Posts Tagged ‘Social media’

NEW YORK Quelling rumors of a breakup, Facebook and the company behind many of the most popular games on the social network say they’ve signed a five-year partnership that will keep “Farmville,” “Mafia Wars” and “Cafe World” on the site.

Zynga’s games are popular distractions on Facebook. The games have more than 230 million active users monthly. Of these, 65 million play every day, tending to virtual farms and aquariums, playing poker or taking out rival mob bosses. Zynga makes money by selling advertising and virtual goods for the games.

Facebook’s user base, meanwhile is approaching 500 million. The companies aren’t giving details on the partnership. But its existence should put to rest recent worries that Zynga was planning to leave Facebook for greener pastures, such as its own gaming site. (AP)

Betty WhiteLOS ANGELES Facebook fans brought Betty White to “Saturday Night Live,” and now they’ve got their eyes on the Oscars.A page on the social networking website, called Official Page for Getting Betty White to Host the Academy Awards, has collected more than 56,000 fans.One commenter wrote that “Betty White would be one of the best hosts ever!!!!!”

But the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences says it isn’t ready to let Facebook make casting decisions for film’s biggest night.Spokeswoman Leslie Unger says the academy plans to continue with its protocol of allowing the producers to select the host that will best serve the show they’re trying to put together. (AP)

BEIJING  Wan Yanhai is used to harassment by authorities, but the unwanted attention got steadily worse this year for the founder of a prominent Chinese AIDS advocacy group. Authorities ordered the group’s anniversary celebration canceled, sent commercial regulators and tax inspectors to visit its offices, and had police interrupt his talk at a university.Finally, after dozens of intimidating phone calls from police in a single day, Wan fled to America via Hong Kong last Thursday with his wife and child.

His departure illustrates the toll that relentless official harassment takes on activists in China, even those working on issues such as AIDS that are recognized by the government as legitimate concerns.”The attacks from the government had become very serious for my organization and for me personally,” Wan said Monday by phone from Philadelphia, where he and his family are staying with a friend. “I had concerns about my personal safety and was under a lot of stress.”

“When I am in China, the authorities look at me like I am a bird in a cage. They say, ‘If you don’t listen to me, then I will eat you,'” Wan said. “But after I leave the country, they will see me in a new light because I am no longer in their cage.”

In recent months, Beijing has been tightening its control over the operations of independent groups and activists that are seen by the Communist leadership as threats to the government’s authority. A renowned women’s rights organization was shuttered last month, while over the weekend, two lawyers who represented a member of an outlawed spiritual movement were banned from practicing law for life.

In March, the government decided to regulate overseas donations to aid groups, a move that has squeezed the funding of organizations like Wan’s Beijing-based Aizhixing Institute, which offers legal advice to people with HIV and campaigns against discrimination.

The rule says groups such as Aizhixing must show proof that overseas nonprofit donor groups are registered in their home countries and strictly follow detailed agreements with foreign donors on how donated funds are spent.”Funding became a major problem for us after that,” Wan said.He said police interrupted a March talk he was due to give to the Southern China Science and Industry University on sexual orientation and mental health. He said he later heard that a notice had been sent to universities nationwide telling them not to invite him to speak.Finally, on April 23, he received dozens of phone calls from police about an event to train lawyers on how to use new social media, Wan said.

Two days after the phone calls, he and his wife left Beijing for Guangzhou in the south.”To be honest, I was becoming very worried. I felt like if we had acted slower, it would not have been good,” he said. The family decided to leave during a business trip to neighboring Hong Kong.

“Before we left, we didn’t tell a lot of people,” he said. “We waited until Thursday evening after we got to Hong Kong, bought the flight tickets and passed through the security checks at the airport before we called a few friends.”At Aizhixing’s office in Beijing on Monday, a staffer who handles media inquiries said employees only learned about Wan’s departure from media reports.”I’m a little bit surprised and also a bit nervous,” said the woman, who refused to give her name due to the sensitivity of the issue. “We’re still working on several projects here and we haven’t got time to discuss it.”

