Posts Tagged ‘Nuclear technology’

Hiroshima Japan marked the 65th anniversary of the atomic bombing of the United States on Hiroshima, on Friday, with the United States was represented at the ceremony for the first time.Peace bell was rung at 8:15 pm local time, when atomic bombs were dropped by B-29 war plane Enola Gay on August 6, 1945, and tens of thousands of survivors are now elderly, children and the authorities do under one minute silence hot summer sun, as quoted from Reuters.

“Clearly, the urgency of the elimination of nuclear weapons will penetrate our global conscience,” Hiroshima Mayor Tadatoshi Akiba said in a speech which was followed by the release of white pigeons.Hiroshima bomb, nicknamed “Little Boy”, which issued a mixture of very fast air waves caused by aircraft, heat rays and radiation, killing thousands of people instantly.

In late 1945, the death toll has risen to around 140,000 people from roughly 350 000 residents of the city. Thousands more people died due to illness and injuries later.Three days after the Hiroshima attack, on August 9, 1945, the U.S. dropped a second atomic bomb on Nagasaki in southern Japan. Japan’s surrender six days later, ending the military aggression that has brought the country into World War II.

U.S., involved in disputes with Japan because of the relocation of a U.S. air base on the island of Okinawa in southern Japan, sent a representative to the ceremony for the first time, reflecting the encouragement of President Barack Obama on cleansing the world of nuclear weapons.”We want the nuclear disarmament and if the U.S. take the lead, other countries might follow his steps,” says Tomiko Matsumoto, people who survived the atomic bomb who is now 78 years old.

“First I hate them (United States), but the hatred (against USA) was gone. Now I want to see a peaceful world.”Obama, who received the Nobel peace prize last year in part because his vision of a nuclear free world, has signed a strategic arms treaty with Russia, April, involving former enemies in the Cold War was to reduce nuclear  with about 30 percent. “We see the new leadership of a very powerful country,” said UN Secretary General Ban Ki-mon at the ceremony. “We must maintain momentum.”

Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said that Japan, the only country ever to suffer nuclear attack, will lead other countries to realize a world without nuclear weapons.Japan have adopted their own prohibitions against the possession, production and letting nuclear weapons into the country, as part of post-war constitution which loves peace. Democrats in power, the military alert to the possibility of an increase in its giant neighbor China, has planned a review of its defense at the end of this year.(AFP)

S-300 air-defense missilesMOSCOW The new U.N. sanctions prevent Russia from delivering S-300 air-defense missiles to Iran, a Kremlin official said Friday, in a reversal of the position announced by Russia’s Foreign Ministry the day before.The Kremlin statement was sure to please Israel and the United States, which have long urged Russia not to supply the powerful missile system. Russia signed a deal to sell the missiles in 2007, but has delayed their delivery.

The U.N. Security Council resolution passed Wednesday bans Iran from developing ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons, investing in nuclear-related activities and buying certain types of heavy weapons. (AP)

Iran has started work on a new uranium enrichment nuclear plant, a senior official said on Monday, part of a big expansion of its nuclear program which has contributed to fears in the West it aims to build a bomb.Defying Western pressure to curb its sensitive nuclear work, Iran announced in November it planned to expand its enrichment activities by building 10 new sites. The announcement was condemned by the United states and its European allies.”The president has confirmed the designated location of a new nuclear site and on his order the building process has begun,” Mojtaba Samareh-Hashemi, a senior adviser to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, told the semi-official ILNA news agency.

“New locations on which the plants should be constructed this year have been determined and initial construction is underway,” Samareh-Hashemi was quoted as saying.Iran’s top nuclear official Akbar Salehi told Reuters in February that Iran would start construction of two enrichment sites by March 2011.Washington is pushing for a fourth round of United Nations sanctions on Iran in the coming weeks to pressure it to halt its enrichment-related work, which Tehran says is entirely peaceful.Iran started higher-level enrichment in February, saying it needed the 20 percent enriched fuel for a research reactor in Tehran making medical isotopes. Such potent material is not necessary to generate electricity.

