Posts Tagged ‘Twitter Inc’

RhiannaUnpleasant news hit singer Rhianna. Rising singer is reportedly died. The news about Rhianna’s death talked about in the social networking Twitter.Social networking site’s splashy discuss Rhianna has died in a car accident in Melrose Place.The news was then distributed, and a warm conversation. Various comments were popping up because of the presence of these issues. Many who do not believe the news of the death of Chris Brown’s ex-boyfriend.

They think it’s just mere hoax.This is what is written in one of the twitter fan of Rhianna. # In fact died a Hoax Rhianna news. Who died was not Rhianna but his fans.While in a foreign sites that proclaim there is no news about the death of Rhianna. In a foreign site that just told Rhianna’s desire to adopt children because of fear of childbirth.Currently it reportedly Rhianna-incessant incessantly promote new single ‘Rock star 101’. Video clip of the song will be aired simultaneously for today.Since cases of abuse made against singer Chris Brown’s ‘Umbrella’ it’s time to vacuum from the world of music. Now, Rhianna wants to re-prove its existence in the world music stage. And he thinks it is time to pound the world music scene.

BEIJING  Wan Yanhai is used to harassment by authorities, but the unwanted attention got steadily worse this year for the founder of a prominent Chinese AIDS advocacy group. Authorities ordered the group’s anniversary celebration canceled, sent commercial regulators and tax inspectors to visit its offices, and had police interrupt his talk at a university.Finally, after dozens of intimidating phone calls from police in a single day, Wan fled to America via Hong Kong last Thursday with his wife and child.

His departure illustrates the toll that relentless official harassment takes on activists in China, even those working on issues such as AIDS that are recognized by the government as legitimate concerns.”The attacks from the government had become very serious for my organization and for me personally,” Wan said Monday by phone from Philadelphia, where he and his family are staying with a friend. “I had concerns about my personal safety and was under a lot of stress.”

“When I am in China, the authorities look at me like I am a bird in a cage. They say, ‘If you don’t listen to me, then I will eat you,'” Wan said. “But after I leave the country, they will see me in a new light because I am no longer in their cage.”

In recent months, Beijing has been tightening its control over the operations of independent groups and activists that are seen by the Communist leadership as threats to the government’s authority. A renowned women’s rights organization was shuttered last month, while over the weekend, two lawyers who represented a member of an outlawed spiritual movement were banned from practicing law for life.

In March, the government decided to regulate overseas donations to aid groups, a move that has squeezed the funding of organizations like Wan’s Beijing-based Aizhixing Institute, which offers legal advice to people with HIV and campaigns against discrimination.

The rule says groups such as Aizhixing must show proof that overseas nonprofit donor groups are registered in their home countries and strictly follow detailed agreements with foreign donors on how donated funds are spent.”Funding became a major problem for us after that,” Wan said.He said police interrupted a March talk he was due to give to the Southern China Science and Industry University on sexual orientation and mental health. He said he later heard that a notice had been sent to universities nationwide telling them not to invite him to speak.Finally, on April 23, he received dozens of phone calls from police about an event to train lawyers on how to use new social media, Wan said.

Two days after the phone calls, he and his wife left Beijing for Guangzhou in the south.”To be honest, I was becoming very worried. I felt like if we had acted slower, it would not have been good,” he said. The family decided to leave during a business trip to neighboring Hong Kong.

“Before we left, we didn’t tell a lot of people,” he said. “We waited until Thursday evening after we got to Hong Kong, bought the flight tickets and passed through the security checks at the airport before we called a few friends.”At Aizhixing’s office in Beijing on Monday, a staffer who handles media inquiries said employees only learned about Wan’s departure from media reports.”I’m a little bit surprised and also a bit nervous,” said the woman, who refused to give her name due to the sensitivity of the issue. “We’re still working on several projects here and we haven’t got time to discuss it.”

