Posts Tagged ‘Mobile computers’

Nokia sold less than 100,000 top-of-the-range N900 smartphones in its first five months on the market, researcher Gartner said, indicating it has yet to mount a serious challenge to the iPhone and Blackberry.The chunky computer-like handset  with slide-out keyboard and a touch screen   has found support among hard-core technology specialists but failed to attract a wider audience.

A spokesman for Nokia, the world’s top cellphone maker, declined to comment on the sales number, saying the company was pleased with sales, but an executive was more bullish.”Sales have substantially exceeded expectations,” Alberto Torres, head of Nokia’s solutions business, told the Open Mobile Summit trade conference in London this week.

Nokia N900Nokia has been unable to mount a serious challenge to Apple three years after the iPhone’s launch. Its last hit smartphone model, the N95, was unveiled in 2006.The sales of less than 100,000 N900s compares with sales of 8.75 million iPhones in January-March alone.

The N900, which went on sale last November, is Nokia’s first phone running the Linux Maemo operating system, which analysts see as a key for Nokia to regain ground in the coming years.

In February this year Nokia unveiled a plan to merge Maemo with Intel’s Moblin operating system.Nokia sold 50,000 N900s in the last quarter of 2009, and quarterly sales fell in January-March, Gartner statistics showed. Gartner does not track phone sales per model, but as the N900 is the only phone using Maemo, the statistics for operating systems show sales for the model.(Reuters)

iPod and iPhone, iPad predictable emergence would greatly affect the history of the world’s electronic devices. According to Henrik Brogaard, Head of Network Systems Sales, Nokia Siemens Networks Indonesia, the iPad would shift the role of portable computers to replace its role in the next few years. “I think, because of the emergence iPad, the existence of the netbook will be missing two or three years,” said Henrik Thursday, April 1, 2010.

According to him, ipad own more than a handheld mobile computing devices. “For me, iPad is a large cell phone,” said Henrik. Smartphones are also experiencing a significant increase in growth, so that growth will also cause the surging consumption data. around the world. In 2009 and 2010, Internet traffic originating from mobile handhelds is still around zero coma at a percentage of the total data traffic across the world.

But later in 2015, data traffic from the mobile handset has managed to take the portion up to nearly 50 percent of the total mobile traffic and laptops, which amount approximately 23 exabita. “Although mobile laptops are still continuing to grow, but growth will be greater over the phone,” explains Henrik. According to him, smart phones has changed the habits of people in connecting to the internet.

Once a very rare person who will be accessing the internet via mobile phone. But now many Indonesian people who update Facebook via mobile. In Indonesia, the smartphone also grew rapidly. According to Hastings Singh, Regional Director Distribution, RIM Asia-Pacific, the growth of smartphones in Indonesia last year reached 9 percent increase from the previous year which is only 4 percent.

That growth is also accompanied by increased consumption of customer data telecommunications operators who achieve a growth of 426 percent. At the same time, consumption dropped by voice instead of minus growth. RIM estimates, the growth of smartphones in Indonesia would continue to increase to 16 percent in 2012.

Nokia N900Leading mobile phone maker from Finland, Nokia, again making a new breakthrough. In the near future they will release a new series, the Nokia N900. Once the sophistication of these products, so mention that this is a miniature version of a computer. No doubt the title as a mobile computer attached to this product. Features and advantages make it more suitable gadget called a portable computer than a phone.

Nokia N900 itself uses operating system Linux-based Maemo. Maemo technology allows the Nokia N900 has a high performance result N900 allows users to perform a variety of things like being on the computer desktop, including the opening of various applications, for instant messaging, calendar, contacts, etc. simultaneously and without the constraint means. This is because the Nokia N900 has been equipped with high-capable processor at the heart of the main.

Features superior owned by Nokia N900 more complete as many offline and online applications can be opened quickly, to maximize results, this application memory can be added up to 1GB. Games on mobile enthusiasts also will feel the sensation of playing for fun in the 3D graphics accelerator technology in the Nokia N900 is very pampering eyes.

To accommodate mobile users who frequent online wherever and whenever the Nokia N900 is a good choice. Classical problems such as long loading on any other smart phone hardly found on the Nokia N900. This sophisticated phone allows the fans on Facebook games like Mafia Wars, Mob Wars or the Texas Holdem Poker can play hard.

Users of the Nokia N900 also be at the same time to chat or browse in cyberspace without the constraints mean that the power of the processor allows the user to move windows easily. All open applications directly just by touching or sliding a view screen.

Not only that, the Nokia N900 also accommodate users who want audio visual entertainment as a whole. Users just choose a song or movie collection and favorite music video clips with easy access from one screen.

Afraid of getting lost on the road? No need to worry! Nokia N900 is equipped with technology A-GPS (Assisted-Global Positioning System) and Ovi Maps application that allows its users to find points of complex nan road in a city. Want to have all the sophistication of this product? Wait for the presence of the Nokia N900 which is also known as “mobile computer” was in Indonesia at the end of March 2010.