Posts Tagged ‘New Jersey,United States’

SHANKSVILLE, Pa. Former first lady Laura Bush will speak at a National Park Service fundraiser in Pittsburgh on Friday, a day before joining Michelle Obama in rural Pennsylvania to remember the victims of Flight 93, which crashed there in the Sept. 11 attacks.Bush’s appearance is part of a wider effort to raise money for the memorial to the 40 passengers and crew who died after they fought back against their hijackers.Just $40 million of the $58 million needed for the memorial has been raised, and the first phase of the project is scheduled to be dedicated in time for the 10th anniversary of the attacks next year.

A memorial plaza is under construction in these rolling hills, part of a long-awaited 2,200-acre national park that will eventually honor the victims. The finished memorial will include a 93-foot tower at the entrance with wind chimes for each of the victims and a grove of trees.The project’s planners say they hope Bush’s and Obama’s efforts help bring attention and much-needed cash to the project.

“In a world where there’s so much politics, one thing we have always found is that our story and our efforts resonate across the board. And this is just one more indication of that,” said Gordon Felt, the president of the Families of Flight 93, whose brother died aboard the flight.Patrick White, whose cousin, Louis “Joey” Nacke II, died in the crash, called donating to the memorial “a patriotic thing to do.”

“This is America’s memorial, certainly primarily to the 40 heroes of Flight 93, but indirectly to the events of the day as well,” he said.More than 1.2 million people have visited the temporary memorial since the crash. Planners predict that about 250,000 people will visit the permanent memorial each year.

The park foundation has recently stepped up its efforts to raise money, including a new public service campaign encouraging people to make a $10 donation by texting the word MEMORIAL to 90999, or to contribute online at .Flight 93 was en route from Newark, N.J., to San Francisco when hijackers seized control and diverted it toward Washington, D.C. But the passengers fought back and the hijackers responded by crashing the plane about 60 miles southwest of Pittsburgh.

It’s imperative to honor the victims, said David Beamer, whose son Todd was believed to have led the revolt with the words “Let’s roll.” He said some textbooks only casually reference Flight 93 as the fourth plane to crash on Sept. 11, with no details.”That’s not sufficient,” Beamer said.(AP)

Immigrants in New York City have a lower unemployment rate and participate in the labor force at a higher rate than native-born Americans, a divergence from the national trends that may reflect optimism about the recovery.The economic recession didn’t hit New York City as badly as other parts of the country. The city lost proportionally fewer payroll jobs than the nation as a whole.

A report by the Fiscal Policy Institute, a think tank, shows that in the first five months of 2010 the unemployment rate for immigrants in New York City was 8.8 percent while the rate for native-born residents was 10.9 percent. The city average was 9.9 percent.”When employers see the light at the beginning of the recovery, when they begin hiring again, the first kind of worker they seek will likely be expendable,” said Demetrios Papademetriou, president of the Migration Policy Center in Washington.

“New York has always relied on immigrants, and new immigrants, to drive its economy,” he said.Labor participation rates of U.S.-born New Yorkers declined from 59.2 percent in 2008 to 57.1 percent in 2010, while that of immigrant residents rose from 60 percent to 64.1 percent in the same period, the study said.

Labor participation is defined by those employed plus those actively looking for work.”Immigrant labor force participation in New York goes up during the recession, underscoring the notion that as the economy worsens, immigrants are more increasingly looking for work to cover their needs,” said David Dyssegaard Kallick, senior fellow at the Fiscal Policy Institute who authored the report.

Kallick measured immigrants’ employment, regardless of their legal status, using five months of data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Census Bureau.Immigrants laborers are more likely to relocate in pursuit of work, and without access to unemployment insurance many more quickly accept undesirable and temporary jobs.

“We see people coming from towns in Michigan, from Wisconsin, from North Carolina,” said Cirilo Gonzalez, 50, who works on indoor construction, primarily installing drywall.Oscar Hernandez, 39, moved to the United States 12 years ago from the central Mexican state of Morelos, and said labor conditions in New York push some immigrant workers to New Jersey or Philadelphia.”Seven dollars an hour is bad but it’s better than nothing,” Hernandez said. “My family is waiting for food.”(Reuters)

A wave of attacks by black youths against Mexican immigrants has provoked a police show of force and swift action by politicians worried about racial conflict in the remote New York City borough of Staten Island.Gravely concerned about racial conflict in the middle of a hot summer, city authorities, immigrant advocates and the Mexican consulate have announced a series of measures aimed at reducing the violence even as they disagree over the cause of the attacks and how to stop them.