In recent years, China’s government has made huge strides in openly addressing the spread of HIV, but it is deeply suspicious of independent activists, and Wan has one of the highest profiles among those working on AIDS in China.Wan, a former Health Ministry official, founded the Aizhixing Institute in 1994 to raise awareness and fight discrimination. Among its most significant and politically sensitive work was the publicizing of the spread of AIDS in the 1990s among villagers in central China’s Henan province, where people who sold blood were re-injected with pooled blood after buyers had removed important components.

Wan has been detained for up to weeks at a time by authorities, but never formally convicted under China’s loosely defined sedition laws.Aizhixing’s advocacy alone was enough to make authorities view Wan with suspicion, said Kin-man Chan, director of the Center for Civil Society Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Chan said Wan had given a talk at the research center last Wednesday about the challenges non-governmental organizations faced in China, but had not mentioned plans to leave the country.”I feel very sad that people like Wan Yanhai have to leave. I feel very, very disappointed,” Chan said.”If you don’t allow these NGOs to represent those disadvantaged groups and voice out their grievances, then people might at the end of the day take some isolated, more radical actions to express their disappointment,” Chan said.

Wan said he and his wife have yearlong business visas for the U.S. and have no long-term plan yet. In the coming days, he hopes to meet with international organizations to discuss ways to cooperate on projects and for funding.

Wan’s move was met with support by Chinese activists, many of whom posted messages on Twitter, although some also expressed regret at his departure and worries about the future of his organization.”I empathize with Wan’s feelings. Although I feel a little regret toward his decision, still, I fully understand and wish them a happy life,” said Zeng Jingyan, whose husband Hu Jia is serving a 3 1/2-year jail term for sedition.(AP)

AriZona Iced TeaWOODBURY, N.Y., April 29 The manufacturers of AriZona Iced Tea released a statement saying their headquarters is in New York, not Arizona, to head off boycott talk.Don Vultaggio, founder of the beverage company, released a statement Wednesday asking people not to project their anger about Arizona’s new law — which gives police the right to demand citizenship papers from anyone suspected of being an illegal immigrant — onto his company, the New York Daily News reported Thursday.

“AriZona Beverages proudly traces its origins back to New York,” Vultaggio said. “In 1992, two hardworking guys from Brooklyn with a dream created AriZona Iced Tea.””Since then … we have remained loyal to our family-run business based in New York. For the last 16 years, our headquarters have remained on Long Island,” he said.

Comedian George Lopez joked on Twitter this week that he “went to buy an AriZona Iced Tea — they asked me for my documentation. So I bought HORCHATA instead!”Company officials replied on Twitter Thursday: “We’re BIG fans! Just wanted to let you know that AriZona is and always has been a NY company and would (heart) to send you some tea!”(UPI)

olivia boereeAs a model, TV presenter and astrophysics graduate, there are many strings to Liv Boeree’s bow But now she can add a new one   poker ace The 25-year-old brunette beat 1,240 contestants at a major tournament to win a cool £1.1millionShe paid only 500 euros to enter the European Poker Tour and scooped the life-changing sum with just a pair of fives, seeing off a tough professional rival.

Beautiful women university graduates in the UK has won more than one million pounds  in a poker tournament in San Remo, Italy. Olivia Boeree, 25, became the third woman ever to win the European Poker tour (EPT) and capable of beating 1240 other players and reached 1.25 million Euros fantastic prizes.

Olivia, whose nickname is Liv, who majored in astrophysics at the University of Manchester, admitted could not believe it when the beat Jakob Carlsson, a Swedish professional poker player. “I can hardly believe it can overcome the most difficult situations in my life. EPT tournaments I’ve won, and won a fantastic prize,” he said. “Unbelievable, I am a scientist but could win the EPT tournament. It’s really a strange feeling,” she wrote on her Twitter page.

