Posts Tagged ‘Rising singer’

RhiannaUnpleasant news hit singer Rhianna. Rising singer is reportedly died. The news about Rhianna’s death talked about in the social networking Twitter.Social networking site’s splashy discuss Rhianna has died in a car accident in Melrose Place.The news was then distributed, and a warm conversation. Various comments were popping up because of the presence of these issues. Many who do not believe the news of the death of Chris Brown’s ex-boyfriend.

They think it’s just mere hoax.This is what is written in one of the twitter fan of Rhianna. # In fact died a Hoax Rhianna news. Who died was not Rhianna but his fans.While in a foreign sites that proclaim there is no news about the death of Rhianna. In a foreign site that just told Rhianna’s desire to adopt children because of fear of childbirth.Currently it reportedly Rhianna-incessant incessantly promote new single ‘Rock star 101’. Video clip of the song will be aired simultaneously for today.Since cases of abuse made against singer Chris Brown’s ‘Umbrella’ it’s time to vacuum from the world of music. Now, Rhianna wants to re-prove its existence in the world music stage. And he thinks it is time to pound the world music scene.