Posts Tagged ‘South Korea’

Kim Jong Il

Kim Jong Il

SEOUL, South Korea  An American Christian missionary slipped into isolated North Korea on Christmas Day, shouting that he brought God’s love and carrying a letter urging leader Kim Jong Il to step down and free all political prisoners, an activist said.Robert Park, 28, crossed a poorly guarded stretch of the frozen Tumen River that separates North Korea from China, according to a member of the Seoul-based group Pax Koreana, which promotes human rights in the North. The group plans to release footage of the crossing Sunday, he said.”I am an American citizen. I brought God’s love. God loves you and God bless you,” Park reportedly said in fluent Korean as he crossed over Friday near the northeastern city of Hoeryong, according to the activist, citing two people who watched Park cross and filmed it. The activist spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation.No information has emerged about what happened next to Park, who is of Korean descent. The communist country’s state-run media was silent. The State Department and the U.S. Embassy in Beijing said they were aware of the incident but had no details.

“The U.S. government places the highest priority on the protection and welfare of American citizens,” said State Department spokesman Andrew Laine.The illegal entry could complicate Washington’s efforts to coax North Korea back to negotiations aimed at

its nuclear disarmament. Park’s crossing also comes just months after the country freed two U.S. journalists, who were arrested along the Tumen and sentenced to 12 years of hard labor for trespassing and “hostile acts.” They were released to former President Bill Clinton on a visit to the isolated country in August. North Korea and the United States do not have diplomatic relations.

Park, from Tucson, Ariz., carried a letter to North Korean leader Kim Jong Il calling for major changes to his totalitarian regime, according to the activist from Pax Koreana.”Please open your borders so that we may bring food, provisions, medicine, necessities, and assistance to those who are struggling to survive,” said the letter, according to a copy posted on the conservative group’s Web site. “Please close down all concentration camps and release all political prisoners today.”North Korea holds some 154,000 political prisoners in six large camps across the country, according South Korean government estimates. The North has long been regarded as having one of the world’s worst human rights records, but it denies the existence of prison camps.

The activist said Park, who he described as not belonging to Pax Koreana, also carried a separate written appeal calling for Kim to immediately step down, noting starvation, torture and deaths in North Korean political prison camps.North Korea’s criminal code punishes illegal entry with up to three years in prison. But that could be the least of the missionary’s problems in a country where defectors say dissent is swiftly wiped out and the regime sees all trespassers as potential spies.

Kim wields absolute power in the communist state of 24 million people where he and his late father – the country’s founder Kim Il Sung – are the object of an intense personality cult.Other activists said Park had become known over the last year in Seoul human rights circles. They suggested that his passion for helping North Koreans may have blinded him to the consequences of his actions.



SEOUL, South Korea’s military said Friday it was investigating a hacking attack that netted secret defense plans with the United States and may have been carried out by North Korea.The suspected hacking occurred late last month when a South Korean officer failed to remove a USB device when he switched a military computer from a restricted-access intranet to the Internet, Defense Ministry spokesman Won Tae-jae said.

The USB device contained a summary of plans for military operations by South Korean and U.S. troops in case of war on the Korean peninsula. Won said the stolen documents were not a full text of the operational plans, but about an 11-page document used to brief military officials.

Won said authorities have not ruled out the possibility that Pyongyang may have been involved in the hacking attack by using a Chinese IP address – the Web equivalent of a street address or phone number.

The Chosun Ilbo newspaper reported, citing the January edition of its sister magazine Monthly Chosun, that hackers used a Chinese IP address and that North Korea is suspected of involvement. The Monthly Chosun cited South Korea’s National Intelligence Service and Defense Security Command.

Yonhap news agency also reported the hackers used a Chinese IP address. It said the North’s involvement was not immediately confirmed, also citing military officials it did not identify.

Officials at the NIS – South Korea’s main spy agency – were not immediately available for comment.The U.S. stations 28,500 troops in South Korea to deter any potential North Korean aggression. The two Koreas have remained technically at war since the 1950-53 Korean War ended with an armistice, not a peace treaty.

“As a matter of policy, we do not comment on operational planning or intelligence matters, nor would we confirm details pertaining to any security investigation,” said David Oten, a spokesman for the U.S. military in Seoul.

The latest case came months after hackers launched high-profile cyberattacks that caused Web outages on prominent government-run sites in the U.S. and South Korea. Affected sites include those of the White House and the South’s presidential Blue House.

The IP address that triggered the Web attacks in July was traced back to North Korea’s Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, the chief of South Korean’s main spy agency reportedly told lawmakers, noting the ministry leased the IP address from China. The spy agency declined to confirm those reports at the time.

South Korean media reported at the time that North Korea runs an Internet warfare unit that tries to hack into U.S. and South Korean military networks to gather confidential information and disrupt service, and the regime has between 500 and 1,000 hacking specialists.

North Korea, one of the world’s most secretive countries, is believed to have a keen interest in information technology, while tightly controlling access for ordinary citizens.

south korea troops

south korea troops

KABUL  The Taliban has threatened to retaliate against South Korea for its decision to send troops back into Afghanistan, according to a statement e-mailed to media outlets.

South Korea has pledged to send 350 troops next year to protect its civilian aid workers, a move the Taliban charged violates a pledge in 2007 to withdraw permanently in exchange for the release of 19 hostages.

The 2007 pullout of the country’s 200 troops was previously planned, but followed closely after the hostage standoff. The Taliban killed two South Koreans after demanding Seoul immediately withdraw troops. South Korea has had no forces in Afghanistan since then.

South Korea’s leaders “should be prepared for the consequence of their action, which they will certainly face,” according to the statement sent late Wednesday from an e-mail address regularly used by the extremist Islamist group.”They had promised to withdraw their troops from Afghanistan and committed never to send soldiers to the country in future,” the statement said.

Officials from South Korea’s Defense Ministry and Joint Chiefs of Staff denied promising the Taliban that the country would never send troops to Afghanistan again. They spoke on condition of anonymity, citing department policy.