The situation has combined two of America’s most intractable social problems — the plight of inner-city black youths who lack jobs and opportunity, and the world of the migrant workers who flee poverty or violence at home in search of low-paying jobs that Americans generally refuse to take.Police are investigating at least 10 incidents of beatings or robberies since April as hate crimes and in recent days have flooded the Port Richmond neighborhood with highly visible patrol cars, street officers and “eye in the sky” mobile watch towers that can be staffed by police.

Experts say the incidents are likely under-reported because illegal immigrants fearful of deportation are reluctant to report crimes to police. On the streets, Mexican immigrants tell enough stories about how they or their compatriots have been targeted to suggest more than 10 cases.

The police build-up began last week after a July 23 incident in which several young men yelling anti-Mexican slurs attacked a 31-year-old Mexican, breaking his jaw and cutting his scalp while stealing his backpack. Then last weekend three men beat a 17-year-old Mexican, stealing $10.

The beatings are often accompanied by anti-Hispanic epithets, and in some cases little or no money has been taken.”It’s nothing more than racial hate,” said Gerardo Garcia, 29, of Acapulco, one of the many immigrant day laborers who gather at different points, hoping to get hired for the day.”We try to do things right. We work. We go home. We’re not looking for fights. But we’re always confronted by groups of four or five black kids who always want to fight. They’re not looking for money, they just want to fight.”


The sight of Hispanic men concentrating on street corners has unsettled communities across the United States, particularly when associated with littering or public drunkenness.

Staten Island, which is less diverse than other New York City boroughs, is still getting used to them. Sometimes called the forgotten borough, Staten Island is geographically closer to New Jersey than to the rest of New York City and, with the smallest population of the five boroughs, it rarely receives as much attention.

The youths may been looking for easy targets for robberies of men who carry large amounts of cash on payday.”It’s a crime of opportunity, not just because they are Mexicans,” said Debi Rose, the city council representative of the neighborhood and one of the officials who on Tuesday announced a $300,000 anti-bias program for high schools and fund-raising to buy more security cameras, among other steps.

“The young African American males involved are not exemplary of the community. We are working hard to ensure that we don’t demonize young African American men,” she said.

The poor economy has hit both minority groups hard. Jobs for teenagers are scarce and the city has cut funding for recreational programs that might keep them out of trouble.Mexican day laborers who commanded $120 for a full day of work before the recession now say they are lucky to get $80.

“I just hope that at some point these young African Americans realize we are on the same side. We are both minorities. We are suffering from discrimination in various parts of the country,” said Ruben Beltran, the Mexican consul.Even before the most recent attacks, the Mexican consulate hired a counselor to roam Staten Island, advising Mexicans of their rights and encouraging them to report crimes.

“Across the country there is a wave of anti-immigrant violence. There are people who are particularly hateful of the undocumented who are seen as less than human,” said Ana Maria Archila of Make the Road, an immigrant advocate group.”Now it just seems so much more gratuitous and intense than ever before,” she said. “I’m not sure anyone knows what the right solution is.”(Reuters)

WASHINGTON Democratic senators writing an immigration bill are circulating details about their emerging proposal that would secure the border before illegal immigrants could become legal U.S. residents.

The plan would increase the number of border and immigration enforcement agents, and lays out security benchmarks. The Associated Press obtained a copy of the draft legislation on Wednesday that is being developed by Sens.

Harry Reid of Nevada, Charles Schumer of New York and Robert Menendez of New Jersey.Arizona’s new strict immigration law has led to renewed demands for Congress to pass a comprehensive immigration bill.But in this election year, Republicans have been reluctant to consider an immigration bill.(AP)

Cental High School studentsMOUNT HOLLY, N.J. High school students across New Jersey walked out of class Tuesday to protest proposed budget cuts.Walkouts, organized on Facebook, were reported from Rancocas Valley High School in Mount Holly to West Orange High School, with more planned throughout the day. Students in Newark were planning to leave class and march to the district offices.It wasn’t clear how many of the state’s roughly 400,000 public high school students would join the walkout, but a Facebook page used to organize the protest had some 17,000 fans by Tuesday.

Organizer Michelle Lauto, who graduated last year from Old Tappan High School in Bergen County and is now a student at Pace University in New York, said she wanted to join the cause because her mother is a teacher and her sister is a school secretary.”What we want to do is get attention to the issue and show primarily that the youth is not apathetic to the issue,” said Lauto, 18, an actress who’s especially concerned that arts programs could be eliminated.

