Posts Tagged ‘Xinhua’

China still not escape the bad weather disasters that befall their region lately. Mud landslides that occurred in Sichuan Province is reported to have killed five people and trapping 500 others.This disaster is preceded by heavy rain that lashed since Thursday, August 12th at midnight local time in Mianzhu. This region is known as an area suffering the most severe damage when an earthquake occurred in 2008 ago.

While these results break landslide mud transport and communications lines that connect the region. The government itself has sent rescue teams to evacuate the survivors was due to landslides. Similarly Xinhua reported on Friday (13/08/2010).This latest disaster to be a slap to China, after more than a thousand people were killed in the city in Gansu province Zhouqu mud when landslides swept a village last week. This disaster also occurred after heavy rains hit the area.

Brasilia  In Brazil, more women than men holds a doctorate in 2008 according to a study issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Wednesday.Women constitute the majority of those who complete the thesis, namely as much as 51.5 percent in 2008, according to the study, as cited by Xinhua, Oana.

“This is a big improvement, considering that in Japan the percentage of disabled women doctorates only 25 percent and 33 percent in Belgium,” said Minister of Science and Technology, Sergio Rezende, in conveying the results of these studies.The study, titled “Doctors in 2010: Demographic Studies of the Brazilian Technical Scientific Base” indicates the number of people with doctorates in Brazil increased from 2830 in 2006 to 10 705 in 2008, an increase of 278 percent over 12 years. Since 2004, women have become the majority of residents who holds a doctorate.

Based on the research, most citizens of Brazil who holds a doctorate work in the field of education (76.77 percent), followed in the public sector (11.06 percent), professional activities related to science and technology (3.78 percent) and health sector (3 percent).”Most of the doctor who graduated in the last fifteen years working in universities, but an increase in labor (with a doctorate) in the manufacturing industry,” said Rezende.(AFP)

BEIJING accompanied by a massive storm that hit China’s heavy rain this week, causing 51 people lost their lives. While tens of thousands of other residents at risk of losing their homes.As reported by Xinhua, Friday (7/5/2010), extreme weather that hit most of southern China from Wednesday to Thursday this week, causing approximately 190 people injured and 11 others reported missing.

Areas most affected this storm is Chongqing. In these cities 29 citizens were reported killed, while storms also destroyed the storm and uproot trees. Not only that, the storm also caused the road is filled with water and resulted in a landslide.

According to the Ministry of Civil China, more than 70 thousand citizens of Chongqing were displaced from their homes due to fierce storm that destroyed home residents.China’s government estimates that economic losses due to hurricanes in Chongqing this figure touched 420 this yuan.experienced by more than 30 million people in Chongqing

Yushu, Qinghai Several aid officials of China have rescued a 68-year-old man who had been trapped for 100 hours under the rubble of collapsed buildings caused by the earthquake.As reported Xinhua, the old man was rescued at around 11:00 local time Sunday in a Small Town Gyegu, Qinghai Province, and his condition seemed to stabilize, said several officials. The man was taken to hospital.Miracles happen when the government said the number of fatalities increased by an earthquake which devastated the so 1484 people.

Until Saturday at 17:00 local time, the quake – which shook the Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai, 07:49 pm Wednesday – have been injured 12,088, which is 1.394 of them were badly injured.Meanwhile, most of the victims in Yushu have shelter in tents and get makana, clean water and other basic needs, said an official at the Ministry of Public Affairs in Beijing.Victims who suffer injuries and illness can be separated, said Director of the Department of Disaster Assistance in the Ministry of the Zou-tse, in a briefing in Beijing on Sunday.(AFP)

Qinghai, The number of victims who died in the earthquake that shook the region of Tibet, Qinghai province, northeast China, on Saturday (17/4/2010) rose to 1144 people and 400 others still missing.Government of China is ready to cremate hundreds of victims of the earthquake on Saturday in Tibet to reduce the risk of disease outbreaks.”The death toll from an earthquake 6.9 on the Richter scale on Wednesday in Qinghai province has increased to 1144 people were killed,” said state news agency Xinhua.

Currently the government continues to struggle to get aid and supplies to thousands of people lost their homes.An AFP reporter saw hundreds of bodies lying on the floor of a Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Jiegu.Locals said their bodies would be cremated on Saturday morning. The death toll is expected to increase.