Posts Tagged ‘social networking presence’

Mark Zuckerberg acknowledged that social networking site had made a mistake in protecting the confidentiality of its users and promised to immediately deal with it. Zuckerberg claimed responsibility for that mistake, through the exchange of electronic mail with the famous technology blogger Robert Scoble, who then disseminated through the permission of Zuckerberg’s personal page.

“I want to make sure that when this issue is resolved,” the sound of a message refers to Zuckerberg. “I know we have done a number of negligence, but ultimately I hope the service becomes more perfect, and people understand that our intentions are good, and we’re responding to feedback from the people we serve.”

Zuckerberg, the 26-year-old right on May 14 and said, Facebook will directly speak to the public this week regarding the modification of user privacy regulations. “We hold all enter and try to filter it down to the important things we wanted to continue to improve,” Zuckerberg wrote.

Saturday declared last week Facebook plans to simplify the control of the confidentiality of its users to ward off criticism over the years. Facebook considers users liked the new programs created in the “hotspot” The Internet is based in California but would like to facilitate the personal information that can be shared, via third party applications or pages. Features that were introduced last month including the ability of partners in the pages of data connected with Facebook, a move which will mean more and expand the social networking presence on the Internet. Facebook has been criticized exhausted by its users in the U.S., consumer protection groups, U.S. legislators and the European Union, concerning the new features mengumbar accused of confidentiality more than 400 million users.