Posts Tagged ‘TechCrunch’

why is the founder and CEO of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg was so happy to wear hoodie (hooded jacket-ed)? Last week, when interviewed by Kara Swisher and Walt Mossberg of All Things Digital, at D8 conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif., Zuckerberg reveals ‘secret’ jacket. When bombarded with questions about privacy, Zuckerberg sweat profusely, so he took off his jacket’s hood.

It turns out that jacket Kara Swisher’s attention, because in the jacket are pictorial symbols and their circle of arrows leading to the six corners of the eyes of the wind direction. At the center of the six arrows, the Star of David emblem was formed. “What is this, if you follow a kind of devil worship,” says Kara Swisher looking at a jacket owned by Zuckerberg, quoted from SFWeekly site.

Logo on the jacket, Mark ZuckerbergSwisher also added that the picture on the jacket to remind him of illuminati symbol. While adding that the symbol was also presented on the face of the demon Beelzebub Jewish mythology. Zuckerberg himself have been known as a child of the family descended from Jewish-American couple, Edward and Karen Zuckerberg. Currently studying at the Harvard, the man who is now aged 26 years, also joined the Alpha Epsilon Pi, a Jewish fraternal organization.

However, according to the source of the SF Weekly, there has been no evidence strong enough that there is a kind of secret rituals conducted by a group of illuminati, in Facebook.Logo only be described as the unofficial mission statement of Facebook, because the writing on the picture to match what which is always emphasized by Zuckerberg. “Facebook, Making The World Open and Connected.” However, the jacket trigger horrendous. According to reports from TechCrunch, one of which also have the exact same jacket, via eBay auction.

“This is a limited edition, just owned by employees. I have given this jacket by one of the employees of Facebook, but now you can have,” said auctioneer this jacket on eBay. Until this news was revealed, these jackets are offered at U.S. $ 1.525

Android Dev Phone

Android Dev Phone

An image on the Android Dveloper site is apparently the HTC-made successor to the Android Dev Phone 1, and is already in the hands of select Google employees.Back in November Michael Arrington of Reported we would see a super-powered, Google-branded phone in early 2010. Arrington’s reports appear to be getting some serious confirmation as Google employees are tweeting they’re testing new devices running Android 2.1.

The new phone on Google’s site shows a Bravo-like HTC model labeled ADP 2 alongside the Android Dev Phone 1. Google offers no information about the ADP 2 on the site — just the image — but tweets indicate the phone Google staff is playing with is also a GSM-unlocked phone.

According to the tweets, the phone is made by HTC, has a trackball and a high-resolution OLED display, and is “like an iPhone on beautifying steroids.”

The phone’s hardware sounds to be an awful lot like the HTC Bravo (aka Passion/Dragon) that was featured in HTC’s leaked 2010 roadmap and captured in leaked photos back in October.

TechCrunch is confident the phone will launch in January and be sold directly by Google as an unlocked GSM phone. However, even if the phone is surfacing, direct sales are not confirmed.

Typically tweets should be taken with skepticism, but Google confirmed the existence of a test device that was handed out to employees, but could not release any specific details on the product. Here’s Google’s statement:

“We recently came up with the concept of a mobile lab, which is a device that combines innovative hardware from a partner with software that runs on Android to experiment with new mobile features and capabilities, and we shared this device with Google employees across the globe. This means they get to test out a new technology and help improve it.”

Fujitsu P1610 tablet

Fujitsu P1610 tablet

About 18 months ago, a technology blogger got fed up with the industry and forged an alliance with a start up to make his dream computer. It almost worked.The touch-screen “tablet” device will be available for pre-order Saturday – from the start up. The blogger is out of the picture, back to producing posts rather than PCs.But this is Michael Arrington, the often caustic front man of the Tech Crunch blog, and he’s determined not to let the story end there. He filed suit in federal court on Thursday, saying the $500 JooJoo tablet is the fruit of his Crunch Pad project.

For its part, start up Fusion Garage says Arrington’s contribution was minimal, and he didn’t manage to fulfill his commitments to the project. Tired of waiting for him to come through, the start up went ahead on its own.
The story begins in July 2008, when Arrington, one of Silicon Valley’s best-connected bloggers, posted a manifesto on Tech Crunch.”I’m tired of waiting – I want a dead simple and dirt cheap touch screen Web tablet to surf the Web,” wrote Arrington, calling for collaborators to step forward.