In recent years, China’s government has made huge strides in openly addressing the spread of HIV, but it is deeply suspicious of independent activists, and Wan has one of the highest profiles among those working on AIDS in China.Wan, a former Health Ministry official, founded the Aizhixing Institute in 1994 to raise awareness and fight discrimination. Among its most significant and politically sensitive work was the publicizing of the spread of AIDS in the 1990s among villagers in central China’s Henan province, where people who sold blood were re-injected with pooled blood after buyers had removed important components.

Wan has been detained for up to weeks at a time by authorities, but never formally convicted under China’s loosely defined sedition laws.Aizhixing’s advocacy alone was enough to make authorities view Wan with suspicion, said Kin-man Chan, director of the Center for Civil Society Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Chan said Wan had given a talk at the research center last Wednesday about the challenges non-governmental organizations faced in China, but had not mentioned plans to leave the country.”I feel very sad that people like Wan Yanhai have to leave. I feel very, very disappointed,” Chan said.”If you don’t allow these NGOs to represent those disadvantaged groups and voice out their grievances, then people might at the end of the day take some isolated, more radical actions to express their disappointment,” Chan said.

Wan said he and his wife have yearlong business visas for the U.S. and have no long-term plan yet. In the coming days, he hopes to meet with international organizations to discuss ways to cooperate on projects and for funding.

Wan’s move was met with support by Chinese activists, many of whom posted messages on Twitter, although some also expressed regret at his departure and worries about the future of his organization.”I empathize with Wan’s feelings. Although I feel a little regret toward his decision, still, I fully understand and wish them a happy life,” said Zeng Jingyan, whose husband Hu Jia is serving a 3 1/2-year jail term for sedition.(AP)

SAN FRANCISCO Four U.S. senators want Facebook to make it easier for its more than 400 million users to protect their privacy as the website develops new outlets to share personal information.The call for simpler privacy controls came in a letter that the senators plan to send Tuesday to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. The Associated Press obtained a draft of the letter signed by Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y.; Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo; Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska; and Sen. Al Franken, D.-Minn.It marks the second time in the past three days that Schumer has expressed his misgivings about a series of changes that Facebook announced last week. The new features are designed to unlock more of the data that the online hangout has accumulated about people during its six-year history.

Schumer sent a letter Sunday to the Federal Trade Commission calling for regulators to draw up clearer privacy guidelines for Facebook and other Internet social networks to follow.The political pressure threatens to deter Facebook’s efforts to put its stamp on more websites, a goal that could yield more moneymaking opportunities for the privately held company.

Facebook’s expansion “raises new concerns for users who want to maintain control over their information,” the senators wrote in their preliminary draft.In a statement late Monday, Facebook spokesman Andrew Noyes said the company wants to meet with Schumer to explain its commitment to privacy.

“We’ve developed powerful tools to give our users control over what information they want to share, when they want to share it and with whom,” Noyes said.Among other things, Facebook is plugging into other websites so people can communicate their interests with their online entourages. Facebook also tweaked its own website to create more pages where people’s biographical information could be exposed to a wider audience.

Before personal information can be shared with other websites, the senators want Facebook to seek users’ explicit consent, a process known as “opting in.” Facebook currently can share some personal information with websites unless individual users opt out by telling the company they don’t want those details to be passed along.The senators also object to Facebook’s decision to allow other businesses store users’ data for more than 24 hours.