The protest comes one week after voters in 59 percent of the state’s school districts rejected property tax levies to pay for schools, leaving municipal governing bodies to make cuts.

It was the first time in 34 years that the majority of budgets were defeated.

The battle over school funding has been especially acrimonious this year since Gov. Chris Christie’s budget proposal last month called for schools to see their combined direct state and federal aid decreased by about 11 percent on average with many districts getting bigger reductions that that.Most of the state’s school districts planned teacher layoffs and tax increases to make up for the lost aid.Christie says layoffs can be avoided, though, if school employees agree to one-year salary freezes and to start paying 1.5 percent of their salaries toward their health insurance premiums.

Most of the state’s teachers unions have balked at the notion, though, saying Christie is unfairly trying to balance the state’s budget at their expense. Christie has been unapologetic, consistently criticizing the leaders of the New Jersey Education Association for being selfish.The NJEA says students are “engaging in civil disobedience” but shouldn’t walk out of classes.

Whitney HoustonPARIS Whitney Houston was suddenly rushed to the hospital. As a result, the concert is supposed to start today in Paris, pending.46-year-old singer was treated at a hospital in the City of Paris, France, because there was interference with the nose and throat.

A popular singer in the 1980s and 1990s with the song I Will Always Love You, was scheduled to hold a concert in Paris. But canceled at the last moment.One member of the tour, as quoted by AFP on Wednesday (7/4/2010), states, or some kind rhinopharyngitis Whitney suffered from upper respiratory disorders. Primarily affects the nose and throat.From the disease, the United States pop diva was supposed to postpone the second concert took place on Thursday tomorrow at the City of Manchester, England.

Media preach women born in New Jersey, August 9, 1963 was treated at the American Hospital in Neuilly on the outskirts of Paris. These hospitals often be subscribed French celebrities.Tour titled ‘Nothing but Love’ is actually very important. This concert marks the return of Whitney to the world of entertainment. This world tour has been started since last year.

NEW JERSEY A 15-year-old female adolescent heart to set his sister to have sex with seven men, while partying at his home. The sister also received money after seven men were having sex with his sister. According to city police Trenton, New Jersey, United States (U.S.), this incident took place when the victim’s brother had a party in a luxury apartment, where two brothers are living.

Police Capt. Joseph.j  said, his brother asking for payment on any men who have sex with him, then give the money to his sister so that her child would be touched by the men who attended a party at his apartment.

“Actions such harassment continued until the action is accompanied by rape, assault,” said Captain  quoted by the Associated Press, Thursday (1/4/2010).

After the act of rape, the victim is only seven years old wearing his clothes and ran directly leaving  apartment. While his brother remained in his apartment. Fortunate to have two women who pass and found the younger boy was crying outside the apartment. Immediately, they brought the boy back his apartment. While the brother accused of letting the case of acts of rape, promoting prostitution and several other charges. She is currently detained in prison for kids. While his name was not published because they still are under age.

Parties prosecutor (prosecutor), the local until now trying to bring the perpetrators to trial, instead of the special trial children. Own police believe dozens of people attended the party, they continue to track the men attending the party and soon make arrests on charges of rape. The police stated that if the brothers were in the vicinity of Trenton on Sunday afternoon local time March 28. 15-year-old defendant was met with a man he knew and then invite them to party in their apartment. But teenage girls are actually brought along his sister join the party rather than leave him to people he knew.

oh my god , better people like them how like to selling they brother or sister would be good very max judgment and let god giving the best ways for people like that.

NEW YORK  A strong winter storm slammed New York City and much of the U.S. Northeast on Friday, forcing businesses, schools and transportation systems to shut down.Commuters struggled in the absence of suburban train and bus services into New York City, where several inches (cm) of snow accumulation and drifts of several feet snarled morning rush hour travel.On Wall Street, workers pitched in electronically or braved the storm to get to their jobs, so trading was unlikely to take a heavy hit, observers said.”I don’t think it will affect the volume, and volumes have been light anyway,” said Alan Valdes, director of floor trading at Kabrik Trading. “I would guess volumes would be light whether it was sunny and in the 70s or not.”