In addition to the nickname, she also has a popular name Iron Maiden. This name at Liv, because his favorite types of heavy metal music. Liv never took part in a reality show on Channel 5. While electric guitar, he sang songs of heavy metal.After leaving university, she took part in, and won, a number of TV game shows. Following one appearance, she was approached by Channel 4 and invited to audition for Carol Vorderman’s spot on Countdown.

olivia boereeShe didn’t get the job, but her big break came when she was asked to take part in a Channel 5 programme called Ultimate Poker Showdown and was taught to play the game that has made her a millionaireSince then, she has worked as a TV presenter on poker channels, hosted an MTV heavy metal music awards programme and modelled for men’s magazines Loaded and Maxim, as well as appearing on the covers of gambling magazinesOver the past three years, she estimates she has won a total of £1.8million in tournaments across Europe, Australia and America, and is now ranked ninth in the league of top poker players.

The biggest prize ever won when the prize was given 30 000 Pounds Eupean Ladies tournament. Liv’s total revenues from various tournament that followed around 1.3 Million Ponds (USD 17 Billion). Currently only one dream Liv, EPT tournament in Monte Carlo. Prize money will be invested to purchase the property. “I will invest to buy a property in Las Vegas and London. I really like with these two cities,” he said.

She claims her best weapon against opponents is her trademark ‘Liv Stare’, which she uses to rattle their nerves.Despite her success, she still lives at home in Milstead, a small village near Sittingbourne, Kent, with her mother Elaine Cross, 54, who runs a business selling suitcases and handbags, and stepfather Tony Cross, 53, a retired police constable.

olivia boereeMrs Cross said: ‘She’s not really a gambler, that’s the irony of it. She’s very sensible and extremely careful with her money.’She added that her daughter had a ‘ mathematical brain and an incredible poker face’, saying: ‘I don’t play her at Scrabble any more. She’s very competitive, she always has to win.’Miss Boeree’s father, publisher Chris Boeree, 60, said: ‘She looks a million dollars and other players must be fazed by her.’

WASHINGTON  President Barack Obama’s spokesman says the Internet’s Twitter site is an “amazing tool” and a “fabulous medium.”White House press secretary Robert Gibbs says Twitter also challenges him to boil his thoughts down to 140 characters, the maximum allowed on Twitter postings.In an interview broadcast Sunday on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” Gibbs says Twitter allows him to reach not just reporters but tens of thousands of people curious about what Obama is doing.(AP)

Stormy DanielsNEW ORLEANS Louisiana-born porn star Stormy Daniels announced Thursday that she will not run for U.S. Senate in her home state, ending a yearlong flirtation with politics that began as Republican incumbent Sen. David Vitter was working to overcome a sex scandal.In an e-mailed statement, Daniels said she cannot afford a run for the Senate and, comparing herself to former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, complained that the media never took her interest in the race seriously.

“To begin with, like Governor Palin, I have become a target of the cynical stalwarts of the status quo,” Daniels said. “Simply because I did not fit in their mold of what an independent working woman should be, the media and political elite have sought to relegate my sense of civic responsibility to mere sideshow antics.”

Daniels recently declared herself a convert to the GOP with a press release making light of news that the Republican National Committee had picked up a nearly $2,000 tab at a sex-themed California nightclub. But her political publicity has been handled by Democratic operative Brian Welsh.

If nothing else, a Daniels campaign for the Republican nomination would have been a constant reminder of the 2007 scandal that broke when Vitter’s phone number appeared in the records of a Washington prostitution ring. Other than admitting a “serious sin,” he has steadfastly refused to discuss the matter.

Meanwhile, his political career seems to have survived intact. He has raised plenty of campaign money while bashing the policies of President Barack Obama, who is not popular in the state.

At the end of last year, Vitter had about $4.5 million in campaign cash, compared with about $2 million for his Democratic rival, U.S. Rep. Charlie Melancon. Updated campaign finance reports for the first quarter of this year were due Thursday at the Federal Election Commission. The Vitter campaign released a summary of the latest report showing more than $5 million on hand as of March 31, with $1.1 million raised and more than $618,000 spent during the quarter.

Vitter may yet gain another well-known rival because former Republican state legislator James David Cain has said he may enter the race as an independent. Vitter so far has no major opposition in the GOP primary.