Zuckerberg, who turns 26 next month, says he just wants to build more online avenues for people to connect with their friends and family. Some of his previous efforts have been detoured by privacy concerns, most notably in 2007 when Facebook users revolted against notification tool, called Beacon, that broadcast their activities on dozens of websites.Facebook responded to that rebellion by giving people more control over Beacon before scrapping the program completely. (AP)

WASHINGTON  President Barack Obama’s spokesman says the Internet’s Twitter site is an “amazing tool” and a “fabulous medium.”White House press secretary Robert Gibbs says Twitter also challenges him to boil his thoughts down to 140 characters, the maximum allowed on Twitter postings.In an interview broadcast Sunday on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” Gibbs says Twitter allows him to reach not just reporters but tens of thousands of people curious about what Obama is doing.(AP)

Micro-blogging service Twitter can be used to predict the future box-office takings of blockbuster films, according to researchers at Hewlett Packard (HP).The computer scientists studied 3 million messages – known as tweets – about 25 movies, including Avatar. They found the rate at which messages were produced could be used to accurately predict the box office takings before the film opened. Further analysis of the content of the messages could predict ongoing success.

“Our predictions were incredibly close,” Bernardo Huberman, head of the social computing lab at HP, told BBC News.For example, he said, the system predicted that zombie film The Crazies would take $16.8m in its first weekend in the US. It actually took $16.06m. The team forecast that romantic drama Dear John would take $30.71m in its first US weekend. It took $30.46m. The unpublished research has been posted on the Arxiv website.

Social sentiment

The team were able to make their first-weekend revenue predictions by analysing the torrent of tweets about a particular film in the run up to its release. “We developed algorithms to analyse these tweets and measure the rate at which they were produced, said Dr Huberman. “Our intuition was that the faster people tweet, the more likely they are to go and see it.”

The teams were then able to forecast the ongoing success of a film, including its second weekend revenues, by doing what is known as sentiment analysis. This analyses the content of tweets and decides whether it is positive, negative or neutral. “It’s tapping into collective intelligence,” said Dr Huberman, who carried out the work with Sitaram Asur, also of HP.

The team trained their system using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, an online tool that pays people to perform small tasks that computers would struggle to complete. “We got people to classify tweets and we used that to calibrate the sentiment analysis,” explained Dr Huberman. Again, the system tracked the fortunes of movies and outperformed other predictive systems such as the Hollywood Stock Exchange, he said.

For example, analysis showed a boom in positive sentiment about the Oscar-nominated The Blind Side after it was released, but showed the opposite effect for New Moon, which initially sold well but rapidly lost viewers. “Word of mouth builds audience,” said Jan Saxton, vice president and senior films analyst at Adams Media Research. She highlighted the film My Big fat Greek Wedding, which she said became the “film of the year” in 2002 by recommendations.

“If word of mouth becomes a faster, more effective marketing tool, then the effect on the movie business could be profound.” Both Dr Huberman and Ms Saxton said that the demographic of Twitter – which tends to be young, tech-savvy and reasonably affluent – may limit the utility of the system for analysis of some trends, such as those aimed at children.

However, Dr Huberman believes it could be of use in forecasting other trends, such as how well a gadget or product will sell. Elements such as sentiment analysis are also being used by other groups. For example, it is being used by an organisation called Tweetminster to monitor the UK general election to work out whether online buzz correlates with the winners.

twitter front pages viewPages micro blogging Twitter alter pageview Advances they for provide better services on Tuesday, March 30th 2010. One change namely launching sexy ‘See who’s here’ which shows celebrities or specific brands existing within Twitter unto them Newly registered on Twitter.

Addition, front page This also now contain ‘Downloadable Tweets’ that contains Tweet-Tweet attract most new. Pages Mashable reported that front yard was last updated on summer last year.

Moment, p. added is search engine located at upper homepage Twitter. Machinery searchlight’s indeed give good service however unable introduce Twitter perfectly.

“Changes this design conducted to explains that Twitter is network place information exchange happened with time quickly,” said creative director Twitter, Doug Bowman like quoted pages PCWorld.

Although popularity Twitter continue rocketed during recent years largely users yet can understand how Twitter working. Survey conducted BarracudaLabs indicates that only 21st percent Twitter users truly active.

stalker applicationsFacebook says it is “aggressively disabling” applications that claim to allow users to see who is viewing their profile. It has also confirmed that the programmes do not work and won’t allow access to private information. Several variants of the so-called “stalker apps” have appeared on Facebook in recent days.