The wintry blast, which began on Thursday and was predicted to last through Saturday, was the third heavy storm to hit the region in a month.Bond trading was light due to the inclement weather, said William Larkin, fixed income portfolio manager at Cabot Money Management in Salem, Massachusetts.”New York is probably out of the picture,” he said.Parts of Pennsylvania, northern New Jersey, upstate New York and Massachusetts could expect snow accumulations of as much as two feet, the National Weather Service said.The storm was moving very slowly and was expected to hover over the Northeast through Saturday, the NWS said.The impact of the bad winter weather could be felt throughout a U.S. economy still struggling to emerge from recession.


“The issue … has been the unusual weather this quarter, said Subodh Kumar, chief investment strategist at Subodh Kumar & Associates, in Toronto,In New York City, subway service was slowed and buses struggled to navigate snow-covered streets.Strong winds, gusting up to 60 miles per hour in eastern Long Island, posed danger to those venturing outside, the NWS said.Among the storm’s casualties, a man was struck and killed by a snow-laden tree limb that fell in Central Park on Thursday, authorities said. The roof of a home in suburban New Jersey collapsed under the heavy snow, and a snowplow and an automobile collided in suburban New York, causing an undermined number of injuries, authorities said.

Some 28,000 people were without power in suburban New York, and more than 2,000 customers suffered outages in the city, Con Edison said. More than 2,000 customers were without power in New Jersey, local power authorities said.Schools were closed in New York City, Philadelphia and elsewhere in the Northeastern states.Hundreds of flights were canceled at Newark Liberty International Airport, while delays were reported at John F. Kennedy International Airport and flights canceled at Philadelphia’s airport, authorities said.Winds gusted up to 50 miles per hour in Philadelphia, which declared a snow emergency, its fourth of the winter.Amtrak canceled regional trains in upstate New York, and commuter bus service was suspended in northern New Jersey.(Reuters)

Beyonce KnowlesWHEN music video starring Alicia Keys latest single “Put It In A Love Song”, a duet with Beyonce Knowles R & B singer was in Rio de Janeiro, last week. The wife of rapper Jay-Z spit it back sexiness wearing body with intricate patterned jumpers completed a hat. Apparently, eye catching clothing worn by the 26-year-old woman was the design of Maya A Lake. Maya is a designer label Boxing Kitten is responsible to design a black tank top and worn white singer based in New Jersey is now starring in a video clip “Rude Boy”. Maya is also a favorite designer of another celebrity, from Fergie, Solange, and Erykah Badu.

rihanna sexy body picturesMelina Matsoukas, music video director Beyonce and Alicia Keys, deliberately mendapuk the designer to design a brightly colored clothing and sexy, in accordance with the carnival theme. Such as Legal lansir of People, Monday (2/22/2010). “Keys and Beyonce put on the draft Lake jumper labeled ‘Billie’, after the legendary singer Billie Holiday wore these clothes. The Keys also wore a black and white dress custom made, as well as a skirt ‘Althea’ which I have made much shorter because I think be sweet to be used in the video clip, “said Maya told People.

“Meanwhile, Rihanna appeared on the video clip ‘Rude Boy’ by wearing black and white bustier that totally custom made,” said Maya.As reported previously, to star in a video clip, Beyonce and Alicia’s body was also showing off sexiness with Samba costumes of bikinis, including some decorative feathers head high like a princess on 9 February. The single taken from Alicia’s third album titled “Element of Freedom”.

Blizzard warnings in some areas, such as Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, expired late Wednesday. And other blizzard warnings were expected to expire early Thursday. Some areas in New York, Maryland and Washington, already buried under layers of snow, might still see light snow Thursday, the National Weather Service said.

Officials were still deciding early Thursday whether to open Dulles International Airport and Reagan Washington National airports, after they were shut down Wednesday.Amtrak was still providing limited service for Washington, New York and Boston, Massachusetts, on Thursday, but most passenger rail service south of Washington was canceled.

The New York subway system was expected to run normally Thursday, compared with the limited service at the height of the blizzard, transit officials said.This winter is already the snowiest on record for Washington and its suburbs, as well as Baltimore, Maryland, and Wilmington, Delaware, the National Weather Service said. And it’s on track to set records in other cities, including Philadelphia and Atlantic City, New Jersey.

The 55 inches of snow that have accumulated in the nation’s capital during the past two storms proved too much for some buildings. Snow was blamed for the collapse of at least 22 roofs in Washington.In central Pennsylvania, Interstate 80 near Clearfield was shutdown after two pileups — one involving 17 cars and the other involving seven cars, said Rich Kirkpatrick of the state’s Department of Transportation.One person died and another person was seriously injured, police said.