The post caught the attention of Chandrasekhar Rathakrishnan, the young founder of Fusion Garage, which had been working for a few months on software that might power such a tablet. Like Arrington, Rathakrishnan envisioned a system that was based on a Web browser rather than a desktop operating system such as Windows. That would allow the tablet to start up quickly and would keep hardware requirements – and thus costs – down.

In September 2008, Rathakrishnan tracked Arrington down after a conference. Arrington agreed that Fusion Garage’s software might solve part of his tablet puzzle, and said he’d want to acquire Fusion Garage. Arrington said they settled on Fusion Garage owning 35 percent of a joint Crunch Pad venture.

“I thought that was exciting. Here we had the guy who had a blog with a lot of reach, suggesting we’re something exciting,” said Rathakrishnan, now 29 years old. “I know how hard building hardware is, how much money you need for that. Having Arrington by our side (would) help us get there faster.”

Between September 2008 and February 2009, the new partners worked on a prototype designed by Crunch Pad’s small team and a circle of consultants, running Fusion Garage’s software.

From here, the stories diverge and the partnership of two scrappy entrepreneurs sours.

Rathakrishnan said in an interview that looking at the February CrunchPad prototype made him think twice about the project.

“It looks like a tablet built in 2000. It is huge, it doesn’t look like it could go to market,” he said. “That’s when we realized this is not going to go where he thought it would go.”

Rathakrishnan said Fusion Garage went back to the drawing board and designed a new prototype with a better touch screen and new software, and brought it to Arrington in April.

By Arrington’s account, for the next three months Rathakrishnan worked out of TechCrunch’s office. Arrington said his team was working on the hardware, talking to potential suppliers, and working directly with Rathakrishnan’s team on the software and user interface. There was no formal contract in place, despite Arrington’s past career as a lawyer, but he was comfortable with the arrangements worked out verbally and over e-mail.

“Did his team do most of the work? Sure. But we were paying a lot of the bills,” Arrington said, estimating Crunch Pad spent between $300,000 and $400,000 for parts and to help build prototypes.

Crunch Pad employees also went to Singapore and Taiwan to work with Fusion Garage and the manufacturers working on the tablet, Arrington said.Arrington had also been in touch with Ron Conway, a seasoned angel investor in the valley who made early bets on companies like Google, Facebook and Twitter.

In an interview, Conway said he put together a small group of investors ready to raise $1 million to $2 million to be used for the first manufacturing run of the CrunchPad. He said was on call all summer, just waiting for Arrington to say the product was ready to go.

Rathakrishnan remembers these months much differently. He said Crunch Pad’s team didn’t contribute a line of code or a dollar of funding. There was never agreement on the terms of an acquisition. Rathakrishnan said he was bewildered that neither the funding nor the buyout deal Arrington promised were materializing, and so he and Fusion Garage were the ones out raising money and finding manufacturing partners.

In late November, the tablet computer was almost ready to make its debut when the project dramatically imploded. It’s impossible to say now what, exactly, went down between the two sides, but Arrington wrote in a Nov. 30 post on TechCrunch that Fusion Garage and its investors had suddenly decided to dump the Crunch Pad team and sell the product on their own, even though Arrington believed neither side owned rights to the product.

Rathakrishnan gave a live press conference by Web video Monday to refute Arrington’s version of the story and to introduce the JooJoo.

Since then, he’s taken the device on a whirlwind tour to show it off to gadget bloggers and technology journalists. The 12.1-inch tablet-style computer boots up into a screen of shortcuts to popular Web services like Facebook and Twitter, boasts a 5-hour battery life and faithfully plays back high-definition video.The device is reminiscent of a giant iPod Touch – something Apple Inc. itself is rumored to be working on.

While Rathakrishnan was showing off the JooJoo, Arrington’s lawyers filed suit in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California to keep Fusion Garage from ever selling it. Arrington says he doesn’t think Fusion Garage has enough money to build the device; Rathakrishnan said he’s on the verge of closing a round of funding not just for the JooJoo, but for follow-up devices.

The drama has cast a pall over what Rathakrishnan had hoped would be a successful launch. But the relationship with the blog, particularly now that it’s turned into a high-tech divorce case, has generated far more buzz than Fusion Garage could have hoped for had it tried to build and launch such a gadget on its own.