Posts Tagged ‘Scrotum’

Jakarta, Most people only know filariasis or elephantiasis as a disease of the legs or arms. But filariasis is also pleased to attack the genitals, especially male. Swelling of the genitals caused by the entry of larvae mikrofilaria generally come from the worm Brugia timori.The larvae will enter the lymphatics (lymph nodes) in the scrotum (scrotal skin) and cause swelling of the genitals (hydrocele),” said Dr Rochani, a urology specialist surgeon from RSCM, in Iluni media gathering at the Faculty of Medicine FK UI, Salemba, Jakarta, Thursday (19/11/2009).According to Rochani, hydrocele cases was more pronounced in the eastern region of Indonesia. “Like a worm only (B. timori), hydrocele are common in NTT, Papua, Flores, and other eastern regions. But now many are also in Bekasi,” said Rochani.

According to WHO, the characteristics of the scrotum (scrotal skin) swelling is impalpable testes and genitals can be opaque because of the piles of lymph nodes in the privates.A man who has had hydrocele will experience disruption in their activities, especially sexual intercourse. But not to worry, hydrocele can be solved by surgery.”After the operation, the tool can be normal again pubic within 6 months. He was also still able to have children because during the had hydrocele, spermatogenesisnya process is not disrupted,” explained Rochani.

The principle of hydrocele surgery is changing the flow through the testicular lymphatics and lymph fluid that accumulate in the scrotum. One week after surgery, patients can be active again and within 6 months of genitals will return as before.”But if the balls are broken, then the process will be disrupted and spermatogenesisnya likely to have children so hard. It can happen if left untreated hydrocele for 10 years,” said Rochani.

For that, Rochani recommend that treatment continue to be done on an ongoing basis if someone is caught mikrofilaria infected. “The sooner the better because the caught this hydrocele occurs slowly over many years,” he said.Once a year treatment with the drug Di ethyl Carbonation (DEC) and Albendazol for 5 years can kill the worms and larvae in total mikrofilaria.According to parasitology expert, Prof. Saleha Sungkar, filaria worms can actually die alone after 6-10 years. But who wants to wait that long until swollen genitals?(detik)