Tehran has said it is still willing to swap low-level enriched uranium for higher-grade fuel enriched abroad — a move which would help address fears about Iran’s enrichment activities — but the exchange must happen on Iranian soil.The West believed it had persuaded Iran, at talks in Geneva last October, to hand over some of its uranium stocks to be enriched abroad, but that deal fell apart soon afterwards.Samareh-Hashemi said any import of enriched uranium would not mean Iran planned to stop its own enrichment.”The domestic production of (nuclear) fuel does not contradict importing it,” he said.

“We have started to produce uranium domestically based on our need to provide fuel for the Tehran research reactor and this will continue until our needs are met.”In a separate development, state-owned Jam-e-Jam daily said Iran’s ambassador to the U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency, Ali Asghar Soltanieh, would soon be stepping down as his term was coming to an end. Soltanieh was not immediately available to comment.(Reuters)

Barack Obama Obama will hold talks with Chinese President Hu Jintao before hosting high-level delegations from nearly 50 countries for the opening of the global conference, where the focus will be on how to prevent nuclear terrorism.In the one-on-one meeting with Hu, Obama hopes to cement China’s commitment to help ratchet up pressure on Iran over its nuclear program after Beijing agreed to join serious talks about possible new U.N. sanctions on Tehran.

The two leaders will also try to nurture a thaw in Sino-U.S. relations after tensions spiked in recent months over a range of issues. Financial markets will be seeking further signs of China giving ground over its currency valuation.The Washington summit is the culmination of a hectic week of nuclear diplomacy for Obama and comes a year after he laid out a vision of a world free of atomic weapons.It follows close on the heels of Obama’s unveiling of a revamped U.S. nuclear doctrine limiting the use of atomic arms and the signing of a landmark post-Cold War treaty with Russia pledging to cut their nuclear arsenals by a third.

At home, Obama’s conservative critics say his arms-control strategy is naive and could compromise U.S. national security.Despite that, the two-day summit the biggest U.S.-hosted assembly of world leaders in six decades — will be a test of Obama’s ability to rally global action on his nuclear agenda.Speaking on the eve of the conference, Obama said he expected it to yield “enormous progress” toward the goal of locking down loose nuclear materials worldwide.

“We know that organizations like al Qaeda are in the process of trying to secure a nuclear weapon, a weapon of mass destruction that they have no compunction at using,” Obama told reporters, calling it the biggest threat to national security.A draft final communique shows leaders will pledge to work toward safeguarding all “vulnerable nuclear material” within four years and take steps to crack down on nuclear smuggling.


Iran and North Korea are not on the guest list or the summit agenda. But their nuclear standoffs with the West are sure to figure heavily in Obama’s talks with Hu and other leaders like German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who will sit down with the U.S. president on Tuesday after the summit is over.With Obama pushing to get new sanctions in place against Iran within weeks, China — after months of delay — reluctantly agreed to join in crafting a U.N. resolution. But Obama has yet to completely overcome Beijing’s skepticism.

The West wants to deter what it sees as a covert drive by Iran to develop nuclear weapons, while Tehran says it has only peaceful intentions, focused on generation of electricity.The list of leaders in attendance will range from heads of state of traditional nuclear powers like Russia and France to nuclear-armed foes like India and neighboring Pakistan.

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani assured Obama in talks on Sunday his government has “appropriate safeguard” for its nuclear arsenal. Experts say Pakistan’s stockpile of weapons-grade material poses a high risk because of internal security threats from the Taliban and al Qaeda.

Missing will be Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who withdrew fearing Muslim leaders would use the summit as a forum to demand Israel give up its assumed nuclear arsenal.Still, nuclear-defiant Iran will be the summit’s sub-text.In Prague last week, Obama persuaded President Dmitry Medvedev to keep pressure on Iran, but the Russian leader made clear there remain limits to Moscow’s support for sanctions.

For its part, a defiant Iran has dismissed the summit’s chances for success “as long as some nuclear-armed countries … are constantly preoccupied with the idea of depriving other countries of the peaceful use of nuclear technology.”Hu’s decision to attend the summit is seen as part of a two-way effort to get relations back on track after months of bickering over China’s currency, its Internet censorship, U.S. arms sales to Taiwan and Obama’s meeting with the Dalai Lama.