Unwitting users have helped spread the rogue software by attempting to install it. Among the applications that have now disappeared from the site are “Stalker Check”, and “Who has visited my profile”. They claim to show users who, among their friends, is regularly visiting their page. In a statement, Facebook said: “Don’t believe any applications that claim they can show you who’s viewing your profile or photo. They can’t.”

Our philosophy is that having an open system anyone can participate in is generally better Most of the stalker apps appear to have been created to generate cash for their designers. Facebook’s Head of European Policy, Richard Allan, said: “Applications try to attract users in and try to get people to install them. “Once a large number of users have installed that application, they can try to offer services like advertising that will make money.” However, there remains the potential for victims to be directed to sites containing viruses and other malicious software.

It has, once again, raised the question of Facebook introducing an application vetting process, along the lines of Apple’s App Store system. Speaking to Newsbeat in March 2009, Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg rejected the idea. He said: “There will occasionally be some applications that people don’t like. “Our philosophy is that having an open system anyone can participate in is generally better.”

SAN FRANCISCO  Twitter can now let the world automatically know your whereabouts as well as your thoughts and activities.A new feature unveiled Thursday gives Twitter users the option of including their location with the assorted musings posted on the Internet messaging service.

Locations won’t be included unless users turn on the tracking tool. The technology, which shadows people through Web browsers, can be turned off at any time.Twitter is responding to the growing popularity of other Internet services, such as Foursquare, Gowalla and Loopt, that broadcast people’s locations. Facebook is expected to join the trend soon, too.Many of Twitter’s 73 million worldwide users already mention their location in their messages, or tweets. But that wastes precious space because tweets are limited to 140 characters.Location sharing is becoming so prevalent that a Web site called Please Rob Me recently launched as a reminder that burglars can mine the information to help pinpoint places where nobody’s home.Twitter is advising its users to be careful about when and how they use the new location tool.

Persuading people to share their locations could help Internet services sell more advertising to companies looking to sell products and services in certain neighborhoods at a specific time.Twitter’s tracking tool is designed to work seamlessly with two Web browsers: Chrome and Firefox 3.5. The Internet Explorer browser requires downloading Google Inc.’s Gears software.(AP)

Facebook and PayPal today announced a strategic partnership. With such cooperation, PayPal will become a key service in the field of advertising and Facebook development system. As part of the relationship, advertisers from around the world will be able to use PayPal to pay through Facebook Ads Facebook’s advertising tools. For entrepreneurs in the region where the payment process can be a difficult and expensive, the availability of payment options through PayPal makes it easy for advertisers. Especially small-scale international companies that do business on Facebook.

As an illustration only, this time Facebook has reached 400 million people with 70 per cent are users who live outside the United States. PayPal will also be a payment option for Facebook Credits, which is currently tested in several games and applications for Facebook. The purpose of Credits Facebook is allowing users to quickly they can buy virtual goods on Facebook. Including items from Facebook Gift Shop.

“We want to provide fast and reliable way to make payments to people who use Facebook as well as advertisers and application developers,” said Dan Levy, Director of Payment Operations Facebook, in his statement, February 19, 2010. “With the growth of our business, offers a variety of payment methods become increasingly important for advertisers who want to buy Facebook Ads,” said Levy. “Cooperation with PayPal, the world’s major players in the field of online payment allows all of this,” he said.

Simply, Levy said, the business is in the field of PayPal payment. “We allow travelers to send and receive money online in 24 currencies in 190 countries around the world,” said Osama Bedier, Vice President of Emerging Technology Platform and PayPal. “We have become part of the Facebook developer ecosystem,” Bedier said. “Now we are delighted to expand our partnership with Facebook directly related to helping advertisers grow their businesses and application developers,” he said.