce their own energy, while eliminating the dependence on other countries,” Landau said as quoted by the Associated Press, Tuesday (9/3/2010).

Landau added, if it can be applied nuclear technology for peaceful purposes and cooperation between nations. Jewish state is indeed dependent on other countries to supply energy for the people. So far Israel’s use of coal and gas to produce electricity. Landau himself had a meeting with the French Energy Minister Jean Lous Borloo and articulate a plan of cooperation between France, Israel and Jordan, to develop nuclear power. This plan was greeted enthusiastically by the French Minister.

History of cooperation in the French-Israeli nuclear affairs lasted a long time indeed. In 1950 France helped Israel build a nuclear reactor in Dimona. In reactor development were allegedly used as the Israeli nuclear arsenal. While other reactor at Nahal Soreq, often used as research interests. Regarding the planned third reactor, the Minister Uzi Landau said, his department had no specific plans to build it until now. Development of nuclear reactor by Israel certainly can invite a strong reaction from many countries, especially in the Middle East. Meanwhile, when asked about the Jewish state’s willingness to do the inspection by the UN Nuclear Energy Agency (IAEA), it would be appropriate to the prevailing regulations. Israel has yet to sign non-proliferation treaty that aims to limit the number of countries capable of developing nuclear weapons.

Asif Ali Zardari

Asif Ali Zardari

A former provincial minister and three other people have been killed in a bomb attack near the north-western Pakistani town of Hangu, police said.Ghani ur-Rhaman, a former North-West Frontier Province education minister, died when a roadside bomb exploded next to the car in which he was travelling. His driver, bodyguard and a friend were also killed, officials said. The attack comes two days after 99 people were killed by an explosion at a volleyball tournament in Lakki Marwat.

The US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, condemned the attack and said Washington would continue supporting Pakistan’s efforts to combat extremism and bolster democracy. For his part, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari said such actions would not weaken his government’s resolve to fight terrorism. Lakki Marwat lies in an area regarded as a Taliban stronghold until recently, when the militants were driven out by the Pakistani army.

Former German Defense Minister and current Labor Minister Franz Josef Jung has resigned over a fatal Afghan airstrike ordered by German forces, the Labor Ministry said Friday.It comes the day after the head of the German army stepped down over the same incident.The resignation of Gen. Wolfgang Schneiderhan, the army’s chief of staff, came after Germany’s Bild newspaper reported he knew civilians could be killed when the Sept. 4 airstrike was ordered.The attack in the northern province of Kunduz killed at least 90 people, according to reports at the time. Bild said 142 people were killed. Local Afghan officials said at least half of the dead were civilians, and NATO acknowledged soon afterward that civilians had been killed.

NATO said the death toll is contained in a classified report about the incident that is now in the hands of German authorities.The German commander in the area called in the strike after Afghans tried to siphon fuel from two tankers hijacked by the Taliban a day earlier. The fuel had been earmarked for NATO’s International Security Assistance Force (ISAF).Bild said it had access to confidential documents and it posted a video of the airstrike on its Web site. It said German Col. Georg Klein was not able to rule out the possibility of civilian victims before he ordered the strike.

The newspaper said a report dated Sept. 6 — two days after the strike — made clear that it was impossible for Klein to verify information his informant had provided before he called in the airstrike.Jung said Friday he was taking responsibility for miscommunication following the incident.Bild reported that for days after the incident, Jung — who was then defense minister — repeated that there had been no civilian victims. That was despite Jung having videos and documents that proved the defense ministry knew about civilian victims and also had insufficient information before the strike was ordered, Bild said.

“Although this information painted a completely different picture of events, Minister Jung repeated in newspaper interviews and before Parliament, again and again, that ‘terrorist Taliban exclusively’ had been hit, and that the local commander had had ‘clear information’ that the people by the tankers were exclusively insurgents,” Bild reported.