Daniels (real name Stephanie Clifford) said during a listening tour last spring that she decided to explore a possible campaign after fans tried to draft her in light of Vitter’s troubles.

“I completely ignored the whole thing for a while, and then I just got so much encouragement and feedback that I thought at the very least I owe it to myself and to the people to come out and see what they have to say,” Daniels said at the time.

An exploratory committee incorporated last year solicited funds through the Web site, but because Daniels never became a candidate, she was not required to report finances to the FEC.

The TeamStormy site has not been updated in months, nor have there been any posts on the TeamStormy Twitter account as of midday Thursday. On another Twitter site, Daniels has made no mention of the possible campaign, but has continued to promote her adult films and personal appearances – including one this week in Raleigh, N.C.

Her political story took a bizarre turn last summer when she was arrested on a domestic violence battery charge after she allegedly hit her husband at their home in Tampa, Fla., during a dispute about laundry and unpaid bills. Charges later were dropped.

Her arrest came two days after Welsh, the Democratic operative, said his parked 1996 Audi was damaged by fire outside his apartment in an upscale downtown area of New Orleans. She didn’t say much about her campaign after that until her announcement earlier this month that she was becoming a Republican.

Daniels accused Vitter of financing his campaign with special interest money but said she still might support him if he goes along with her proposal to abolish the Internal Revenue Service and the federal income tax in favor of a “fair tax” plan that includes a national sales tax.(AP)

Micro-blogging service Twitter can be used to predict the future box-office takings of blockbuster films, according to researchers at Hewlett Packard (HP).The computer scientists studied 3 million messages – known as tweets – about 25 movies, including Avatar. They found the rate at which messages were produced could be used to accurately predict the box office takings before the film opened. Further analysis of the content of the messages could predict ongoing success.

“Our predictions were incredibly close,” Bernardo Huberman, head of the social computing lab at HP, told BBC News.For example, he said, the system predicted that zombie film The Crazies would take $16.8m in its first weekend in the US. It actually took $16.06m. The team forecast that romantic drama Dear John would take $30.71m in its first US weekend. It took $30.46m. The unpublished research has been posted on the Arxiv website.

Social sentiment

The team were able to make their first-weekend revenue predictions by analysing the torrent of tweets about a particular film in the run up to its release. “We developed algorithms to analyse these tweets and measure the rate at which they were produced, said Dr Huberman. “Our intuition was that the faster people tweet, the more likely they are to go and see it.”

The teams were then able to forecast the ongoing success of a film, including its second weekend revenues, by doing what is known as sentiment analysis. This analyses the content of tweets and decides whether it is positive, negative or neutral. “It’s tapping into collective intelligence,” said Dr Huberman, who carried out the work with Sitaram Asur, also of HP.

The team trained their system using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, an online tool that pays people to perform small tasks that computers would struggle to complete. “We got people to classify tweets and we used that to calibrate the sentiment analysis,” explained Dr Huberman. Again, the system tracked the fortunes of movies and outperformed other predictive systems such as the Hollywood Stock Exchange, he said.

For example, analysis showed a boom in positive sentiment about the Oscar-nominated The Blind Side after it was released, but showed the opposite effect for New Moon, which initially sold well but rapidly lost viewers. “Word of mouth builds audience,” said Jan Saxton, vice president and senior films analyst at Adams Media Research. She highlighted the film My Big fat Greek Wedding, which she said became the “film of the year” in 2002 by recommendations.

“If word of mouth becomes a faster, more effective marketing tool, then the effect on the movie business could be profound.” Both Dr Huberman and Ms Saxton said that the demographic of Twitter – which tends to be young, tech-savvy and reasonably affluent – may limit the utility of the system for analysis of some trends, such as those aimed at children.

However, Dr Huberman believes it could be of use in forecasting other trends, such as how well a gadget or product will sell. Elements such as sentiment analysis are also being used by other groups. For example, it is being used by an organisation called Tweetminster to monitor the UK general election to work out whether online buzz correlates with the winners.