Days after Beijing announced Hu’s participation, Washington said it would delay a decision scheduled for mid-April on whether to declare China a currency manipulator.China, meanwhile, has signaled it may be close to revaluing its yuan currency. In a pivotal congressional election year, the Obama administration has pressured Beijing to scrap its currency peg, saying it hurts U.S. business and jobs.(Reuters)

JERUSALEM Israel expressed interest in building nuclear power plants. This step could certainly attract the suspicion of other countries over Israel’s nuclear activities are kept secret for so long. Israeli National Infrastructure Minister Uzi Landau is planning to announce this plan on the International Nuclear Energy Conference in Paris, France today. “Building a nuclear reactor to produce electricity allows Israel to produce their own energy, while eliminating the dependence on other countries,” Landau said as quoted by the Associated Press, Tuesday (9/3/2010).

Landau added, if it can be applied nuclear technology for peaceful purposes and cooperation between nations. Jewish state is indeed dependent on other countries to supply energy for the people. So far Israel’s use of coal and gas to produce electricity. Landau himself had a meeting with the French Energy Minister Jean Lous Borloo and articulate a plan of cooperation between France, Israel and Jordan, to develop nuclear power. This plan was greeted enthusiastically by the French Minister.

History of cooperation in the French-Israeli nuclear affairs lasted a long time indeed. In 1950 France helped Israel build a nuclear reactor in Dimona. In reactor development were allegedly used as the Israeli nuclear arsenal. While other reactor at Nahal Soreq, often used as research interests. Regarding the planned third reactor, the Minister Uzi Landau said, his department had no specific plans to build it until now. Development of nuclear reactor by Israel certainly can invite a strong reaction from many countries, especially in the Middle East. Meanwhile, when asked about the Jewish state’s willingness to do the inspection by the UN Nuclear Energy Agency (IAEA), it would be appropriate to the prevailing regulations. Israel has yet to sign non-proliferation treaty that aims to limit the number of countries capable of developing nuclear weapons.

Mahmoud AhmadinejadTEHRAN,   Iran’s president has dismissed a year-end deadline set by the Obama administration for Tehran to accept a U.N.-drafted deal to swap enriched uranium for nuclear fuel.The deal aims to diminish Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium, easing the West’s fears that the material could be used to produce a nuclear weapon. Iran, which denies it seeks to build a bomb, has balked at the deal’s terms.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says that “if Iran wanted to make a bomb, we would be brave enough to tell you.”He says the West can give Iran “as many deadlines as they want, we don’t care.”Ahmadinejad spoke on Tuesday to supporters in the southern city of Shiraz. He lashed out at Washington, saying Iran won’t allow the U.S. to dominate the region.

Manouchehr Mottaki

Manouchehr Mottaki

MANAMA, Bahrain  Iran is ready to exchange the bulk of its stockpile of enriched uranium for nuclear fuel rods – as proposed by the U.N. – but according to its own mechanisms and timetable, the foreign minister said Saturday.The minister’s remarks come just days before an expected meeting between the U.S. and allies to discuss new sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program. The offer, however, falls far short of the conditions set by the international community.Speaking to reporters at a regional security conference in Bahrain, Manochehr Mottaki said Iran agreed with a U.N. deal proposed in October in which up to 2,600 pounds (1,200 kilograms) of its uranium would be exchanged for fuel rods to power its research reactor.

“We accepted the proposal in principle,” he said through a translator. “We suggested in the first phase we give you 400 kilograms of 3.5 percent enriched uranium and you give us the equivalent in 20 percent uranium.”Iran has about 3,300 pounds (1,500 kilograms) of low-enriched uranium and needs to refine to 20 percent to operate a research reactor that produces medical isotopes.

Uranium enriched at low levels can be used as fuel for nuclear energy, but when enriched to 90 percent and above, it can be used as material for a weapon. The United States and five other world powers have been trying to win Iran’s acceptance of a deal under which Tehran would ship most of its low-enriched uranium stockpile abroad to be processed into fuel rods, which can’t be enriched further.

The deal would leave Iran – at least temporarily – without enough enriched uranium to produce a bomb. However, after signaling in October that it would accept the proposal, Iran has since balked, giving mixed signals over the deal, including several statements from lawmakers rejecting it outright.Mottaki maintained, however, that a clear proposal had been given involving the simultaneous exchange of uranium for fuel rods in stages.”We gave a clear answer and we responded and our answer was we accepted in principle but there were differences in the mechanism,” he said, suggesting the exchange take place on Iran’s Kish island, in the Persian Gulf.

