Posts Tagged ‘Rape’

NEW JERSEY A 15-year-old female adolescent heart to set his sister to have sex with seven men, while partying at his home. The sister also received money after seven men were having sex with his sister. According to city police Trenton, New Jersey, United States (U.S.), this incident took place when the victim’s brother had a party in a luxury apartment, where two brothers are living.

Police Capt. Joseph.j  said, his brother asking for payment on any men who have sex with him, then give the money to his sister so that her child would be touched by the men who attended a party at his apartment.

“Actions such harassment continued until the action is accompanied by rape, assault,” said Captain  quoted by the Associated Press, Thursday (1/4/2010).

After the act of rape, the victim is only seven years old wearing his clothes and ran directly leaving  apartment. While his brother remained in his apartment. Fortunate to have two women who pass and found the younger boy was crying outside the apartment. Immediately, they brought the boy back his apartment. While the brother accused of letting the case of acts of rape, promoting prostitution and several other charges. She is currently detained in prison for kids. While his name was not published because they still are under age.

Parties prosecutor (prosecutor), the local until now trying to bring the perpetrators to trial, instead of the special trial children. Own police believe dozens of people attended the party, they continue to track the men attending the party and soon make arrests on charges of rape. The police stated that if the brothers were in the vicinity of Trenton on Sunday afternoon local time March 28. 15-year-old defendant was met with a man he knew and then invite them to party in their apartment. But teenage girls are actually brought along his sister join the party rather than leave him to people he knew.

oh my god , better people like them how like to selling they brother or sister would be good very max judgment and let god giving the best ways for people like that.

Seoul Over 80 percent of South Koreans favor the death penalty, and want more that 50 prisoners had been sentenced to be executed in the country, according to research institute poll of the ruling party on Sunday. The results of a survey conducted through telephone interviews on Friday by Youido Institute of 3049 adults across the country, clearly influenced by the rape and murder of a 13-year-old boy in the port city of Busan, southern South Korea.

Last week the police apprehended Kim Kil-tae, 33, who has made two previous rape, the murder of the girl. According to the survey, 83.1 percent of respondents said the death penalty is necessary to prevent such barbaric crimes, while 11.1 percent opposed it for reasons of human rights and the remaining 5.8 per cent in doubt. “margin of error” to reach 1.77 percent.

Poll results came out about two weeks after the Constitutional Court which consisted of nine men a fatwa issued five to four that the death penalty does not violate the state constitution. South Korean court issued the death penalty was not yet carrying out executions since February 1998 when the Kim Dae-jung, dissident who was sentenced to death in 1980 but later forgiven, became president of South Korea.

Regarding the fate of the 59 prisoners who had been sentenced to death, 91.4 percent said they do not allow execution means breaking the law, according to the survey. The survey results were released after Ahn Sang-soo, the Grand National Party leaders of the ruling, calling for the execution of the prisoner.(Yonhap-OANA)