A 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck northwest Mexico's Baja California state Sunday

Posted: April 5, 2010 in breaking news
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A 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck northwest Mexico’s Baja California state Sunday, rattling Arizona and southern California, and leaving at least two dead and more than 100 injured in Mexico, authorities saidAt least one person was killed in a building collapse in Mexicali, Mexico, according to the assistant director of civil protection in Tijuana.

The other victim died when he ran from his residence into the street and was hit by a car, said Alfredo Escobedo, Baja state’s director of civil protection.

More than 140 people were treated at local hospitals, including five who were in critical condition, said Rigaberto Lasoya, medical coordinator for the state of Baja. Some were being treated outside because there’s no electricity and water at the main hospital, Lasoya said.

All injuries are concentrated in Mexicali, officials said.In California and Arizona, there were no immediate reports of injuries and only limited reports of damages.The quake struck at 3:40 p.m. (6:40 p.m. ET) about 110 miles east-southeast of Tijuana, Mexico, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Pictures from Mexicali, a major metropolitan area and the capital of Mexico’s Baja California state, showed sides ripped off buildings, telephone poles toppled, roads cracked and supermarket aisles strewn with food that had fallen off shelves.

The entire city has lost power, according to Alan Sandoval, Tijuana’s assistant director of civil protection Water splashes out of San Diego, California,Residents across Southern California and Arizona reported serious ground shakes.”We have not felt a shake like that since about 1979,” Michelle Tapia told CNN from Brawley, California, approximately 23 miles north of the Mexican border. Pots clang in San Diego, California, homeJoe Madison was shopping at a Wal-Mart in Palm Springs, California, when he felt the earthquake.”I felt the entire store move, and people went running for the exits,” he said.Madison said people gathered outside in the parking lot until the shaking stopped.”We felt it for about 30 seconds. It was rolling,” San Diego County sheriff’s Lt. Scott Ybarrondo told CNN. “Nothing fell off the walls here, but we have reports of pictures falling off walls elsewhere in the county.”

The quake was the largest in the Baja California area since 1992, the USGS Damage in a bookstore in Palm Desert, CaliforniaThe 1992 quake, which struck in Landers, California, triggered an earthquake the next day in Nevada and another quake 11 days later in Southern California, according to USGS seismologist Lucy Jones. Both were 5.7 magnitude quakes.

Jones said Sunday’s quake also could trigger others in the coming days, though she said the relatively quiet hours after Sunday’s quake make other big quakes less likely.There have been three large aftershocks so far, including one that registered a 5.5 magnitude, and other smaller temblors, USGS said.Chandeliers swung and water sloshed around in swimming pools in the Los Angeles suburbs, witnesses reported, while posters to Twitter reported feeling the quake in Phoenix, Arizona.

Capt. Steve Ruda, a spokesman for the Los Angeles city fire department, said there were isolated power outages and a few people reported trapped in elevators, but no injuries or structural damage were reported.Nine minutes after the Mexico quake, a magnitude 4.1 quake rattled windows in Santa Rosa, north of San Francisco. No damage was reported there, and Susan Potter, a USGS geophysicist, told CNN that was a separate quake from the one that struck in the Baja California desert.The USGS initially reported that the Baja California quake had a 6.9 magnitude. The USGS upgraded the quake about an hour later.

A 6.9 earthquake occured in San Diego6.9 earthquake hit the San Diego area around 3:45pm today, according to It is unclear what kind of damage was done, if any, but it is the third quake to hit with an epicenter in Baja, California this afternoon. Smaller aftershocks also occurred before and after the bigger jolt.
A 3.3 and 4.3 earthquake happened within a half hour of the biggest quake, and news sources are just starting to break the news about the big quake. Apparently the rattle lasted about 12 seconds, and Twitter was blowing up with people commenting on the rumble.

