Posts Tagged ‘Omar Osama bin Laden’

Omar bin Laden'sOsama bin Laden’s son has a chilling warning for those who are hunting his father with drones, secret agents and missile strikes.From Omar bin Laden’s up-close look at the next generation of mujahideen and al Qaeda training camps he says the worst may lie ahead, that if his father is killed America may face a broader and more violent enemy, with nothing to keep them in check. “From what I knew of my father and the people around him I believe he is the most kind among them, because some are much, much worse,” Omar bin Laden, who was raised in the midst of his father’s fighters, told ABC News in an exclusive interview. “Their mentality wants to make more violence, to create more problems.”

Omar has turned his back on his father’s philosophy, a remarkable step for a man in an Arab culture where it is a sin to disobey his father and taboo to openly criticize him. It was doubly significant for Omar bin Laden because his father had picked him to succeed him as the leader of jihad.The son spoke out again recently after hearing his father in an audio tape praise the attempt by the so-called “underwear bomber” to blow up a jetliner over Detroit on Christmas Day.

“Attacking peaceful people is not being fair, it is unacceptable. If you have a problem with armies or governments you should fight those people. This is what I find unacceptable in my father’s way,” Omar told ABC News.”My father should find some letter to send to all of these people, at least to tell them they shouldn’t attack the civilians,” he said. Omar is a clearly conflicted peacenik, bearing some signs of a loyal son and trying to explain his father’s hatred. When asked whether there is anything his father likes about the United States, Omar says “their weapons,” and nothing else. The son of Osama, however, had praise for the U.S. saying, “They don’t care what is your race, what is your skin, where you come from, this is very good.” And despite the $25 million bounty on his father’s head and the ever-searching drones, Omar is confident that his father won’t be caught and that no Afghan will turn him in. “It’s been 30 years now since he started fighting there. Who could catch him? No one…. This is the country that whoever gets in is stuck, be it the armies or the mujahideen,” he said. Omar says even he does not know where his father is.

Osama bin Laden

Osama bin Laden

Saudi Arabia has urged Iran to allow a daughter of Osama Bin Laden to leave the country after the Iranians acknowledged she was in Tehran.The Saudi Foreign Minister, Prince Saud al-Faisal, said his government was in talks with Iran over freeing the fugitive al-Qaeda leader’s daughter. Iman Bin Laden, 17, is said to have recently escaped from a compound where she and others were under house arrest. She took refuge in the Saudi embassy in Tehran. Iman and five siblings have been held under house arrest by Iran since the US-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, Saudi newspaper Asharq al-Awsat reported last month.

The newspaper, which is owned by a cousin of Prince Saud, says the embassy has issued her with a travel permit to allow her to return to Saudi Arabia. It also quoted Zaina Bin Laden, the wife of Bin Laden’s fourth son Omar, as saying that Bin Laden children and Bin Laden’s wife Khayriyah were living in a residential compound on the outskirts of Tehran.

The “Bin Laden children are living in adjacent houses with gardens, they have a laptop but no internet access, and there is a swimming pool in the compound”, Zaina Bin Laden was quoted as saying. Both she and her husband Omar, who live in Qatar, had spoken to one of the children by telephone, the paper said, adding that Zaina hoped to visit Tehran.

‘Humanitarian issue’

Speaking in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, Prince Faisal said his country considered the matter to be a “humanitarian issue”. “We are negotiating with the Iranian government on this basis,” he added. Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said last week that he had been informed that Bin Laden’s daughter Iman was staying in Tehran.

He said it was “unclear” how she she had got there but she could leave if she obtained the right travel documents. Relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran have long been marked by rivalry and suspicion, due in part to sectarian tensions between Sunni and Shia Muslims, analysts say.

Osama Bin Laden, accused of 9/11 and other attacks, was born into a wealthy Saudi family but was expelled from the country in 1991 because of his anti-government activities. Omar Bin Laden was quoted by Asharq al-Awsat as saying his relatives in Tehran had nothing to do with “accusations of terrorism made against” his father.