It is not clear, however, if the low-enriched uranium would then remain on the island or could be shipped out of the country – a necessary condition to any deal from the standpoint of the international community.The world powers are also unlikely to accept a long drawn out exchange in stages, as it would allow Iran to maintain enough enriched uranium inside the country to possibly build a weapon.Iran, meanwhile, wants to receive the fuel rods immediately in exchange for its uranium for fear that France or Russia could renege deal.

Last month, the 35-nation board of the International Atomic Energy Agency endorsed a resolution from the six powers – the U.S., Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany – criticizing Iran for defying a U.N. Security Council ban on uranium enrichment and continuing to expand its operations.It also censured Iran for secretly building a second facility and demanded that it immediately suspend further construction.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said last month that the U.N. offer has been “comprehensively rejected” by Iran. A diplomat from one of the six powers said Wednesday that America’s Western allies were waiting for Washington to formally declare the wait for an Iranian response over, probably by the end of this month.The six countries are expected to meet next week to discuss what action to take over Iran.EU leaders said they would support further U.N. sanctions unless Tehran starts cooperating over its nuclear program.

uranium enrichment plantsIran announced earlier today that it plans to build ten new uranium enrichment plants. Iranian media reported that the Cabinet approved the construction of the plants just two days after the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) censured Iran for its nuclear activities.The proposed facilities, reported to be similar to Iran’s main nuclear plant at Natanz, would vastly increase the nation’s capacity to produce enriched uranium. Iranian media quoted President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as saying that Iran should get to the point where it can produce 250 to 300 tons of nuclear fuel each year.”We should reach a position where we can produce from 250–300 tonnes of nuclear fuel a year. To do this we must employ new centrifuges with a higher speed,” he commented.Ahmadinejad said the new Iranian-designed centrifuges used to enrich uranium will have higher speeds than those currently being used. He added that Iran “is not joking around with anyone” when it comes to defending its nuclear rights.

The announcement seems to make good on a warning earlier in the day that pressure on Iran would force it to reduce its cooperation with the IAEA. Parliament speaker Ali Larijani said western pressure may force parliament to review the country’s stance toward the UN nuclear agency.Iranian Members of Parliament said that “we consider the behaviour of the IAEA to be that of double standards and political. We want it to give up this double standard which has tarnished its reputation.”

The five-plus-one group of nations working on the Iran nuclear issue – the US, France, Britain, Russia, China and Germany – all voted Friday for the IAEA censure of Iran for defying international demands to freeze uranium enrichment and for secretly building a nuclear facility. The move appeared to take many officials in Tehran by surprise.The tensions coincide with problems over an IAEA proposal to send Iran’s uranium abroad for enrichment, part of a plan to ease some concerns that Iran might be pursuing nuclear weapons. Iran denies the charge, saying that the programme is for civilian purposes only. The country has offered counter-proposals to the deal, but the IAEA has not accepted any of them.An unnamed US official said that “if [the plant construction is] carried out, [it] would constitute yet another violation of Iran’s continuing obligation of suspension of all enrichment-related activities. There remains a fleeting opportunity for Iran to engage with the international community, if only it would make that choice.”

The members of the UN nuclear watchdog, the IAEA, is expected to vote Friday on a draft condemning Iran’s nuclear activities, while the Western countries suspect the country is developing nuclear weapons.The diplomats from the United States, England, France, Germany, Russia and China proposed that the draft UN resolution demanding that Iran halt uranium processing building where previously secret and asks Iran confirm that Iran has no other hidden nuclear activities.The IAEA board of commissioners consisting of 35 countries, which met in Vienna on Thursday, is expected to continue to debate and vote on the draft last Friday. If agreed, the draft will be the first act of the IAEA on Iran since 2006.Iran’s ambassador to the IAEA, Ali Asghar Soltanieh, warned on Thursday that Iran would not cooperate with the IAEA if the resolution is approved.In a meeting Thursday, the IAEA head Mohammed ElBaradei criticized Iran for hiding its efforts to build a uranium processing near the city of Qom to early September. ElBaradei also said his investigation of allegations that Iran has tried to make nuclear weapons had reached a dead end street, because Tehran does not want to cooperate.