There were a few minor quakes in the San Francisco Bay Area today as well, but with magnitudes of less than 3.0. According to reports, today’s San Diego jolt occurred (16 miles) SSW of Guadalupe Victoria, Baja California, Mexico. The hypocentral depth was 20 miles, according to

Tens of thousands of protesters converged on Bangkok’s shopping district on Saturday, forcing major retailers to close while accusing authorities of neglecting the poor on the 21st day of a mass rally seeking snap elections.Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva’s embattled government deployed 50,000 soldiers, police and other security personnel in the city after caravans of the anti-government, red-shirted protesters travelled from rural areas to the Thai capital.At least half a dozen shopping malls including Central World — the second-largest shopping complex in Southeast Asia — shut their doors in response to protests and threats by the “red shirts” to stay overnight in the usually bustling area popular with tourists and Bangkok’s upper and middle classes.”We cannot let Mr. Abhisit rule the country any longer,” Jatuporn Prompan, a “red shirt” leader, told the crowd.

“It is time for the under-privileged to liberate themselves from the oppression made by the elite-backed government. It is time for the elite-supported government to dissolve parliament.

Thousands also rallied outside state-controlled broadcasters Radio Thailand and Channel 11, accusing them of bias.

Backed by Thailand’s powerful military and royalist establishment, Abhisit has said a peaceful poll now would be difficult given the tensions and has offered to dissolve parliament in December, a year early.The mostly rural and urban poor protesters are demanding immediate elections and threatening more protests in coming days, extending a mass street rally that began on March 14 when up to 150,000 “red shirts” converged on Bangkok’s old quarter.

Analysts say British-born Abhisit would likely lose an election if it were held now, raising investment risks in Southeast Asia’s second-biggest economy following a $1.6 billion surge of foreign investment in Thai stocks over the past month on expectations Abhisit will survive the showdown.Adding to the tension, more than 1,000 people who oppose the protesters held their own rally on Friday, donning pink shirts and saying the “red shirts” were unreasonable.


The “red shirts,” supporters of twice-elected and now fugitive former premier Thaksin Shinawatra, say Abhisit has no popular mandate and came to power illegitimately, heading a coalition the military cobbled together after courts dissolved a pro-Thaksin party that led the previous government.

Abhisit counters that he was voted into office by the same parliament that picked his two Thaksin-allied predecessors.Thaksin was widely seen as authoritarian and corrupt before his ouster in a 2006 coup, but remains a powerful symbol as the first Thai civilian leader to reach out to the poor in his 2001 election campaign with populist policies such as cheap loans.

The “red shirts” chafe at what they say is the unelected elite preventing Thaksin’s allies from returning to power.The 60-year-old former telecommunications tycoon is believed to be a big source of funds for the protests and has harnessed new technology from social networking site Twitter to web-cams — to rally supporters from self-imposed exile, mostly in Dubai.Convicted of corruption in 2008 and sentenced in absentia to prison, his status as fugitive restricts his travel. Some countries, including Britain and Germany, have banned him.

Analysts say regardless of the outcome, the mass rallies mark a turning point in a country where the richest 20 percent of the population earn about 55 percent of the income while the poorest fifth get 4 percent, according to November World Bank study.That income disparity is among Asia’s widest, it showed.”The fact that this many people were mobilized for so long shows the sea change in Thai politics,” said Chris Baker, a political analyst who has written several books on Thai politics.The “red shirts” have tapped an under-current of frustration, added prominent Thai political historian Charnvit Kasertsiri.

“What the leaders say strikes a chord, whether it be double-standard of treatment, problems with the justice system, or lack of access and opportunities for a better life,” he said.Analysts say both sides want to be in power in October for an annual military reshuffle and the passing of the national budget.The budget gives the government room to roll out welfare policies to court rural voters whose discontent is at the heart of the protests and who now back the Thaksin-allied opposition Puea Thai Party. It also gives whoever is in power a chance to allocate money to the powerful military and ministries.The military reshuffle allows the government to promote allies in an institution that yields tremendous influence in a country that has seen 24 coups and attempted coups since 1932.(Reuters)